Thursday, May 29, 2008

Leads | 19

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

The Law Of Attraction. Your primary dominate thoughts according to the late Earl Nightingale are what you will become. What ever you focus on you will attract. When you think about it, those are pretty awesome statements. Don’t be afraid of your thoughts thinking oh my gosh, I don’t want that. Don’t worry, you have an internal guidance system that will keep you in control. Remember, if you are angry or frustrated you are not thinking right. Focus on your goal. Keep moving in the direction of your goal. Correct what you are able to correct and get counsel on the things that you can’t control or think you can‘t control. Sometimes you can control things by just ignoring them. That may not be easy to do, but for your peace of mind it may be the thing to do. Remember that baby that doesn’t know that he can’t walk. He just knows that he is going to. Here you see the laws of success come in to play, determination, persistence, practice, doing. Finally the day comes when that little guy just takes off walking. He knew he could. It took him almost a year but through practice and determination he focused on walking and made it. He never once put a time limit on himself. Another law of success is persistence. Keep at it. I might add, winners never quit, and quitters never win.

With all that said, why is the MLM industry such a gigantic failure? After many decades they are still failing at a consistent rate. The individual failures hover at about 95 percent plus. That appears to me to be that the best successful thing that MLM companies produce are failures. When I realized that those figures were true it made me really mad. All these years of being lied to and not to mention stolen time and money and garages, spare rooms, basements, full of unsold products. Products that I didn’t want or really need. I want you to know that is was not you that failed, it was the MLM industry failed you.

There is a better way, check it out. It’s Good Business. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO as he tells you about buying customers instead of leads. That’s right, you can buy customers instead of leads and build a viable money producing business in a short time; however it does take time. When you look at the statistics, work, and cost of leads not to mention the frustration of working with people that don’t know you, and don’t want to know you, you will find that purchasing customers is less costly and not at all frustrating.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

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