Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who Owns The Federal Reserve Bank? | 081

Is your home based business safe from the predators in our system that are out to steal you rights, income, and property. It’s time for you to learn who your enemies are. They are not on the outside, they are within. When the jerks at Capital Hill get together they are so busy pointing their finger that they forget that when they do that they are pointing 3 fingers at themselves. It is imperative that you learn this bit of history so that our people can be told and they can prevent these mistakes from happening again. It’s time to shut the cookie jar and make those people do their job right or be fired or jailed.

The Banksters are at it. Keep your pockets buttoned, zipped, and locked up. The snakes are wiggling and this group of snakes have a very loud hiss and rattle. It’s time for the sleeping giant to awaken and clean up that mess in DC. Let’s see we could arm them and let them have a shoot out. The movie industry could really make out on this, if they have any writers left. How do you suppose they will portray what’s happening in our government? Do you suppose that they might have Bush and Cheney tarred and feathered and rode out of town on a donkey? Possibly congressmen and senators hanging from those famous cherry trees planted on the capital grounds many years ago. That would make nice Christmas decorations to observe the birth of the Federal Reserve and the IRS in December of 1913.

To resolve their problem Congress really needs to implement the money system as laid out in the US Constitution that they put away in December of 1913. In order for you to really understand this you need to study an article written by Sheldon Emry many years ago called Billions For The Bankers, Debts For The People. It’s only a couple pages long but packed with the truth about the Federal Reserve which is not Federal but a very privately owned bank. It’s time to hold those people accountable to do the job that they have been elected to do. The big problem is they have become the fat cats along with the special interest fat cats. They are like a giant tumor killing its host.

It’s time you found out who it is that is responsible for this demonic system of slavery. Just a very little research will reveal names of people and the alphabet soup of the multiple groups that are involved in the destruction of this great nation and people. After you find out who they are, then you can establish a home based business and dedicate yourself to the eradication of this cancer. The links at the end of this article are there for that purpose. Just click on them and enter into the future home based business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Home Based Business | 080

Schooling and education is a lifelong process. As long as you are in good health and can think clearly, you are meant to learn things. Things of themselves are not good or bad, it’s what you do with what you learn that counts. I am an old man of 77 and every day I learn new things in my home based business. I work daily on my computer and I have a garden nursery that has something going on every day, and I learn from it.

For example, I am investigating the possibility of plant reproduction via the method of cell reproduction. This is the ability to take living cells from the desired plant that you want to reproduce and develop into many hundreds and even thousands of plants that are an exact replica of the parent plant. It takes knowledge and skill to be able to do this.

I am also in the process about learning how to raise Plumeria Frangipani which is the Hawaiian flower that the Hawaiians use to make their leis. There are over a hundred varieties that are very beautiful and so far I have three varieties making a total of about a dozen plants. I hope to have more within a year or so. However I find that the normal reproduction of this plant is extremely slow and at my age I need to speed it up.

As far as my computer business is concerned I write and this article is a product of that work. Then I ask people like you if you would like to join me in a home based business enterprise. You can see what it is all about by clicking on those links at the bottom of this article.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Money III And The History Of Yap | 079

You may be wondering what in the world does a remote island of Yap have to do with a home based business and money. I think you will find this article quite interesting. Can you imagine a typhoon and the relocation of these giant stones, it does happen and the confusion it must cause. The truth is that after a typhoon, business is carried on as usual. After the typhoon that is currently going on in Washington DC is over, do you suppose it will be trading as usual?

The island of Yap is located in the Southwestern corner of Micronesia. It lies between Palau (360 miles) and Guam (550 miles), approximately 600 miles East of the Philippines. One side of Yap is bordered by the Pacific Ocean while the other side borders the Philippine Sea.

Yap actually consists of 4 major islands linked by road. The cluster is shaped like a kite and is 17 miles long by 6 miles wide, at the widest point. The land mass is 39 square miles, ringed by mangrove shoreline, protected lagoons, secluded beaches and a coral barrier reef.

The following is quoted from a tour guide:

Yap is known for the stone disks used as money by the Micronesian natives.

It may surprise you but stone discs, and some weigh as much as 5 tons, are still used as currency on Yap. Tourists who visit the island are often astonished that the people of Yap just leave their money lying in the streets. And it is not small change we are speaking of. The largest stones can be 4 meters in diameter and weigh about 15 tons. Where lies the origin of this special kind of money?

A few ages ago some Yapese men sailed from Yap to the neighboring island of Palau, about 400 kilometers away from Yap. There they discovered a special rock: aragonite. Since aragonite was not found on Yap, the Yapese cut out massive pieces of it in the caves on Palau. Next, these stones were hewn into discs and a hole was carved in the centre in order to facilitate the journey by land. After a while the Yapese decided to use these discs as a means of payment and the stones got the name rai.

The boat trip from Palau to Yap was in fact not without risks. Many Yapese men got hurt or even drowned during the voyage and this had an important influence on the value of the stones that were transported. Tradition has it that the more risks and as a consequence the more victims during a journey, the higher the value a stone obtained. So, the hardships suffered during the conveyance by sea together with the rarity of the material (aragonite) made the discs very valuable for the people of Yap.

Maybe you ask yourself now how the value of a stone was determined more concretely? Apart from the beauty of its material and the history of the stone itself (i.e. age, number of victims, degree of complexity of cutting out the stone) the size of the stone is important to assess the value, together with the social status of the parties in the transaction. Stone money that has circulated among the wealthy for example is esteemed more highly than the stones of common people.

After 1931 no new stones have been made. Because of their abnormal size and weight the stones were very impractical means of payments; therefore the American dollar has been introduced in the 20th century on Yap to make small, daily payments. However, large purchases like houses and land are still paid with rai. In addition the aragonite stones are also used today to pay damages.

Very remarkable is the way in which in the past (and still today for large purchases) transactions were effected on Yap. When a stone passed from one owner to the other, it was most of the time not moved. The stones thus remained on their original place on the island: this could be by men’s houses, outside homes, in the streets.

When people leave their money lying in the streets, one would expect this money to be stolen frequently. In fact, this rarely happens. First of all, the islanders are well informed of the owners of the stones and the stone money is thus under constant supervision of (almost) everyone on the island. Moreover, could you possibly think of a way to steal a stone of 5 tons without anyone noticing? (End Quote)

Source: Lautz, Th., Steinreich in der Südsee. Traditionelle Zahlungsmittel in Mikronesien, Köln, 1999

I think a little knowledge like this can help to get a perspective today in regard to what’s going on in the US Congress. After the dust settles and the blue smoke clears hopefully there will be some good come of it. It would do one well to study the history of our money system and how corrupt it has become since 1913 at the inception of the Federal Reserve Act. If you have the time you can take a short study at this link. Click here .http://www.afn.org/%7Egovern/pa10005.html Young people will be in for a surprise because this is not taught in schools or economic classes of our institutions. They are still trying to keep it a secret that the Federal Reserve is really not Federal. It is an incorporated private business owned by the fat cat crooks and has never been audeted. (I wonder why?) Someone someday may remember this and go back to our honest money system as outlined in our constitution. The constitution contains the rules and regulations that our government officials do their very best not to obey. We need to hold their feet to the fire.

In the mean time it’s business as usual and you will be better equipped to handle and manage your own home based business. The links at the end of this article are your gateway to a successful home business of your very own. Just click on those links.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Money II | 078

In operating your home based business money is your business and you need to find out about it and learn these things that maybe you didn‘t know. Hopefully this will help you to avoid the traps laid by the banksters that are waiting to grab you and steal your money. Go for Benjamin Franklin’s philosophy; if you want to stay healthy, wealthy and wise, keep away from bankers, lawyers, doctors, and ministers. They all want to get deep into your purse.

According to the US Constitution the President has the right and the power to order congress to issue and publish money and declare the value of it; just as Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy did prior to their assignations. The banksters went bonkers over what they did. Where is the problem? Our government is not obeying the constitution. Pure and simple. They are a bunch of lawless renegades and in my book are traitors to our country. Instead of the Constitutional method of creating our money and putting it into circulation, we now have an entirely unconstitutional system. This has resulted in the disastrous results that you see today from our politicians today. Keep in mind the meaning of the word politics. Poli is taken from the Greek and means many and of course tics means blood sucking varmints. How well the word was chosen and how very descriptive.

Since our money was handled both legally and illegally before 1913, we shall consider only the years following 1913, since from that year on, ALL of our money has been created and issued by an illegal method that will eventually destroy the United States if it is not changed. Prior to 1913, America was a prosperous, powerful, and growing nation, at peace with its neighbors and the envy of the world. But - in December of 1913, Congress, with many members away for the Christmas holidays, passed what has since been known as the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. (To read the full story of how this infamous legislation was forced through our Congress, read Conquest or Consent, by W. B. Vennard). Omitting the burdensome details, it simply authorized the establishment of a Federal Reserve Corporation, with a Board of Directors (The Federal Reserve Board) to run it, and the United States was divided into 12 Federal Reserve "Districts."

This simple, but terrible, law completely removed from Congress the right to create money or to have any control over its "creation," and gave that function to the Federal Reserve Corporation. This was done with appropriate fanfare and propaganda that this would remove money from politics (they didn't say, and therefore from the people's control) and prevent Boom and Bust from hurting our citizens. The people were not told then, and most still do not know today, that the Federal Reserve Corporation is a private corporation controlled by bankers and therefore is operated for the financial gain of the bankers over the people rather than for the good of the people. The word Federal was used only to deceive the people. Talk about liars, the whole lot.

As for boom or bust, what’s all that noise and clamor coming out of DC today. The destroyers are at work doing their dirty work. It’s so bad it’s done in the dark of night to the exclusion of the press and news. Where are our freedoms? Talk about the devils workshop. What I would like to know, who is in bed with whom? To those arachnids in DC I say, what a tangled web you weave when you practice to deceive. You are caught in your own snare of destruction. But they mean well, ha, to that I say, hogwash.

With that out of the way you can now go the links at the end of this article and follow your path to building a good solid home based business. Just click on those links and follow your dreams and build that prosperous business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Friday, September 26, 2008

Money | 077

If you are going into a home based business today you need to consider the value to be learned from the problems facing the United States crooked monetary system which is controlled by liars, cheats and basically dishonest people. They are caught with their hands in the cookie jar and being exposed for what they really are. If I called them what they really are it would be unprintable. For this reason I encourage you to be really honest with yourself first, then honest with the people that you deal with in your daily contacts. Remember this, a lie can be anything other than the truth. The truth is always the truth and easily remembered. Lies are extremely difficult to remember and you will be tripped up if you are a compulsive liar. You just won’t remember all the variations that there is to lying.

Today we are witnessing a very historical period in the history of the United States and the world because of the failure of our monetary system. The basic causes of this fiscal fiasco are greed and lying. The roots of this problem go very deep and is traceable back to December of 1913 and the development of the illegal Federal Reserve and it’s illegal collection agency the IRS. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve (which is not Federal) has created tens of billions of dollars in money and credit, which, as their own personal property, they then lend to our government and our people at interest. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer has become the secret policy of our National Government. This national policy of charging interest is the basic cause of inflation. In ancient times inflation was caused by clipping coins.

Can you tell me why the Federal Government has to borrow money? The answer is they want to spend more than they have so they invented an ingenious way to steal from the future called lending. All the money in circulation today has been loaned into circulation so if everybody paid off their debt, there wouldn’t be any money left. ??? When you pay your debt to a bank, where does that money go? The answer is it actually goes out of circulation. Why is it we don’t have enough money to really help the poor but we always seem to have money for wars? In order for you to get a good understanding of what’s happening to our money read the article at this link. http://www.afn.org/~govern/pa10005.html. It is only a couple pages and won’t take you very long. You will find it very interesting and revealing.

The reason that I am telling you this is, if you are thinking about starting a home based business these are very basic principles and laws of success that I want you to consider. No matter how difficult it may seem at the time HONESTY PAYS. If you are an honest person, then you are a bold individual because an honest person has nothing to fear from the dishonest. A dishonest person is a sneak and is really fearful of being caught in his dishonest acts and deeds. To be really free you must be honest. At the bottom of this article are links that I encourage you to click and investigate thoroughly, it could be your pathway to a successful business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Become Successful By Writing About Success | 076

If you want to become successful in your home based business, start writing about success. You can do this as a work from home project. I can’t think of a better exercise to learn about success than to write about it. It makes you think. It will make you want to research the topic. It is a very good educational process. Start reading books about successful people and success programs. You will get so many ideas that you will have to write them down to remember everything. When thoughts come to you, scroll ahead of your writing and write them in a blank space. You can clean it up and save them elsewhere after you are finished writing your article. Just copy and paste, oops, I‘m ahead of myself but you get the point.

To take the hard work out of writing you should prepare yourself for it and the results will astonish you. Learn how to type. Take a class on typing if you don’t know how. A typing class is all exercise in the proper use of a typewriter and composing sentences and articles. Force yourself to follow those rules if you want to be able to type well. When I learned to type I had to use a blank keyboard. You should be typing in about 6 weeks and as time continues your typing speed will improve. Then learn to use the word processor on your computer. Be sure to include spell and grammar check. The Microsoft Word is an excellent tool to use especially if you are not good at spelling or grammar. I use it all the time. I do not compose any of my articles without using spell check. When I finish an article I am confident that my spelling is correct and my grammar is correct. Once in a while a word will be misspelled such as slay and sleigh or saw and was. Transpositions can be missed with the word processor; you will just have to catch them by proof reading. The way that I proof read is that I allow my article to set for a few hours then go back and re-read it. The mistakes usually pop right out. Not only that, I also correct how I may have written something. Like adding to it or taking away from it. That is easy to do with spell check.

For maintaining control of your articles, Google has a great blogging system that is wonderful for storing them and retrieving them. Keep in mind that by blogging they become public records. All you need to do to get a blog account with Google is to set up a Google account and then sign up to blog. It is free so there isn’t any reason not to take advantage of it. I have set up a family recipe blog that my family and friends can contribute and we will eventually have a friends and family recipe book on blogs. A nice feature about it is that it can be organized very well with little effort. It also contains my signature ad which is a big plus. If you would like to see what it looks like you can click here to read my blog.

Place a blank document in front of you and start to type something. It’s almost like talking, just keep going. You will find that the nice thing about using a Word Document, they are very easy to insert words, or sentences. Easy to rearrange sentences or whole paragraphs. Just use the cut and paste technique. Misspelled words are underlined in red, just make corrections as you go. When you have said what you want to say, you are finished.

At this point I want to tell my readers to click those links at the bottom of the article. It is there you will find a possibility of what your home based business can be. It can become a life changing experience and slowly lead you into financial independence and living independently. Become a part of the change that is going to wake up the world to true freedoms. Click on those links.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Laws Of Success | 075

If you are wanting to start a home based business you might want to consider the following outline of subjects. These are all very important in considering ones desire to become successful in business and all that you attempt to do throughout your life. These subjects could be a good guideline and outline on conducting your entire life.

1. Goals and Objectives. The very first thing you need to do is to establish an overall goal for your life and then establish objectives for all your projects that will all be aimed at your overall life’s goals. Be very careful that there is no conflicts between your goals and objectives. This would be self defeating. Your biggest arguments will be with yourself but it‘s best to recognize this from the start.

2. Preparation and Education. If you have established goals then it is determined that you will of necessity become prepared and educated for fulfilling them. If you do not, then the fulfilling of the goals will be more difficult. Take advantage of any spare time that you may have in making preparations for your life’s work.

3. Good Health. If you are not in good health then reaching your goals will be difficult, however if you strive to overcome your poor health and succeed then that is all for your good. Many books and articles are written about health problems and some are so specialized that it takes highly educated doctors in many cases to help you overcome your debilities.

4. Drive. Emergencies. Resourcefulness. Just those three words are kind of scary. Success does take lots of drive and resourcefulness. When it comes to emergencies, that may call upon all the drive and resourcefulness that you have. Things happen and you should give this thought and consideration and try to lay out a plan of action for such possibilities that might occur.

5. Perseverance. Consider the perseverance that an infant needs to get through his first year of life. Think about the tenacity that the child needs to accomplish all that is required just to get through his first year. At my old age I get tired just thinking about it.

6. Spiritual Life. Your spiritual life is a very important part of your life and as an adult you are responsible for it. My advice is that if you are having problems, seek wise council. For example, if you wish to be wealthy, surround yourself with wealthy people and study the lives and biographies of wealthy/successful people. Look for the traits of these people to determine what path they took to become successful and wealthy.

For starting your home based business click on the links at the bottom of this article and give it some time and study. You may just find yourself on the path to your successful home business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How To Get Referrals. | 074

How to start a home based business & work from home | 074

Why is selling customers going to become popular? The reason is very simple, by doing this TriVita is constantly replenishing their advertising budget with the funds to pay for more advertising. They really get the bang for their buck because they keep revolving their advertising costs by selling their new customers to their reps. For as long as you remain a TriVita rep, those customers will remain yours and will produce regular income for you. It’s a win-win situation. They will remain your customers for as long as you remain a solid loyal rep with TriVita. In this process of selling customers TriVita is able to invest 12 times more money in a year into advertising than before. That is a gigantic leap into growth and development. It’s good business.

To take it a step farther TriVita also educates your customers for you and will promote them within your ranks. That means you will earn even more money. So if you are in it for the long haul, you will eventually be able to put your company on autopilot and it will continue to grow.

With all of that you might still ask, But why try to get referrals? The answer to that is that it just makes good sense. I can come back and ask, Why not? Depending on your circumstances and your abilities it could be either way. If you are able to get referrals this means that your organization will develop more rapidly. If not, it will just take more time. If you develop a plan you can get referrals. With this company you don’t need to sell to the referrals, the plan will sell itself if you learn to explain it and show them that you are successful and making money with TriVita. Keep in mind, it isn’t a lot of money to start, but as time continues it will increase exponentially.

This is where Tomorrows’ Home Business comes into play. This organization works on the group principle and we are all a progressive group of people aimed at developing a successful work at home business. If you become part of this team, you will work with a group of people that have various talents and are good at what they do. It is a very exciting and dynamic business and growing. It is going to be a part of the noise you are going to hear about in the business world. This is not an MLM company, however we are taking them on and we are going to win. Just click on those links at the bottom of this article and become part of the team.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Monday, September 22, 2008

How To Get Referrals. | 073

Learn how to ask feel good questions and learn how to listen. People are inquisitive and always want to know what you do. A perfect response to them is to tell them that you are working on your potential income. That will make them curious and is a perfect invitation for them to ask you something like, well what’s that all about. Right here it’s time to introduce your home based business. Since it’s your business you are the expert. You better be on your toes.

Current events are usually safe topics to discuss and you might begin with a book, Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do by Robert Schuller (1983). These are tough times and you can learn the answer as to why? Click here. http://www.afn.org/%7Egovern/pa10005.html It may surprise you and give you the answers you have been looking for. It’s time you held your local representative accountable, and after you work them over you need to go to your State people and work them over; in a joking manner of course; like telling them your are going to take your vote else0where. Always be pleasant but serious; they might even be interested in your home based business. You won’t get anywhere if you are rude. Right now couldn’t be a better time because they have been caught asleep at their watch. If this sleepy old giant awakens, and I hope it does, watch things begin to move. We are almost at the point where the rouges in our government are about ready to overthrow our constitution. Wake Up.

People will do business with you and refer business to you if they like you They will refer those people they know, like and trust. So these people have been pre screened for you without them even knowing it. In your first encounter with a person don’t even talk about what you do unless they ask. If they ask, of course it’s an open door.

Form the habit of re-introducing yourself to someone you've recently met, whenever you see them, until you are positive they know your name (they might even let you know themselves). Doing this will never come back to haunt you, but could possibly make a very significant, positive difference. I have a perfect excuse when seeing someone I have just recently met, but can’t seem to remember their name, I just tell them you know how old people are (I’m 77) they’re always forgetting names, places and things. They always repeat their name for me and usually are very gracious about it.

If you think that this isn’t worth looking at just do some numbers. The typical person knows from 200 to 300 people. Say you have 6 very close friends and multiply that by 6. What is your answer? How long do you think it would take to go through 36 referrals? It would take quite a while and at the end of that time you would or could be a very busy person. Tomorrow’s Home Business is here to stay. Click on those links at the bottom and start your very own home based business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Sunday, September 21, 2008

How to start a home based business & work from home | 072

How To Prepare A Speech | 072

After you become a famous and very successful home based business person and you are called upon to give a speech in ten minutes your mind would begin racing. How on earth could you give an extemporaneous speech, that means right now? Here are some very fast outlines that you could use. 1. The past, the present and the future of (almost any topic of your choice). 2. The physical and spiritual aspects (of almost any topic). 3. Successful People, biographical, or accomplishments, early years, later years. 4. Churches, history of (church) (country of origin) major contributions to society. Make out your list of about 10 items that could prepare you for such an incident. You would be surprised at how quickly your chosen subject could end up in a 2 hour speech. If you are required to speak for only 10 minutes, probably the best thing is to bow out and request a 2 week period to boil a 2 hour speech into 10 minutes. At best your speech would be at least a good summary of what you want to tell them. Believe it or not a two hour speech is easier to give than a ten minute one.

The preparation of a good speech will have a 4 part basic outline as follows:

1. Introduction. Put your audience at ease and tell them who you are. Be brief. Don’t get carried away.

2. Specific Purpose Statement. (In 5 words of less tell them what you are going to tell them.) This statement will help to focus your audience to listen to what you are going to say. If you expand this beyond 5 words most of your audience will not remember. It is your responsibility to be crystal clear. You might use an SPS such as: Now everybody listen carefully because I am going to tell you all about: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. The blanks may be one to five words but no more than five. Immediately after delivering the SPS pause and swing right into the body of your speech.

3. Body. Here you tell them what you want them to hear. At this time you might want a little more organization depending on the type of speech. You might jot down the points that you want to cover. It may be the type to get audience participation by letting them ask questions. The body of your speech can be just about anything you want it to be. When you are done, you are done, go right into the conclusion.

4. Conclusion. Summarize what you have just told them. It may be nothing more than a statement of the major points that you covered. You might begin by saying In Conclusion: (Give a very brief summary of your speech). Sit down you are finished.

If you follow the outline above in preparing your speech you will be successful and if I were to evaluate it I would rate it as a good speech even though I might not like the subject. Consider your speech as being boxed in on all four sides. Without these four parts your speech is incomplete.

If you are really interested in becoming a work at home dad or mom there is a gateway at the end of this article. Follow your dreams and click on those links and you will find the solutions to starting a home based business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Saturday, September 20, 2008

How to start a home based business & work from home | 071

Why Should I Blog? | 071

A year ago at my home based business you couldn’t have interested me in blogging. That was when Butch Hamilton Google SEO Master got a hold of me and got to my brain. I learned from him that one of the primary purposes of blogging on the internet is a way to get your advertising recognized. He told me about the spiders that infest the internet and crawl all over everything they can reach to collect information. When the light switch clicked I was off to the races and started to blog. It was then that I became determined to become successful at blogging. I also set some very personal guidelines and goals in what I wanted my blogs to fulfill. After 7 months it is finally beginning to take shape and make sense in what I am doing with my blogging efforts. There are curves and corners but one just has to learn to turn with the flow.

Google has a program of free blogging and it is second to none. Their total program is awesome. I don’t have the room or the time to go into all that is made available from working with Google. I must admit when I first became aware of Google, I just didn’t like them and the way they worked. Now I really don’t remember why. That’s one of the nice things about getting old, you don’t have problems, you just forget about them. I find it very interesting when evaluating what is happening on the internet, it is almost as though there is divine providence at work and is timed with the need for people to consider a work from home career. Who can afford the expense of commuting and it‘s getting worse by the day?

When writing, you should consider the path that it will take to get to your readers and to the spiders that are crawling the documents. These spiders are collecting information about you and your use of key words and who knows what all. In today’s successful writing that is going out to the internet you should consider 2 very important points. It is the work of the spiders that will get your articles ranking by the search engines and seen by the public. That is unless you spend a fortune on advertising. The closer to the top the more people will see your ranking. If you are at the top, or near the top, you are more likely to have someone read your articles. If not you won’t have to worry about the secondary item. The public, is your major objective to reach. So you must keep both considerations in mind when writing your blogs; they will be going somewhere. They will be seen by the spiders and through perseverance will be seen by the public. Be careful of bad advice from the unknowing that stupidly tell you otherwise. If you don’t write with both objectives in mind, at best your effect will be mediocre to null. Just because it’s in print just doesn’t make it successful.

If you are reading this article and have gotten this far I know that you are looking for a way to begin your own home based business and that’s really great. Just go to the links at the bottom of the page and a whole new world could open up for you and you just might find yourself in developing your own profitable home based operations.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Friday, September 19, 2008

How to start a home based business & work from home | 070

The Laws Of Success

There are many laws of success and it’s most important that you learn every one that you can and put it into practice. This can take a long time but it is a path that the successful people follow. To assign an importance of one over another would be very difficult, they really need to be studied and learned as a whole. If you are to be successful in developing your home based business then it is your responsibility to learn and apply the laws of success. Do not be afraid of failure look at it as a blessing in disguise, providing it teaches a much needed lesson that you could not have learned without it. Always consider it as a very temporary defeat. Just pick yourself up and carry on.

With that out of the way in your personal development of your home based business you must have a goal and objectives. Here I will be talking about objectives being subjective to your major goal. Once you write down your goals and objectives, burn them into every fiber of your being. Your goal will give you direction and purpose and you should always be correcting your course to remain on target or as some might say you will remain focused.. That is the purpose of the goal, it is a governor keeping you on course aimed straight at your goal. Writing down your goals and objectives will be a great teaching aid and help you in laying out your overall plan for your business. Keep your plan simple enough to be written on one sheet of paper. To start with it can be very broad in scope. The details will follow as you develop your business. Actually Google has a blogging system that you could use for free that would be a tremendous aid in helping you to lay out your plans in a much more detailed manner; and you will find that your blogging could become a tremendous asset. You get a double banger by blogging and studying the techniques of SEO. After you start doing this you may find out that you actually like blogging and want to study the Google Search Engine Optimization System referred to as SEO.

Something else you might want to learn is how to write business procedures which you might want to call them job orders or work orders. These also must be simple. When you write a work procedure, do not put a persons name on it; use a title such as welder. That way the procedure can be filed in your computer and re-issued as needed for any person doing that specific job. This applies to office or floor work. These work procedures can also be used as a turn around input document for acquiring and maintaining such things as inventory control, payroll, and tracking reports. If it is well done this can become the very heart of your home based business. This does not have to be difficult, only if you make it so. With today’s computers and systems it should be quite easy.

This is just a scratch on the surface of the total laws of success, Don’t wait for me or someone else to tell you what they are, get the books of Napoleon Hill called the Law Of Success in Sixteen Lessons. You can get the 2 soft cover volumes from the Wilshire Book Company. If you do a search for the Wilshire Book Company you will find that they carry a nice selection of self help and motivational books. The last I checked the cost of the 2 volumes is about $30 and I might add it will be $30 well spent. I have no affiliation with this company, I just buy their books.

To continue your pursuit of your Tomorrows' Home Business click on the links at the end of this article. You are in for a pleasant journey.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How to start a home based business and work from home | 069

It’s more than just staying home from work and dreaming about it. It will take planning and work. The first thing you really need to do is develop a business plan. Keep it simple to start with; don’t complicate it with a lot of ifs ands and buts. Sure you should think about a lot of things; however your plans should be simple, direct and straight to what you want your objectives to be. Ok now, what comes first the chicken or the egg? You need to answer this question; how am I going to fund my business? Before you can answer that you have to have a plan. So you need to consider both, funding and your plan. As your plan develops, so also will your funding method.

We will talk about your funding method first. Did you know that you can develop a home business by purchasing customers? Yes, it is possible and purchasing customers is certainly a lot better than purchasing worthless leads from these would be get rich quick schemes. Here is a very important point, when you purchase a customer you have just acquired an asset that will produce additional income for you. To give yourself a raise just purchase more customers. And it’s really that simple, nothing at all complicated about it. TriVita is such a company and has a very successful 8 year track record and growing more successful.

In your process of developing your home based business, get some books on successful people and read and try to understand what made those people successful. A 2 volume set that I would recommend is The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill. Make these two volumes your companion and as time permits, pick them up and read them, and re-read them. Put those laws of success into your mind and before long you will begin to think and act like a successful person. Then surround yourself with successful people. Evaluate the top 5 of them and in 5 years you will be as successful as they are and making as much or more money than they are. You can begin right now to surround yourself with some of your future friends by going to the links at the bottom of this note. and clicking on them. Think of it as entering your personal gateway to success. It will become your own successful home business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tomorrows Home Business | B-068

Tomorrows’ Home Business is where you want to be, so load up your truck and move to Beverly; Hills that is. Where do you go to look for work if you are a work at home person? You can look all around your house, in your basement, attic, garage, back yard, sides and front. You probably won’t find an oil well but if you have a computer and are on the internet you can search the world around. So you really are not limited to find work, what you need to do is design your work. Start doing something even if it’s wrong. You can learn from your mistakes. There are a lot of people out of work today because of the gasoline prices. In 1972 I filled my little Dotson car with gas and it cost me $3.35. Today it would have cost me $40.00 or more. Our leaders are taking us down the primrose path on empty promises. They like to play but they don’t like to pay. It’s time to take the bull by the horns and do something abut it. A work from home hobby could turn into a solid well paying enterprise. A good way to investigate a work from home hobby is to try the ropes.

Try to get rid of the idea of a job because immediately you put a limit on your earning potential. Put your ideas on a home based business like you will find at Tomorrows’ Home Business which may be just the place for you to start looking. You never know what you might find when you turn a corner or enter a gateway such as the links provided with this article. One thing that you will find will be a group of dedicated workers, teachers, mentors, all very successful internet business people and all are dedicated to your success. By being associated with the people of It’s Good Business and other groups with in, you will be identified with one of the finest groups of successful business people that you could hope to find. You will get to know and make friends with many as you graduate toward your personal success in your home based business of tomorrow. All the education that you will need will be made available for your success. All you have to do is grab a hold of it and put the initiative into developing your success.

As anything that you do, if you are not already proficient at it, at first may seem confusing and discouraging but you must stick to it. In other words you must have some intestinal fortitude and perseverance. Remember, that’s a law of success. If you are going to succeed you must persevere. Rest assured you are not alone with Tomorrows’ Home Business people, they are there to help. Also if you think about it, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. What that means is speak up and be heard if you are having problems. Who is going to know if you don’t sound off, that is what the educational classes in Veretekk are for. They are for your use and education to learn how to operate your business. Take that first step of your journey and click on those links.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tomorrows Home Business | B-067

September is a beautiful time of the year. Come to think of it each month has its’ beauty, but September is especially beautiful. Coming from the north country it was always very enjoyable to watch the changing colors of the season. September is a beautiful month in Michigan and it starts in the northern part by this time of year and moves south and covers the whole state. The hunters are busy getting ready to go bow hunting and later hunting with their rifles and shotguns. A country like Michigan would be an ideal place to develop a home based business because then you wouldn’t have to fight the changing seasons. The winter times in Michigan can be very severe and treacherous to be driving in the winter weather. My grand-dad was a work at home person and during the winter time it was laid back and mending harness for the animals, laying up food for them and taking care of them because they were shut up in the barns.

A home based business is where it’s going to be in the future and the future could begin for you now. Don’t wait for the oil crisis to blow over, it’s only going to get worse. The reason being the oil companies are run by very greedy people. You can contribute to their demise by staying home and working right from your own home. There are things happening out there that are really worth getting excited about. Next year at this time they are going to produce printed solar collectors on rolls that you will be able to roll on your roof and be able to supply your home with all the energy that you will be able to use. A nice thing about it you will also be able to sell you excess energy to the power companies. Won’t that be nice getting a check from the power companies instead of having to pay them. This is only one thing, there are several other inventions in the works that are going to surface and will greatly improve our living quality. There are motors that are going into production in two places that I know of that do not use any carbon based fuel. They use magnetic and electric power. They are on the horizon. That’s probably another reason that the oil companies have become so greedy. They see the hand writing on the wall. Do you suppose we will see the destruction like that of that old Babylonian Empire like it was when the king saw the invisible hand writing on the wall. That night the king was killed, judgment came quickly.

You can become a member of Tomorrows’ Home Business. If you follow through it can become very profitable for you and you will make money. The start up is slow but progress is steady. You can start part time just a few hours per week. You will be able to meet people and make new friends. You will not have to call leads because this is not an MLM business. This is a business that is group oriented and everybody works for the group. If you have special talents, all the better. This is the paradigm shift of business that you are going to hear about and you can become part of the shove that is making that shift.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Monday, September 15, 2008

Work From Home - Steps To Success | 066

A long journey starts with the first step and takes one step at a time. Just as if you are starting a home based business it will begin with the first step and take many until you reach a point that you have been successful at being solidly established. Once you are performing the work to keep your business going you are the pilot guiding and directing your business. At first it would be wise to be working with teachers and successful people that have an interest in your success. It’s Good Business is such an organization that it would be well to be a part of because they are all working toward a common goal and that is the success of every member of its’ organization.

In addition to It‘s Good Business there is another company called TriVita which is the source of products being sold that produce the money that flows from the sales to the commission of it‘s reps. The very interesting thing about TriVita is that they will sell you customers for $50 each. This is where it gets real interesting. If you purchase customers on a regular basis you will then begin the development of your pay check which is paid on a regular basis. This absolutely eliminates the MLM type of activity which try to sell you their worthless leads and leave you with the haranguing job of calling people that don’t want to talk to you and are not interested in your offer. This is where the big difference between MLM companies and TriVita exist. With TriVita you don’t have to call disinterested people, you just purchase their customers. TriVita actually does their own advertising and enrolling their own customers and this is where the pedal hit’s the metal and separates TriVita from the MLM operations.. They even take it a step further they continue to keep in touch with their customers keeping them informed of new products and opportunities that are available within the company. This becomes a win-win situation for your home based business and TriVita. It is important to repeat here that TriVita is not an MLM company because they acquire their own customers.

There is another aspect to consider and that is the educational aspect of this business. This is where Veretekk enters the picture. Veretekk is the educational arm of this organization where you can become educated to the whole process. With Veretekk you will have available the teachers and the tools you may need to use in the development of your home based business. You will have available live class room instructions with a one on one contact if required. Veretekk has available many teachers that are also successful business people. They will teach and mentor you and stick with you until you succeed in your business. With this situation you will be following one of the rules of success and that is to surround yourself with successful people. At the end of this article are links that you can take and use as your gateway into your very own home based business. By doing this you will make life long friends of successful people and every day will be filled with excitement and awe as your success develops.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links Google For Success It‘s Good Business

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Work From Home - Future Plans | 065

Now that hurricane Ike is no longer a hurricane I feel better. My heart goes out to all those that have had to suffer through the consequences of being in the path of such a monster. The mental anguish of going through a hurricane and the emotional damage inflicted takes time to recover. For some it will take longer than others. It is hoped that you have true friends that you can talk to, just talk about what you feel like talking about. It’s just nice to know that you have a friend or friends that will listen. To give this personal purpose remember many also have gone through the same thing; and keep in mind your future values that you can be to someone that has to go through catastrophic events in their life, you will be well equipped to talk to them about it after experiencing it yourself. You will be building character and true value in your life, a value that cannot be measured but deeply appreciated by your friends and people that you know and love.

When it’s time to lay plans for the future, think about the possibility of a home based business. It’s a wave of the future and people are searching for those long lost values of living and working at home. There is only one way to find those values and that is to lay down the plans for it to happen. In today’s society the reasons for returning to an earlier form of family life is being brought about by the corruption in our industries and the very corrupt financial institutions and the raging inflation of our monetary systems. Can you afford the transportation costs of going to work in your car or other mode of transportation? There are 4 major expenses to consider in the use of owning your own auto. 1. The very high cost of the vehicle. 2. The cost of fuel to operate it. 3. The ever increasing cost of insurance rates. 4. Very high maintenance cost of the vehicle. That is four major areas of expense that you could save a great deal if you were a home based business person.

If you decide to enter into the home based business arena consider the possibility of buying customers instead of buying worthless leads. This may sound strange to you but there is a company that is doing just that. They will sell their customers to you at $50 each. Just think, an asset that will continue to earn money for you on a periodic basis. Each customer that you purchase is like giving yourself a raise. TriVita is such a company and has a very successful 8 year track record. Begin to think like a business person and think J-O-B = Just Over Broke. A job puts a ceiling on your earnings and you need to take that ceiling away and think of breaking the barrier. With TriVita many people are doing just that. This is not a get rich quick scheme, but it is a way to become wealthy over time. The company is solid and their reps just don’t quit. Find out why by going to the links provided at the end of this article.

An important thing to consider in the development of a home based business is what the IRS wants to take from you as an individual. If you are in a business you will be granted a great many more tax deductions that you are not allowed as a single person. So in effect you are getting the IRS to subsidize your business. Now isn’t that wonderful. The IRS wanting to give you money for being in business. Be sure to look into those opportunities. It’s time to turn the tables.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links Google For Success It‘s Good Business

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Work From Home - Don't Wait For A Hurricane | 064

Four years ago last month I was in my home when hurricane Charlie passed through and destroyed it while I was in it. That made a big change in my life. On August 14th the following day is when I became a work from home person. My job went by-by with the hurricane. I was 73 at the time and drew un-employment for 3 months. From then I have been winging it at home and on my computer. Physically I am no longer able to seek employment because of arthritis and other debilities. So I do what I can at home from my computer. Believe me the pickings have been slim. I have become quite aware of all the scams out there that people want to get into your billfold and pick it clean instead of getting paid, you got fleeced, as many times as you allow it.

Well things are changing for the better after learning about It’s Good Business, TriVita, Veretekk, and Tomorrow’s Home Business. The following people who are now my friends have been instrumental in teaching me how and what to do to run a successful prosperous home based business on the internet. For a person my age which is now 77, it hasn’t been easy. But I have reached a point with the aid and teaching of Butch Hamilton SEO Master, I have learned to blog, which has become the focal point of my work. Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk has also been very instrumental in teaching me the ins and outs of the internet. Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor has become a very close friend and we keep in touch very regularly. Without the help and teaching from these three people I want to say thank you. There are others that have worked with me who are also affiliated with It’s Good Business and Tomorrow’s Home Based Business. In following the laws of success without realizing it I have surrounded myself with several very successful people. Maybe I should take a count of them then count my many blessings and there are many. I also want to thank the many members of my family that have been very instrumental in helping me through this very troubled time. I am blessed with daughters and grand-children that have been very helpful. Last night I was working with my oldest grand-daughter that has been helping me to keep my computer cleaned up and operating well. She is a computer repair person and is able to also build computers. So all around me, my family, my friends, are my many blessings.

This brings me to a point, don’t wait for disaster to overtake you before you check out the very possibility of developing a thriving home based business. I chose to do it by working on the internet because I have become a reject from the work force. I’m sure that during this current hurricane Ike, there will be many untold stories of people following into the position of no longer able to stay in the work force and may be forced to work from home not by choice but by disaster. You can do this part time and the links to point you through the gateway to success are at the end of this article. Take these links serious because it is much better to have a plan and the information that you get from those links will be a tremendous aid to your success. By following through with the exploration of this information you will begin the process of making new friends of very successful people and developing a very successful home based business.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch HamiltonJustify Full
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links Google For Success It‘s Good Business

Friday, September 12, 2008

Work From Home - Shift In Business Methods | 063

The warning signs are all about us as the weather reacts to mans methods of treating the earth. It is the beginning of cleansing until man either changes his ways or dies in the total holocaust of the earth as it convulses to throw off the curse of mankind. What will be left will be the remaining survivors of people to carry on in the proper attitude of God and nature. Once man can get tuned in, things will straighten out and the way for this to happen is to begin your home based business even though it is home based it can still be world wide. Aren’t computers and the internet marvelous? These are things that dreams are made of and what we think, we can do. Who will be left to stop us?

There is a shift in the way that business is being conducted these days and it’s all about buying customers instead of leads. TriVita has spearheaded this method and has had a very successful 8+ years track record of being very successful. You can buy customers from them at $50 each and in doing so you are automatically creating a periodic income for the life of the customer. It doesn’t stop there; want a raise, buy some more customers. It’s that simple. In addition as you develop your business you will also begin to develop a residual income. Want more information go to the links at the end of this article and click on them. You will be entering into the wonderful home based business of tomorrow.

In addition It’s Good Business has created a marketing plan that is second to none. You can be freely educated on how you can use the internet to build your business with the expert guidance of such people as Tom Pendergast CEO. Butch Hamilton SEO Master, and Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor and many other very successful people that will assist, direct and teach you how to become very successful in your business. It’s all there in the links.

Do you want more friends, friends that are very successful? You can find them in your very own home based business working with the people that are mentioned above and in the following links. By doing this you will be following a law of success and that is to surround yourself with wealthy and successful people. These people are dedicated to your success and will stick with you through your problems of development of your successful home based business. Every day can be a delight of surprises and amazement working and associating with these people.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links Google For Success It‘s Good Business

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Work From Home - Free Energy | 062

There are many people believe that patens for free energy devices were denied or suppressed because the movers and shakers felt that it would cause economic chaos and ruin of many large companies connected with the fossil fuel industry. How wrong they are. Look at the mess we are in now. Of course the oil countries would probably suffer but then they could enjoy a cup of oil, that is to say Texas tea now and then. Just think, in your home based business and not having to worry about gas consumption costs for heating, driving, cooking. If you had a motor like the guy from Australia is building it could be used to run your entire household energy requirements, lights, heat, and the many other electrical instruments and tools. Another motor of that nature could be used for your auto. If you used the LED lights in your home, you wouldn’t have to replace them for a lifetime. They are available. Believe it people it‘s here. Can you imagine living in a city and waking up to smell the fresh air. Right now it takes your breath away. Just one factor is worth making it all happen and that is good health. All that pollution can be removed by prevention. Outlaw anything that burns fossil fuel or burns anything that would tend to pollute. Consider this, since we are aware of this possibility we are empowered and obligated to do it. This is our God given responsibility. There’s the gauntlet. What are you going to do about it?

Just imagine, even the poorest people of all nations never wanting for energy again. Able to live in a pristine wilderness if they desire and never have to worry about clean water. There can and will be plenty. With water pumps built along the coast lines of the oceans enough water could be pumped to irrigate all the deserts. Each community should and could be responsible for maintaining and operating these pumps that run on free energy. After these pumps are in place you would soon find that the weather would soon begin to settle down. Our living practice has been a cause of this crazy weather and for the spreading of deserts and without the need through proper irrigating and farming it could eliminate the need of the destruction of our forests. Dare to dream and dare to make it so. Your home based business could become your Garden Of Eden. The earth and the sun are gigantic magnets and the power that is available is much-much more than can be consumed by all the people on the earth. It has already been taped and waiting for people to discover it. We don’t need to explode the atoms for power, we already have more than we need and can handle and it will be free. Treated properly the earth will yield and yield greatly. Rape the earth and she will fight violently back.

It’s time to think work at home and it can be done today. You can build a nice little business by buying customers instead of buying leads. Leads are time consuming and exhausting to work with, and that’s primarily because they are grossly oversold many times over. There is nothing like getting a hold of an angry person after his hard day of work and wanting to spend time with his family and not with you. What they really want you to do is go away. Take some leisure time and go through the links at the bottom of this article and know that you have come through the gateway of Tomorrow’s Home Business. This business can eventually finance your desires.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links Gogle For Success Because It‘s Good Business

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Work From Home - Call To Action | 061

Do you ever wish that you could go where ever you want to live and work? These are situations that people find themselves trapped into a geographical area for many various reasons. Many of the reasons are job related. You are tied to a region because that’s where your job is. Well today that reason can be easily changed by using the internet as your place of employment. You really need to take that a step farther and realize that if you are dependent on a job you are still under the sword of down sizing by your employer. Now if you are the employer working for yourself in your own home based business you won‘t have that problem any longer. The United States for the last few decades has been under siege by our rogue government that is run by a more criminal element of the giant corporations. The cost of moving these giant corporations physical operations was actually paid for by the US tax payer. For anybody to go to work for these corporations put themselves under a tremendous hidden burden. They are on a rug that can be whipped out from under them at any time, set for any reason that these corporations desire. It’s time to make a declaration of war against this cancerous situation and do everything we can to get totally rid of it. .

There is a way that you can be free from the ropes of the rogues and it will take some time and planning. There is a paradigm shift in the methods of the way that business is operating. You might say it has started as a result of the modern development of the internet. If you have a computer and are on the internet you have available to you all the information in the books of the largest universities. You can actually get your Doctors degree right in the comfort of your own home. In your home based business you will have the ability to attend live classrooms and have live student teacher interaction. In many cases this is totally free after your carrier fees for being on the internet are paid. It’s really time for people to become more aware that the internet is a very valuable tool going to waste on a lot of useless games and other falderal. It’s time to take it a step farther and get down to business, your business. With these tools you now have the opportunity to get this burden off of your back.

Before you is the gateway to be able to do just that. At the end of this message you can click on the links, and plan on using some time to evaluate what you will learn in regard to tomorrow‘s home based business. You will be entering into one of the most dynamic opportunities that has ever been offered to so many people. You can actually become part of the solution to our world wide current problems. This shift has already started and the sooner that you can enter into it the easier it will be for you to make the shift. You will be able to work from home, get your education, do your work, and live the good life.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links Google For Success

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Work From Home - Business Ideas | 060

For your home based business write down your skills and evaluate them for business ideas. While writing down your skills you are very likely to start thinking how you can apply them to your business. Keep up with local and foreign news and be ready to take advantage of business trends and opportunities. Keep an open mind to things happening outside of your community and watch for new things and trends. Instead of saying why don’t they do this or do that or make this or that; change it to why can’t I do this or do that, or make this or make that. You might come up with new products and/or services.

Take existing products and combine them with other products or make improvements to the them and come up with your own products to make money. Look to other countries or other locations for extending your market. Do you remember this old proverb? Be not the first by whom the new is tried, nor yet be not the last to lay the old aside. If you see a paradigm shift in anything just remember this little saying.

There is a paradigm shift in business trends that you should become aware of that is shaking up the Network Marketing business world. Once you evaluate it, you will want to become a part of it. That shift has been started by a company named TriVita and has been very successful and solid for over the past 8 years. They actually sell customers instead of trying to make you buy leads. This is the sword that is cutting up the MLM businesses. They, by law, cannot sell their customers to you and are forced to sell leads. On the other hand, TriVita is not an MLM company and is therefore able to sell their customers; big-big difference. By purchasing customers from TriVita you are able to build a viable strong home business of your very own. Just this year TriVita has gone world wide in scope and the market is super gigantic. This is a win-win situation for TriVita, the customers, and you. TriVita does not have the 95 to 97 percent failure rate like the MLM companies have. The people from TriVita just don’t leave.

The following links are your gateways into this dream world of reality. It can be yours just for your time to investigate. If you are sincerely looking for a home based business and are willing to spend part time in evaluating and working with it, you will soon find that this may become your primary source of income. Dare to dream, make that home based business dream come true.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links Google For Success

Monday, September 8, 2008

Work From Home - Network Marketing | 059

Many people in the past have considered and tried MLM marketing and considered it a home based business. In 1979 Network Marketing at that time was considered the same as MLM and was declared legal by the FTC; however one of the largest MLM companies was found guilty of price fixing by requiring their distributors to sell at the low price and make exaggerated claims of income. The FTC also advised that recruitment favored more than sales is to be considered skeptical. It is also considered that the getting commissions from recruiting new members is outlawed in most states as pyramiding.

Many people say that MLM programs are cult-like and that the motivational programs used are very difficult to distinguish from the cult propaganda. You may have run into devoted people representing wild claims of income and have shown a pyramid like structure showing you how great your income can be. In your attempt to develop a home business you will run into such people, beware learn from the past and know that the failure rate of MLM companies is about 95 to 97 percent. When they tell you all that you have to do is duplicate yourself; run away as fast as you can because their best duplications are their failures. Avoid becoming one of their statistics of the failed.

Hopefully you will recognize the difference between a business that is MLM or Network Marketing and those that are not. Have hope there is a home based business that is available through the TriVita company that will sell you customers and in that you don’t have to recruit hopeful reps and customers. By purchasing customers instead of leads you are essentially building a regular paycheck into your business. They carry a line of superior health products and have a solid successful business track of over 8 years. At this time they have over 2 million satisfied customers.

Tomorrows home business is here today and ready willing and able to assist you in developing your very own home based business. Take your time and evaluate the links at the end of this blog, you are in for a very pleasant surprise. Bookmark this page so that you can easily return because the full evaluation will take some time. You will be very delighted and happy that you may have just found the gateway to your home business and to be able to start immediately to make money. There aren’t any wild exaggerations of earning a fast buck and tons of quick money but you will be on the road to real wealth. It will take some time and work.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Work From Home - Money | 058

Today more than ever millions of people around the world are looking for ways to earn and make a living from a work at home enterprise. The runaway inflation and the world economy are giving rise to this situation along with overpopulation. Can you afford to commute to your place of employment? Do you enjoy the traffic congestion that that you have to face in order to get to your place of employment? It’s comparable to the experiment that was conducted with mice and the situation of the runaway mice explosion in Australia a few years back; which created insane conditions caused by overpopulation of the dumb little creatures.

Money is an interesting topic to discuss and learn about especially if you are planning on developing a home based business you need to be wise as a fox about handling and controlling your money. Many years ago Sheldon Emry had a ministry and used to go on the attack mode when he discussed money. A link to one of his articles is included for your reading and an in depth study in helping to understand the US Monetary System. Billions for the bankers, debts for the people. By Sheldon Emry Here you can read the story of the fraud upon the American people by the federal reserve illegal banking system. The IRS is the illegal collection arm of the illegal federal reserve. You might say it’s like the people that come to take your car away for non payment of your loan. They are hired by the banksters to do an illegal job.

ROBERTH HEMPHILL Former Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga.: (Quote): This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon. (end quote)

It is important to become very aware of outside influences and how it affects your personal economy of your home based business. This hopefully will help in dodging the bullets of an economy gone astray. Just because you are home based in your business does not mean that your business is local, it can and should be world wide. This will add very greatly to the base strength of your personal and business economics. With today’s computers and the internet the boundaries are wide open, so far. Just recently I have dealt with people from Australia, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Belgium, Central America, England; I guess you could say that is world wide. Hopefully the internet and home computers are here to stay. We are at the point where we will be the World Wide Educational Group, (WWEG) of Tomorrows Home Based Business.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Work From Home - Budget | 057

What is a budget? For personal family home business use a budget and it should be kept super simple and broken down into broad categories and to start with you should be able to get it on one sheet of paper. Your list of items is where your income will be allocated. An example of that list might be: Housing, Food, Automobile Insurance, Debt Repayment, Entertainment and Recreation, Clothing, Medical/Dental, Miscellaneous, School/Child care, Savings/Investments. If you keep a check book it will be easy to accumulate a years figures to come up with the budget figures. It’s real easy to figure in percentages and you can figure exactly what percent of each item is taking from the gross. It is important to keep this simple budget up to date and include all expenses just include them in the right category.

It is important to discuss Savings/Investments in relation to your family home based business. This item should be what you pay to yourself first before all other bills and I’ll explain. A good rule to start with is to save about 10 percent of your earnings for the purpose of acquiring/purchasing assets. Let’s get a clear understanding of what an asset is. An asset is a thing that pays you spendable money on a regular basis. As soon as you acquire assets you will begin to increase your bottom line of income and if you continue you will soon see the pressure valve decrease in pressure once your assets kick in on a very regular and ever increasing value. It will be like getting a raise every payday. Build this into your budgeting system, it is very important. Then never-never mortgage your assets because as soon as you do you loose ownership and the banksters will want the money from the assets. Learn to live below your means and you will discover that is a key to wealth. Even the wealthy people know this and always live below their means. When they (the banksters) tell you to live within your means, that’s a lie, you should and I repeat, live below your means. If you start and continue with the procedure of acquiring assets you will soon find yourself to be a very wealthy person with a great cash flow.

To begin with if you are going to develop a home based business it would be wise to begin on a part time basis at studying the methods that TriVita has of selling customers. They sell their customers at 50 dollars a pop and over a period of time you can build up a very nice secondary income and with perseverance will exceed your current primary income. At that point you could consider swinging into your home based business full time. There are links at the bottom of this blog and I invite you to book mark this page and start going through all of those links. There is a lot of information available to you and it is your gateway to making money. By doing so you will be surrounding yourself with very successful business people that are primarily home based business oriented and that are dedicated to your success. They all have several years of a very successful track record in various businesses.

What you are about to evaluate is not an MLM organization not even close. The pay structure appears to look like an MLM organization but rest assured it is not. We do not try to duplicate you, that has proven to be a gigantic 95 to 97 percent failure with the MLM people. We work in large groups and each one is assigned what he or she is good at doing and there is room for anybody that would like to participate and you will find that the bottom line is just that, money. You don’t need to know it all, people with special skills are required and they will fill the gap of any specialty work that you might need. I joined as a work at home person with this group about 8 months ago and every day is a day of wonder and amazement. I have never been so honored to work with such a dedicated hard working group of people. I hope you too will get to know them and appreciate them like I do. Any of you MLM Junkies are welcome and we will retrain you in marketing.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
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