Monday, September 29, 2008

My Home Based Business | 080

Schooling and education is a lifelong process. As long as you are in good health and can think clearly, you are meant to learn things. Things of themselves are not good or bad, it’s what you do with what you learn that counts. I am an old man of 77 and every day I learn new things in my home based business. I work daily on my computer and I have a garden nursery that has something going on every day, and I learn from it.

For example, I am investigating the possibility of plant reproduction via the method of cell reproduction. This is the ability to take living cells from the desired plant that you want to reproduce and develop into many hundreds and even thousands of plants that are an exact replica of the parent plant. It takes knowledge and skill to be able to do this.

I am also in the process about learning how to raise Plumeria Frangipani which is the Hawaiian flower that the Hawaiians use to make their leis. There are over a hundred varieties that are very beautiful and so far I have three varieties making a total of about a dozen plants. I hope to have more within a year or so. However I find that the normal reproduction of this plant is extremely slow and at my age I need to speed it up.

As far as my computer business is concerned I write and this article is a product of that work. Then I ask people like you if you would like to join me in a home based business enterprise. You can see what it is all about by clicking on those links at the bottom of this article.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184


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