Saturday, July 19, 2008

Work From Home Education | 009

Good Morning: It’s a good day because I work from home.

Can you remember when you had a boss? How would you like to be able to say that about yourself and put having a boss in your past?. Well you are at a point where you can begin moving in that direction. You are at the gateway of being able to work from home and all you have to do is enter into It’s Good Business. Listen carefully and you will learn how to buy customers, not leads. And build a viable money producing business. This can all be accomplished by your work from home job.

The best way to start moving in that direction is to allocate at least one hour a day for 6 days a week for working on your work from home project. Keep in mind now that you are the director and it’s up to you to lay out your program. It won’t be easy and the best thing you could do is make a things to do list; and you will find this extremely important. At the end of each day work on your list and review it and have a new list to start with tomorrow. Don’t worry about finishing your list, your assignment of priorities will move some from the bottom to the top. Just remember that the top items are the most important and demand attention immediately. You must discipline yourself to accomplish this list as far as you can go with it. Just remember the buck stops at you. You are the governor of your work from home business.

Keep your work from home business structure simple and organized. This will save you a great deal of time and money. You need to be organized so that you will be considered a person that is dependable. It’s an important law of success. There are 2 types of people that are recognized as necessary. If you are the boss then you must delegate and break up your work and either hand it to an employee or outsource it. You will be able to do this as your business succeeds. Until you are able to afford a secretary it will be up to you to keep your work organized and performed. So the word for the day is keep it simple. It was taught to me as KISS which is to say, keep it simple stupid.

Did you know that when the successful wealthy people get together they talk about ideas. Ideas are a vital part of your business and it’s important that you associate with the most successful people that you can because then you will have ideas flowing back and forth. Ideas are where fortunes start, so in your work from home environment encourage and make place for them. Include brain storming sessions in your daily work. The work from home idea has been around since the cave man and that’s why it is so ingrained in people to have the dream and desire to stay at home instead of having to commute to work. The greed in the world has now caused a regression to the ideas of people to stay at home instead of working xx hours everyday just to buy gasoline then make a hectic journey to their place of employment. By eliminating just this one item, just think what it will save your family and improve the family and the whole world. By eliminating the necessity of traveling back and forth to work you would have more time, more money, a day off here and there. Make a list, you will find it interesting and motivating.

If you would like to associate with the very successful people on the internet you can sign up to Veretekk Silver and attend their free live classes given by very successful internet business people and they are dedicated to teaching and mentoring you to your business success. By doing this you will be on your way to a very successful internet business and be able to work from home. You will be making new friends of the successful kind. You will be well on your way to setting up a viable long lasting business and a lot of new friends to go with it. Last but not least you will be able to at last become a work from home person. There are so many plus marks on the right side that it should be a no brainer when it comes to making your decision. It‘s a wonderful feeling to know that you are on a successful team and that the whole team is dedicated to you success. If you have talent you will find a place among the people and systems of Veretekk.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky

Buy Customer's Not Leads

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