Monday, July 7, 2008

Leads | 58

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

I would like to quote the following paragraph. Taken from the introduction to the Geneva Bible.

In accomplishing his translation of the English Bible, Tyndale actually created the modern English language still spoken today. Tyndale formed his English from the active, verb-oriented Greek language and the Old (Saxon) English used before the Norman invasion of 1066. The influence of the French language from the Normans formed the Middle English of Wyclif’s time. Tyndale remodeled the Middle English and formed the English language that is the most spoken language in the world today. The Geneva Bible, followed by the King James Bible, began the worldwide dominance of English, yet their words were mainly from one man. (End of Quote)

A point to consider and think about is this, as you probably know the entire international business world today uses the English language to conduct much of their business. Just by the very fact that you now know where our current English is derived, it would be well to understand that it was the early English Bibles that spread in English around the world. Wherever English is spoken the people are greatly influenced by the Word Of God. The word of God is a vital pathway to success. There are those that are trying to hide and destroy this magnificent work and unknowingly destroying themselves. Get your Boble, dust it off and try reading the Proverbs and Psalms. It’s filled with valuable gems of wisdom, scatter them on your pathway to success. Internalize them and they will be your guide throughout your life.

Isn’t it strange that Bibles are banned by our schools. Who runs our Schools. I think it’s time to take the bull by the horns and put the Bible back in the schools. I'm tired of all the crime that we are suffering today because of people not being taught the way to live as ordained by God. When I was a little guy going to public schools 70 years ago our teacher used to read from the Bible to us every morning and I loved it. Since it’s ok to teach another language in our schools and I know that some are going to hate what I have to say about our schools teaching Spanish. I personally think that our schools should all have Spanish and English both a required subject since we the USA are the largest Spanish speaking nation in the world; aren’t we big enough to have both? I think so. At best however I am an extremely poor student of Spanish. I have tried for years to learn it but I just cannot speak it. I know a lot of words but that’s it for me. Don’t worry about being taken over by groups of foreign speaking people, learn their language, that way they can’t speak their secrets behind your back right in front of your face, which many love to do. Some delight in calling you all kinds of nasty things and you don‘t have a clue. If we as a nation became bilingual there would be no problem in assimilating people that are Spanish speaking and all of our students going into the work force could fit in anywhere English or Spanish is spoken. Within a generation we would truly be a bilingual English-Spanish country. Just doing that one thing would truly strengthen this country. Oh no we can’t have our country get stronger. Ha! You would soon see how quickly immigrants would learn to speak English. If we as a nation were truly bilingual in English and Spanish there would be few communications problems between the two groups. Being bilingual would be a tremendous asset for anybody.

Now I would like to show you how to build your assets that will produce income for you and keep producing. This is not an MLM company where you have to purchase leads and waste your time trying to coerce people that don’t know you, aren’t interested in what you do, and some get down right rude. Tell me about the frustration of that, I’ve had enough for two lifetimes. I would like to introduce you to Tom Prendergast CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk. Click on the link for It’s Good Business and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO tell you how you can buy customers instead of leads. In addition to this I would also like to have you check this link and lean about my friend Butch Hamilton SEO Master of Google search engines. He is a teacher with Veretekk and will teach you how to get top Google search engine ratings. In addition I would also like to have you check and meet another friend of mine, Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor. He has his own radio program where he takes on the financial institutions of the world. In addition to being my friends, they are also my mentors. If you join with us, they along with a large number of other very successful internet business people that are dedicated to your success will teach and mentor with you. If you follow through you may just find yourself in a very successful home based business and with many new friends. A very nice aspect of this business is if you move, just move your computer with you. It would be that simple. You might have to change your phone numbers and email address, no problem. Change them and your business move is complete. Isn't this a fantastic age that we are living.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

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