Sunday, July 6, 2008

Leads | 57

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Questions And Your Answers For Success Where do you start when trying to improve your way to success? Is it your concept to do your best? How do you get started?

Here are 8 major areas for creating your success. Are any of you into numbers? Interesting that 8 equates to a new beginning. Anyway the answers will come from you and not from someone’s idea of success. In the way of an exercise don't just read this article but write a one page response to each of the major sections. When you do this, you'll have a better idea on how to create success your way, success on your own terms. It will be worth your while and help you on your pathway to success. Keep your paper and evaluate it from time to time. It's yours private and personal.

What are your current internal objectives and goals? Write them down. (1)

Evaluate your past history of goals. (2)

How have your goals affected your present situation?
Do you think that is what you want?
If not, what do you think is missing?
How could your goals have been different?
Deep down what do you really want?
From your past what makes you think that you can't obtain your goals?
What can you do immediately to identify your main goal and objectives and move toward them?

How can you alter your direction? (3)

Okay, you've figured out what you want. You've identified your burning desires, your main goal. You now know your hot buttons. By the way if you are a writer or publisher your hot buttons are a wonderful tool for generating ideas and topics to write about. Use them but be careful. I could write about things that are not printable and would get me in trouble. How do you immediately advance from where you are now to where you want to be?
What are your talents that you can put to use?
What opportunities can you immediately seize?
What do you need to do to connect with those who can help you?

What is your number one challenge? (4)

When you have a challenge, it is because you need some more education? The solution could be simple to complex. The people and conditions around you are forcing you into a higher level of skill and productivity. Your situation is goading you on to expand your talents and abilities. Think of your challenges as opportunities. Money problems arise from doing work that does not offer a high value to others. It's work that is not well paid for. Money problems could also come from not managing well the money that you currently have. If you have a money problem, look outside the frustration of it. Instead try to see what is being asked of you.
Do you need more education and training?
Do you need a higher paid job?
Do you need more skills at your current work or enterprize?
Do you need to organize what is working for you to increase your cash flow?

Relationship situations and problems are due to bad choices, as well as poor communication skills. Are you with the correct people, those who are compatible with your values and view of the world? If not, who are the correct people for you and how do you locate them? Or maybe you need to clearly see your own moods and impulses better and find out why they come up and how they irritate people. Or perhaps you need to speak your truth in a way that others can understand and respect. Health issues can be due to emotional baggage that has translated into physical symptoms. Once you heal the inner resentments and you find peace, then physical well-being should follow. You are a mental-emotional being; and what you think and feel changes into physical modifications in your body. Think of the challenges in your life as an opportunity to learn and mature.

Are you in the correct type of work environment? (5)

Are you in the work that you enjoy doing? If you are just working for the money, then you need to change. The correct work is work that gives you satisfaction and gives value to you and others. If anything less than that it’s a waste of your time and energy. It is sad to say that most people are doing the wrong work. You can observe it the moment you see them at work. They are like marionettes pulled by a cord. They may smile at you but you notice the trapped, tired look in their eyes. Rare and unusual success calls for you to do your own thing. Do not allow your work to dampen your spirit. It will rob you of your creativity. Remember that creativity is an attribute of God. It will rob you and the world of your special God given attributes and qualities. You will find that you will be most happy at work that is creative. It is better to be a failure in doing what you love than to be successful working at what you despise. Even if you are successful at working at work that you hate how much more successful could you be working at what you love.

Are you cheating on your goals? (6)

Even after you have established what your goals are, are you really giving it 100 percent? Evaluate your benchmarks to see if you are on schedule and on course. If you are off schedule, ask yourself why. Be tough on yourself and that means to be honest. What is your influence on others? Is it positive or negative? Give and you will receive, there's another law of success. Internalize it and make it yours. How is your service to other people? Is it lousy, good, or really great? Are you succeeding at failing? Remember, people need people and people need you. It really is up to you. Sometimes nice things come in through a door that you forgot that you left open. Leave some of those doors wide open. They will come through when least expected.

What is your physical condition? (7)

This area will be the most difficult for people, I am lacking 1 month from being 77 and I have a lot of physical problems due to accidents and the onset of geriatric situations. My eyes don't work too well, my hearing is difficult, my teeth are in pretty good shape, I still have them, I use a cane, and on it goes. However I refuse to give in and roll over. It takes a lot of grit and determination to keep going. That is what you will need a lot of, and once you get over the inertia of not progressing on your major goal of life and you see things begin to move your way, even just a little bit, it will give you a good feeling of confidence.

This is not written in stone - change it - alter it to suite your situation.

One last thing, a vital law of success (8)

If you want to be successful surround yourself with SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE. Listen carefully to Tom Prendergast CEO as he tells you about a very successful business where you can purchase customers instead of leads, business leads, MLM Leads or any other kind of lead. This is revolutionary in its concept and is very successful. Click this link It’s Good Business then evaluate Veretekk. Instead join us in our wonderful great success. Don’t join an MLM company like Send Out Cards join us, we are not an MLM company, and we succeed because of group effort and special talents of our members. They are placed where they will do best at their business.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

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