Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Leads | 53

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Have you ever been in a school building that blew up and killed one person and injured many more? Have you ever been involved in a fatal accident and survived after three months in the hospital? Have you ever recovered from a near fatal spinal surgery? Have you ever been in your home when it was destroyed by a hurricane? Well, I have been there and done that. Don’t want to repeat any of it. I have had some other gut wrenching experiences that I won’t discuss here; however through all those experiences I can honestly say that it has made a better person out of me. The one thing that it built into my character is compassion for other people. I have also learned to be kind to people, sometimes biting my tongue and always try to remain positive about everybody that I meet. Believe me in some cases that has been very hard to do. If you watch people you will find that circumstances change people and sometimes for the good and sometimes not so good. I have also learned that if you want to have friends, you must be friendly.

Another thing that I have learned in life that I think is quite valuable and that is in almost all situations and those usually of a negative character; always approach them with a very cautious and positive attitude. Privately never-never in public but start with a quiet positive voice in a very private way. Be gentle, be kind but in giving correction always end on the upbeat or the positive note. Do not try to destroy a person, always have the attitude of building up a person. Supply the person with solutions, not more problems. It is not my prerogative nor should it be yours to tear a person down to destroy them. In a case of self defense in a physical attack from another person, that is an entirely different situation. Flatten them asap. Some people are so filled with hate that you can’t deal with them. Remember this, a soft voice and answer will usually cool anybody down unless they are on drugs or are insane. If you return an angry outburst with anger it will just create more anger. Return anger with calm pleasant responses. It really works, try it, you might like it.

Now I want to discuss this quiet business. Early today my down line appeared with about 50 new customers. Twenty of them I purchased and the rest I don’t know where they came from they just appeared in my customer down line report. That means that I will have a raise in pay on my next pay period. Those paydays come twice a month on a regular basis and it’s like gardening, fascinating to work with and watch the plants grow. You have a chance right here to become a part of a fascinating almost unreal profitable strong business. Just listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business tell you about the quiet business. You will learn how you can buy customers and forget about buying leads and all the headaches that go with purchasing leads. Forget about cold calls to those worn out MLM Leads, or any other kind of business leads. This cold calling of these kinds of leads is why MLM companies down lines just wither away and fail. Forget the idea of duplication of yourself. You can’t be duplicated; however the MLM companies are great at reproducing failures at the rate of over 95 percent. I am a member of Send Out Cards which is MLM but I just won’t try to build a business out of it. That was my last failure at MLM. I’m now a reformed MLM Junky. I have a business now that is at the lift point of a rocket take off. Believe me it’s getting exciting, however it has been exciting since the time I started with It’s Good Business.

Join with It’s Good Business and become a team member where your specialties and talents can be put to work supporting a team effort. This is not a duplicate yourself business. You will have a chance to become educated in real live internet educational programs called Veretekk. There you will have a chance to meet Butch Hamilton SEO Master and if you choose you can learn the Google method of Search Engine Optimization. Then make it a point to meet Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor. Be sure to look for his radio talk show program. He also has many recorded programs that are made available for you to listen and learn. He is busy taking on the financial institutions of the world. I promise you, you will learn a lot of good information and things that you didn’t know. These guys are good friends of mine and won’t waste a minute of your time. They are really great friends to have.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

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