Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Leads | 46

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192

You are probably wondering, what on earth is that row of numbers? Well that is what I call a doubling chart. I would like you to analyze this chart and you will notice that each number is greater than the sum of all the previous numbers plus one. So you will see that 1+2+4+8=15 and 15+1=16.

Now if you look at the chart at number 1024 which is the tenth position, that number is more than a thousand times greater than the first position which is 1.

Take the number 70, divide it by the percent growth per unit time and that gives you the doubling time. So our example of 5% per year, you divide the 5 into 70, you find that growing quantity will double in size every 14 years.

Well, you might ask, where did the 70 come from? The answer is that it's approximately 100 multiplied by the natural logarithm of two. If you wanted the time to triple, you'd use the natural logarithm of three. So it's all very logical. But you don't have to remember where it came from, just remember 70.

Now considering an inflation rate of 5% per year where would that land us in 70 years.

At the end of 14 years the value of a $1. Item is now $2.
At the end of 28 years the value is now $4.
At the end of 42 years the value is now $8.
At the end of 56 years the value is now $16.
At the end of 70 years the value is now $32.
At the end of 84 years the value is now $64.

As you can see if you would chart this on a graph it would rocket right up and out of the chart.

Right here at this point is where I take exception to the designed rate of inflation in our money system. If you would take an annual rate of 3% which they (the extortionists) say is acceptable. The doubling rate of 3% is 23.33 years. So this would mean the value of an item which started out at $1. at the end of 23.33 years would be $2. It isn’t the item that has devalued, it’s the money, it is only worth ½ as much and the end of 23.33 years. So little by little the Banksters have their hand in your pockets and stealing your equity.

Now apply this to energy, population, and money. We are in the spooky stage of it. Considering when I was a little kid working in the berry fields in Michigan we could get an ice cream cone for a nickel, or 5 cents if you will. Not only that, we could get a double dipper for 7 cents. What a bargain by today’s prices. Now if you think about buying and ice cream cone for your family you have to ask, how much are they today. I quit buying ice cream cones about 15 or 20 years ago. Those were also the days of 20 cent hamburgers, and really good ones. Better than Mac-grenades.

I hope you understand the impact of percentage rates attached to annual figures, as compared to accumulative rate, especially the crime rate, the Banksters interest rate that they charge, the highway accident rate, the drug usage rate, legal and illegal. The direction that we are going is right off the charts. People my age can’t afford drugs any more. (That is the legal ones.)

In order for you to combat this in your personal life you need to safe guard your assets and make sure you have producing assets. If they are not producing they are liabilities.
There is a company called It’s Good business developed by Tom Prendergast CEO and also CEO of Veretekk. Listen to Tom Prendergast as he explains how you can purchase customers instead of leads. Imagine having income almost immediately and not only that it is not a closed end business. Monthly you can purchase customers and effectively give yourself a raise in pay every month. There is more to it you can also build a residual income and eventually retire and still get paid. It’s really a great program. Welcome in and meet Butch Hamilton SEO Master and Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor. We also have a large group of successful business people that are also teachers and mentors. They will help to insure that your business becomes financially successful. I have continued to meet people in this business and I haven’t met one that I didn’t like. They are really a wonderful group.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

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