Monday, June 23, 2008

Leads | 44

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Have we lost the battle for the minds of our youth? Why are we a have not nation today?

The answer is simple, our school system is run by the State. Period. If we are to regain the control of the minds of our youth we must return to parenting without the State. There is a very simple proverb that covers the parents responsibility in this matter, it is located in the Bible.

At Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

That is God talking to you, not the State. The State boys think they know better than God and have kicked him out of their school system. Just look at the results and if you don’t see it, your are either blind or ignorant. For example; we need police guards in our schools these days. That was unheard of 70 years ago when I was a little boy going to grade school. The last time I entered a school building about a year ago, I felt like I was entering a prison. I went there to pick up my youngest grandson and was intercepted by security guards wanting to know what I was doing there and started interrogating me. The fullness of realization came over me and I realized just how far we have sunk as a nation. In addition to that, earlier I had met some of the teachers that I would like to use for door mats to clean off my feet. The teachers lock themselves into their rooms for fear of the public and the kids. I have personally witnessed this. It’s really a fearful age in which we live. It’s time to return to the faith of our forefathers and begin to be responsible for what goes into the minds of our children. Just as a thought, what would you do if all our schools closed their doors for good? At least we wouldn't be loosing our children to snipers while attending school. Why are our schools fostering such hate within our children? I'll tell you why, since the State has taken over the parenting of our children then the responsibility lies with the failed parent (the state).

As you can tell this subject is one of my hot buttons and I now see a way in which this can be overcome for me and for you. Whether you know it or not you have been trapped by our institutions and their lies. These institutions being our churches, banks, schools, government, and government controlled illegal agencies and many others. Using these lies they have been stealing your children, your money and property. I will say that what we need to do is get rid of the rogue elements (people) with their perversions and insane ideas and replace them. If you don’t believe this, what are you paying for gas these days? Are you able to buy groceries these days? Do you have any time from your slave masters after working for them all of your waking hours? Are you safe on the streets after dark? For that matter are you safe on the streets during the daytime? How many low paying jobs do you have just to make ends meet?

I know a group of people that are busy doing something to correct their lives and improve their lot in life. They are really a great group of successful internet business people that also double as instructors and mentors. A law of success is to associate with successful people and this would be a good place to do that. Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk has developed a business called It’s Good Business. This is a wonderful business and I urge you to listen to Tom Prendergast as he explains how you can build a successful, vibrant, growing business by buying customers instead of purchasing leads, or MLM Leads or any kind of business leads.

If you are really serious about this you might listen to another friend of mine, Dr. Raymond Jewell who has a radio program and talks on the many subjects of business and finances. He is an expert and is taking on the financial institutions of the world.

Another friend and mentor of mine, Butch Hamilton SEO Master of Google has been teaching me how to master SEO techniques. He is one of the very best and loves what he is doing. That’s another law of success, attitude about work and loving what you do. If you hate what you do, you are probably enslaved by one of the rogue businesses. Here is your chance to learn how you can escape those traps. Just follow the links, and I warn you it will take some of your time, but you will find it will be well spent. It has been a wonderful adventure for me and I‘m still going at it and love it.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

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