Organic gardening in the city these days is nearly impossible due to the near total pollution of almost everything we touch and breath. However if you have enough room you could begin to develop a garden in your back yard and try to put into practice the things you will learn about organic gardening. It can still be worked on and turned into a home based business. Some of the biggest problems you will have will be unruly and nosey neighbors. These are pests that you will have to deal with in an individual case. At first your primary objective in developing a home based business should be in building assets that can be used in funding your enterprise.
This article is not just for organic gardeners, it’s also for anybody that would like to develop the funds for a home based business whether you live in the city or the country. For many years it has been the MLM companies that have been feeding off of the hopes of people with the desire to be self employed and free of the rat race. They have been replaced and are just beginning to find out. The sad thing is they have left a trail of 95 to 97 percent of failures behind them. We are going to convert those failures into success.
How long do you think MLM companies will be around? They don’t know it yet but they are going to fade into the distant past, and the sooner the better. Dr. Raymond Jewell has put together a message on the U-tube that is very interesting. I urge you to listen to it to gain an understanding of what is going on in the business world as related to the many MLM operations. If this message doesn’t wake you up, go back to sleep. You will find that there is a paradigm shift in the business world and the home business operations. Once you can get into the understanding of what is happening it should spark your spirit of patriotism for mankind. There is now a way to fund your desires to enter into a home based business and you can do this by purchasing assets instead of buying leads. These assets are customers. Just think of it, as soon as you purchase a customer you have just set aside an asset that will keep producing income for you as long as they remain customers. By doing this you have eliminated the horrible job of working with leads and you will find out that you have also eliminated the tremendous cost of purchasing and converting a lead to a customer.
To continue with organic gardening, did you know that if you develop a butterfly garden it is almost a must to be organic. The poisons would kill of your butterflies. You would be defeated from the start if you continue with using the commercial pesticides. Butterfly gardening and organic gardening go hand in hand and that is a real challenge because the butterfly larva are a bunch of plant eaters. So you plant milkweed plants for the monarch butterfly and the Mexican black and yellow beetle invade the milkweed plants and devour them before the Monarch can get to them. Tough decisions. In order to get rid of the Mexican beetle, you need a special spider, good luck. There went the food for the Monarch. If you want a Monarch Butterfly garden, you can expect it to look kind of scrubby here in Florida along with being infested by the Mexican milkweed beetle.
Rule number one for your home based business, whether its organic gardening or something else, buy customers instead of leads for the purpose of funding your home business until it can fund itself. That is to say your primary job then will become managing your assets along with your other hobbies and business interests. You have just learned a practical way of developing multiple streams of income. Budget your money and pay yourself first for the purpose of acquiring assets.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow Google For Success
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