What is a budget? For personal family home business use a budget and it should be kept super simple and broken down into broad categories and to start with you should be able to get it on one sheet of paper. Your list of items is where your income will be allocated. An example of that list might be: Housing, Food, Automobile Insurance, Debt Repayment, Entertainment and Recreation, Clothing, Medical/Dental, Miscellaneous, School/Child care, Savings/Investments. If you keep a check book it will be easy to accumulate a years figures to come up with the budget figures. It’s real easy to figure in percentages and you can figure exactly what percent of each item is taking from the gross. It is important to keep this simple budget up to date and include all expenses just include them in the right category.
It is important to discuss Savings/Investments in relation to your family home based business. This item should be what you pay to yourself first before all other bills and I’ll explain. A good rule to start with is to save about 10 percent of your earnings for the purpose of acquiring/purchasing assets. Let’s get a clear understanding of what an asset is. An asset is a thing that pays you spendable money on a regular basis. As soon as you acquire assets you will begin to increase your bottom line of income and if you continue you will soon see the pressure valve decrease in pressure once your assets kick in on a very regular and ever increasing value. It will be like getting a raise every payday. Build this into your budgeting system, it is very important. Then never-never mortgage your assets because as soon as you do you loose ownership and the banksters will want the money from the assets. Learn to live below your means and you will discover that is a key to wealth. Even the wealthy people know this and always live below their means. When they (the banksters) tell you to live within your means, that’s a lie, you should and I repeat, live below your means. If you start and continue with the procedure of acquiring assets you will soon find yourself to be a very wealthy person with a great cash flow.
To begin with if you are going to develop a home based business it would be wise to begin on a part time basis at studying the methods that TriVita has of selling customers. They sell their customers at 50 dollars a pop and over a period of time you can build up a very nice secondary income and with perseverance will exceed your current primary income. At that point you could consider swinging into your home based business full time. There are links at the bottom of this blog and I invite you to book mark this page and start going through all of those links. There is a lot of information available to you and it is your gateway to making money. By doing so you will be surrounding yourself with very successful business people that are primarily home based business oriented and that are dedicated to your success. They all have several years of a very successful track record in various businesses.
What you are about to evaluate is not an MLM organization not even close. The pay structure appears to look like an MLM organization but rest assured it is not. We do not try to duplicate you, that has proven to be a gigantic 95 to 97 percent failure with the MLM people. We work in large groups and each one is assigned what he or she is good at doing and there is room for anybody that would like to participate and you will find that the bottom line is just that, money. You don’t need to know it all, people with special skills are required and they will fill the gap of any specialty work that you might need. I joined as a work at home person with this group about 8 months ago and every day is a day of wonder and amazement. I have never been so honored to work with such a dedicated hard working group of people. I hope you too will get to know them and appreciate them like I do. Any of you MLM Junkies are welcome and we will retrain you in marketing.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow Google For Success
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