Build the barn first. These are words that my grandfather passed on to his family. He also added, You can live in your barn while you build your home, and your barn will make you a living. When you consider those words the concept is very important. You build your assets first, then add the comforts of living later as you can afford it. An interesting note, they all worked at a home based business in a pioneer country of 150 years ago. My grandfather was born in a log cabin in Southern Michigan in 1856. I was almost 5 years old at the time he died, however I do have some fond memories of him. I was born in his 3 story home that he and his father built in 1880. I might add that it is still standing and being lived in to this day 128 years later. So they did a good job of building a solid home. An interesting thing about that 1880 home had a mortgage on it at a 10 percent interest rate and my grand-parents paid it off in 6 years. That's a lot better than today where you never get your mortgage paid. The banks just keep drawing on their method of renting stolen property.
Isn’t it interesting that people today are still looking for that dream of being able to work at home and make money. This can still be done in today’s world but people are going at it backwards. They need a solid method of funding their business before they start. If you had assets that paid you at least bi-monthly that you could depend on, it would make it much easier to start a home based business.
If you were taught this as a teenager you would already have assets of your own and an income that you could depend on for money that you might want for developing a home based business. So if you have teenagers you should teach them the benefits of acquiring assets. This will strengthen family loyalty and you will find that you will have little problems with your teenagers. With regular paying assets they will always have their own spending money.
A place you can start buying customers (assets) is with TriVita, which actually sells their customers for 50 dollars each. Think of that, these are purchasing customers that you will earn a commission on their purchases. If you can find a better deal than that, I would like to hear about it.
The links at the end of this blog are an invitation to you to investigate the possibilities of starting your home based business. The time that you spend will be well worth your while and you will be glad that you checked it out. Get that barn built first and all the rest will follow. Buy customers not leads and build your assets.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
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Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
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