Well things are changing for the better after learning about It’s Good Business, TriVita, Veretekk, and Tomorrow’s Home Business. The following people who are now my friends have been instrumental in teaching me how and what to do to run a successful prosperous home based business on the internet. For a person my age which is now 77, it hasn’t been easy. But I have reached a point with the aid and teaching of Butch Hamilton SEO Master, I have learned to blog, which has become the focal point of my work. Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk has also been very instrumental in teaching me the ins and outs of the internet. Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor has become a very close friend and we keep in touch very regularly. Without the help and teaching from these three people I want to say thank you. There are others that have worked with me who are also affiliated with It’s Good Business and Tomorrow’s Home Based Business. In following the laws of success without realizing it I have surrounded myself with several very successful people. Maybe I should take a count of them then count my many blessings and there are many. I also want to thank the many members of my family that have been very instrumental in helping me through this very troubled time. I am blessed with daughters and grand-children that have been very helpful. Last night I was working with my oldest grand-daughter that has been helping me to keep my computer cleaned up and operating well. She is a computer repair person and is able to also build computers. So all around me, my family, my friends, are my many blessings.
This brings me to a point, don’t wait for disaster to overtake you before you check out the very possibility of developing a thriving home based business. I chose to do it by working on the internet because I have become a reject from the work force. I’m sure that during this current hurricane Ike, there will be many untold stories of people following into the position of no longer able to stay in the work force and may be forced to work from home not by choice but by disaster. You can do this part time and the links to point you through the gateway to success are at the end of this article. Take these links serious because it is much better to have a plan and the information that you get from those links will be a tremendous aid to your success. By following through with the exploration of this information you will begin the process of making new friends of very successful people and developing a very successful home based business.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow Google For Success It‘s Good Business
1 comment:
thank you! im so happy i can be there to help you, although i wish i was sooo much closer.. i miss you lots.
love your grand daughter, Jessica
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