Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Work From Home - Garden Farms | 053

Truck gardening or farming is a wonderful home based business. It’s beginning to be a lost enterprise for our young people. You are probably thinking, I can’t compete with the mega-farms. You just might want to reconsider that situation in view of what is happening in the oil industry and the cost of fuel. We are very busy with the oil companies and they are taking our groceries away from us. It’s time to wake up and smell the roses. The alternate primary energies from electro-magnetic and wind devices are here. They are waiting on the people to get behind them and get the alternative energy systems rolling. Do an internet search on the name Joseph Newman and study his website and visit the many various sites listed and get informed. It would take books and books to explain it all here. Other sources that people are working on and perfecting are the wind mills and using the electric power generated from them. Look for the Pickens Plan in the Review Green Chip and read about the 12 billion dollar wind farm that is being planned for Texas. You may wonder what has all this to do with farming. It’s energy costs.

Bringing down the cost of energy is going to be one of the solutions to our present run-away inflation. The oil goo-rues don’t want this to happen but it’s going to. This will have a tremendous effect on the home based business and business as a whole. Keep in mind that gardening and truck farming is work intensive and more so if you go into the natural methods and use organic principles of farming. If you eliminate the cost of fuel and the cost of pesticides you could develop a well balanced and profitable operation. This kind of operation will go a long way in correcting our world wide problem with the teens that no longer know how to work. Boy could they learn to work on an organic farm and garden. But look what they would have in return. Plenty of good fresh food to eat and a balanced play, work and rest routines. You might even have time to consider home schooling instead of the degenerate training they are getting in the inter-city government schools today. It might be added, they sure as h___ would be safer and probably drug free. It is correct to say politically and otherwise that our schools are a gigantic failure. Just look at all the kids that have fallen through the cracks. Other serious problems this would correct is the pollution problems due to the carbon based fuels and the poisoning of our society would stop due to being poisoned by the chemical companies. They need to be put out of business.

A strong nation is made up of strong families. It’s a provable fact from the history of the US colonial period when 95 percent of the population was agrarian. The families at that time were very strong and produced the greatest nation on earth. It has a chance yet to become even greater. That will take a tremendous change of attitude and a turn around in the good values of the people. The best thing you could do to begin making such a change is to start a home based business and begin to acquire assets that could help you fund such a change in your life. The opportunity is here in front of you, just follow the links at the end of this article. You will find the gateways to the business, internet education and everything that you will need to effect this change right within your own home. These changes are already starting to happen and you can have a great part in the development and progress of this paradigm shift.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
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