Now that hurricane Ike is no longer a hurricane I feel better. My heart goes out to all those that have had to suffer through the consequences of being in the path of such a monster. The mental anguish of going through a hurricane and the emotional damage inflicted takes time to recover. For some it will take longer than others. It is hoped that you have true friends that you can talk to, just talk about what you feel like talking about. It’s just nice to know that you have a friend or friends that will listen. To give this personal purpose remember many also have gone through the same thing; and keep in mind your future values that you can be to someone that has to go through catastrophic events in their life, you will be well equipped to talk to them about it after experiencing it yourself. You will be building character and true value in your life, a value that cannot be measured but deeply appreciated by your friends and people that you know and love.
When it’s time to lay plans for the future, think about the possibility of a home based business. It’s a wave of the future and people are searching for those long lost values of living and working at home. There is only one way to find those values and that is to lay down the plans for it to happen. In today’s society the reasons for returning to an earlier form of family life is being brought about by the corruption in our industries and the very corrupt financial institutions and the raging inflation of our monetary systems. Can you afford the transportation costs of going to work in your car or other mode of transportation? There are 4 major expenses to consider in the use of owning your own auto. 1. The very high cost of the vehicle. 2. The cost of fuel to operate it. 3. The ever increasing cost of insurance rates. 4. Very high maintenance cost of the vehicle. That is four major areas of expense that you could save a great deal if you were a home based business person.
If you decide to enter into the home based business arena consider the possibility of buying customers instead of buying worthless leads. This may sound strange to you but there is a company that is doing just that. They will sell their customers to you at $50 each. Just think, an asset that will continue to earn money for you on a periodic basis. Each customer that you purchase is like giving yourself a raise. TriVita is such a company and has a very successful 8 year track record. Begin to think like a business person and think J-O-B = Just Over Broke. A job puts a ceiling on your earnings and you need to take that ceiling away and think of breaking the barrier. With TriVita many people are doing just that. This is not a get rich quick scheme, but it is a way to become wealthy over time. The company is solid and their reps just don’t quit. Find out why by going to the links provided at the end of this article.
An important thing to consider in the development of a home based business is what the IRS wants to take from you as an individual. If you are in a business you will be granted a great many more tax deductions that you are not allowed as a single person. So in effect you are getting the IRS to subsidize your business. Now isn’t that wonderful. The IRS wanting to give you money for being in business. Be sure to look into those opportunities. It’s time to turn the tables.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow Google For Success It‘s Good Business
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