1. Goals and Objectives. The very first thing you need to do is to establish an overall goal for your life and then establish objectives for all your projects that will all be aimed at your overall life’s goals. Be very careful that there is no conflicts between your goals and objectives. This would be self defeating. Your biggest arguments will be with yourself but it‘s best to recognize this from the start.
2. Preparation and Education. If you have established goals then it is determined that you will of necessity become prepared and educated for fulfilling them. If you do not, then the fulfilling of the goals will be more difficult. Take advantage of any spare time that you may have in making preparations for your life’s work.
3. Good Health. If you are not in good health then reaching your goals will be difficult, however if you strive to overcome your poor health and succeed then that is all for your good. Many books and articles are written about health problems and some are so specialized that it takes highly educated doctors in many cases to help you overcome your debilities.
4. Drive. Emergencies. Resourcefulness. Just those three words are kind of scary. Success does take lots of drive and resourcefulness. When it comes to emergencies, that may call upon all the drive and resourcefulness that you have. Things happen and you should give this thought and consideration and try to lay out a plan of action for such possibilities that might occur.
5. Perseverance. Consider the perseverance that an infant needs to get through his first year of life. Think about the tenacity that the child needs to accomplish all that is required just to get through his first year. At my old age I get tired just thinking about it.
6. Spiritual Life. Your spiritual life is a very important part of your life and as an adult you are responsible for it. My advice is that if you are having problems, seek wise council. For example, if you wish to be wealthy, surround yourself with wealthy people and study the lives and biographies of wealthy/successful people. Look for the traits of these people to determine what path they took to become successful and wealthy.
For starting your home based business click on the links at the bottom of this article and give it some time and study. You may just find yourself on the path to your successful home business.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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