Current events are usually safe topics to discuss and you might begin with a book, Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do by Robert Schuller (1983). These are tough times and you can learn the answer as to why? Click here. It may surprise you and give you the answers you have been looking for. It’s time you held your local representative accountable, and after you work them over you need to go to your State people and work them over; in a joking manner of course; like telling them your are going to take your vote else0where. Always be pleasant but serious; they might even be interested in your home based business. You won’t get anywhere if you are rude. Right now couldn’t be a better time because they have been caught asleep at their watch. If this sleepy old giant awakens, and I hope it does, watch things begin to move. We are almost at the point where the rouges in our government are about ready to overthrow our constitution. Wake Up.
People will do business with you and refer business to you if they like you They will refer those people they know, like and trust. So these people have been pre screened for you without them even knowing it. In your first encounter with a person don’t even talk about what you do unless they ask. If they ask, of course it’s an open door.
Form the habit of re-introducing yourself to someone you've recently met, whenever you see them, until you are positive they know your name (they might even let you know themselves). Doing this will never come back to haunt you, but could possibly make a very significant, positive difference. I have a perfect excuse when seeing someone I have just recently met, but can’t seem to remember their name, I just tell them you know how old people are (I’m 77) they’re always forgetting names, places and things. They always repeat their name for me and usually are very gracious about it.
If you think that this isn’t worth looking at just do some numbers. The typical person knows from 200 to 300 people. Say you have 6 very close friends and multiply that by 6. What is your answer? How long do you think it would take to go through 36 referrals? It would take quite a while and at the end of that time you would or could be a very busy person. Tomorrow’s Home Business is here to stay. Click on those links at the bottom and start your very own home based business.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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