Today we are witnessing a very historical period in the history of the United States and the world because of the failure of our monetary system. The basic causes of this fiscal fiasco are greed and lying. The roots of this problem go very deep and is traceable back to December of 1913 and the development of the illegal Federal Reserve and it’s illegal collection agency the IRS. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve (which is not Federal) has created tens of billions of dollars in money and credit, which, as their own personal property, they then lend to our government and our people at interest. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer has become the secret policy of our National Government. This national policy of charging interest is the basic cause of inflation. In ancient times inflation was caused by clipping coins.
Can you tell me why the Federal Government has to borrow money? The answer is they want to spend more than they have so they invented an ingenious way to steal from the future called lending. All the money in circulation today has been loaned into circulation so if everybody paid off their debt, there wouldn’t be any money left. ??? When you pay your debt to a bank, where does that money go? The answer is it actually goes out of circulation. Why is it we don’t have enough money to really help the poor but we always seem to have money for wars? In order for you to get a good understanding of what’s happening to our money read the article at this link. It is only a couple pages and won’t take you very long. You will find it very interesting and revealing.
The reason that I am telling you this is, if you are thinking about starting a home based business these are very basic principles and laws of success that I want you to consider. No matter how difficult it may seem at the time HONESTY PAYS. If you are an honest person, then you are a bold individual because an honest person has nothing to fear from the dishonest. A dishonest person is a sneak and is really fearful of being caught in his dishonest acts and deeds. To be really free you must be honest. At the bottom of this article are links that I encourage you to click and investigate thoroughly, it could be your pathway to a successful business.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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