Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who Owns The Federal Reserve Bank? | 081

Is your home based business safe from the predators in our system that are out to steal you rights, income, and property. It’s time for you to learn who your enemies are. They are not on the outside, they are within. When the jerks at Capital Hill get together they are so busy pointing their finger that they forget that when they do that they are pointing 3 fingers at themselves. It is imperative that you learn this bit of history so that our people can be told and they can prevent these mistakes from happening again. It’s time to shut the cookie jar and make those people do their job right or be fired or jailed.

The Banksters are at it. Keep your pockets buttoned, zipped, and locked up. The snakes are wiggling and this group of snakes have a very loud hiss and rattle. It’s time for the sleeping giant to awaken and clean up that mess in DC. Let’s see we could arm them and let them have a shoot out. The movie industry could really make out on this, if they have any writers left. How do you suppose they will portray what’s happening in our government? Do you suppose that they might have Bush and Cheney tarred and feathered and rode out of town on a donkey? Possibly congressmen and senators hanging from those famous cherry trees planted on the capital grounds many years ago. That would make nice Christmas decorations to observe the birth of the Federal Reserve and the IRS in December of 1913.

To resolve their problem Congress really needs to implement the money system as laid out in the US Constitution that they put away in December of 1913. In order for you to really understand this you need to study an article written by Sheldon Emry many years ago called Billions For The Bankers, Debts For The People. It’s only a couple pages long but packed with the truth about the Federal Reserve which is not Federal but a very privately owned bank. It’s time to hold those people accountable to do the job that they have been elected to do. The big problem is they have become the fat cats along with the special interest fat cats. They are like a giant tumor killing its host.

It’s time you found out who it is that is responsible for this demonic system of slavery. Just a very little research will reveal names of people and the alphabet soup of the multiple groups that are involved in the destruction of this great nation and people. After you find out who they are, then you can establish a home based business and dedicate yourself to the eradication of this cancer. The links at the end of this article are there for that purpose. Just click on them and enter into the future home based business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

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