Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Value Of Home Schooling | 088

Being a work from home parent can really have its advantages when it comes to home schooling your children. In view of what is going on in our economy it will be economically feasible to combine your work at home with your home schooling.

Home schooling will change your life. It will create very personal growth for you the parent and the children. You will get a real chance at discovering the genius within yourself and in your children. You will create geniuses if you do one thing, and that is to teach your kids the truth. Lies really mess up the young minds. Decisions based upon lies will result in faulty deductions and reasoning and lead one into trouble.

If you like to read you are qualified to teach. Just lead a child to the books and it won’t take very long and you will have an explorer on your hands. I don’t know of many children that don’t love books. Once they understand that it’s your reading that unlocks the information that is printed in the book you will have a ready and willing student that will want to learn and to read.

Home schooling families learn together and it can be a real exciting way of life. It’s already proven that home schooled children are far superior in all things to the under schooled kids of our public school systems. This is a modern crying shame and disgrace to our country and school system. Our school system needs to be returned to home where it belongs and under constant supervision of the home Patriarch and Matriarch. You have all the educational library research capability right at your fingertips. Just turn on your computer and start with all the available libraries. Even the library of congress is available on your computer.

Home schooling is legal in all the states in the United States, however the laws vary from state to state. In order to maneuver without trouble it would be well to contact support groups in your area. Just do a look up on the computer for Home School Support Groups by State. That will put you in the right direction for finding what you need.

Your personal time requirements is a big consideration and keep in mind that a child in the public schools spend most of their time waiting. The biggest problem you will have will be your plan and getting started. Design a plan that works for you and your family. There is no one way that is right or wrong. It’s what works for you and your family and your families happiness that count.

One thing that you will immediately have an advantage over the crap of socializing your child. Your kids won’t have to learn how to socialize among large groups of kids all the same age. They will automatically be socializing among what society really is, mixed ages. I believe it’s unnatural to sort kids into age groups such as the public schools are presently doing. They will be ready and do well at socializing right from the family activities. It is much better that a child learn social behavior from their adult parents rather that from other children their age.

Don’t worry about teaching your kids higher math to prepare them for college. As they begin to get ready for college they will be ready to teach themselves or if necessary a tutor might be advisable. Try to keep it as your objective with teaching is to teach the student how to teach themselves. That is the key to becoming a successful school teacher and sad to say there are few that are accomplishing that. However the home school parents are.

In getting started with home schooling it would be wise to find and become acquainted with other parents that are also home schooling. They will be more than happy to help you with the ropes.

While you are home schooling you will have the time to include your family in creating a family enterprise or a home based business that you can use to earn money that you might need. The most valuable thing that your children will learn is how to create the life of their dreams.

Trust your kids, they will learn without the public school system. They are our hope for tomorrow. Teach them the truth and the true history of our country and point out what are the bad things and how to avoid the mistakes of others. With enough home school graduates they will return the former strength, power and beauty to the world around us.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

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