Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Monkey Ducks On C Span | 110

Have you been watching C-Span lately? Well it certainly may be news worthy but it is bad enough to cause a maggot to regurgitate. The monkey ducks have certainly been putting on a display. They give the appearance of keeping cool and somber. I wonder how Somber Senator Stevens from Alaska is doing. Can you imaging being 84 years old and facing a life sentence; if it’s only 6 months it could do him in? Where are the oil companies? Are they out of reach of our legal system? What about Standard Oil trading with Germany during the Second World War? Are these corporations beyond the law? It would appear to me that they are. What can be done about it?

Can you imagine living without petroleum? Now that we have the gas guzzling automobiles and some want to convert them to electric or natural gas. Which can be a good thing for the people if it’s out of the hands of the Mega Corporations which seem to be beyond our laws. Or maybe they are in bed with our congressmen and senators; then what?

Maybe our Senate and Congressmen could do like they did in December of 1913 when only 2 people in a secret meeting met and created the Federal Reserve. Maybe a couple could meet in secret this December and put the Federal Reserve, IRS, and the Federal Reserve Act to sleep. This is the Achilles heal of that cursed banking system. If you have been watching C-Span you will notice that the Federal Reserve former rabbits have been hopping all over the place.

The solution to this situation is very simple, our government must recognize their illegal activity in regard to the Federal Reserve Bank and return to controlling the money according to the constitution instead of leaving it up to a private bank that has never been audited in its 95 year history. Look up on the internet, Billions For The Bankers And Debts For The People. You will read a startling revelation about the truth and the Federal Reserve Bank written by Sheldon Emry. It should make you mad as a hornet. As you can tell it’s one of my hot buttons and boy has it been pushed lately. Maybe they could take Federal Storm Trooper into the Federal Reserve Bank and occupy and conrol them while they are put to sleep.

Even with all that going on, there is a way that you can begin to work around it by thinking; Home Based Business and Work From Home. While you are thinking of that, think about Home Schooling as goals to point your life in that direction. Even if you are an AARP member and 50 years old or older. This could be a good way to spend the rest of your life by dropping out of the rat race. What’s wrong with working in you pajamas while you are at home. I have my office in my bedroom, of all places, but I live alone so it really doesn’t matter. I do get up and go to work, it’s about 5 or 6 steps and I’m at my desk and computer. I fill up my truck with gas about once a month, but that is beginning to hurt my budget. Click on those links below and start your change, it can be and if your are determined, it will be a change for the better. Click on those links below and begin your exploration and have a nice day.

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