Friday, October 24, 2008

AARP And Current Events And Teaching | 106

Good morning all AARP member and everybody else. Well I got carried away with C-Span this early morning and spent two hours watching the oversight committee dig into this Money Crisis that the whole world is deeply involved with and now our government wants to do something about it. It’s like this, they are a day late and a dime short; however if they keep digging deep enough they may get to the real truth of the issues. Isn’t it strange that Winston Churchill said that many people stumble and fall on the truth, get up, shake of the dust and just move on. The chronic liars just don’t get it, they will deny evidence and just talk away as if it didn’t exist. It’s truly amazing. We need to start decorating those cherry trees with bankers, lawyers, merchants, thieves and politicians.

You are probably wondering how you are going to fare in all of this. The time to start planning is now and it is my opinion that the best things you could plan for would be home schooling your whole family, and a home based business. Actually when you consider it the two would work very well hand in hand. The home schooling won’t take as much time as you might think. Did you know that in our public school system that the kids spend most of their time waiting. Waiting for transportation then sometimes long rides to and from school, waiting for class to start, waiting in lines at the cafeteria. Our public schools are an institution run like many other institution. Not so much for the individual but for the masses.

I have evaluated articles written against home schooling and for the public school system. They were very weak in their presentation and ignored facts and the realities of what has happened to our public school system and what is actually going on in our home schools. The home scholars have it hands up over the public school system. Just the mechanics of attending the present public school system is a nightmare. What our little kids have to put up with is horrible. Put yourself in the position of being in a room of domineering giants. Now imagine how your little ones must feel facing all those giants by themselves; and don’t ever believe your kid over the teacher, it‘s a sin against the states tyrannical rulers. If your kid is complaining about school and whether the child is right or wrong there is definitely a problem with someone in the school. It could be other children or it could be the teacher. When you get a call from a teacher about problems with the child tell them to handle it, they have the degree. Of course they won’t. But then if you offer your advise or opinion they will ask you; what are your credentials? .

The most important thing in teaching is to teach your children how they can teach them selves. Reading is probably the most important thing that you can do to get your kids to learning on their own. Make it exciting and interesting. Keep it on their level and channel their interests in the right direction. If you are and AARP member teach your grand-children phoenix, if you missed it in school it would be good exercise for you. I’m old enough that I was taught phoenix when I went to school. When I reached the upper grades they removed phoenix from the curriculum and the kids in the lower grades began to not be able to learn reading. The most important thing you can do for your kids is to be there. It can be quality time well spent and not only will you be teaching academics, but you will be there constantly teaching them how to live properly. Then they won’t be taught by their peers in the public schools or some warped teacher learning things that you don‘t want them to learn..

The next issue is working from home. You can do this on a part time basis from teaching your kids and in a few years could become wealthy following the TriVita plan of buying customers instead of buying leads. At it’s best and especially the MLM companies which are a modern disaster in the business world, because their greatest success is in producing failures. Your odds at succeeding in an MLM operation is about 3%. That means that the failure rate is 97%. That’s a ponzie game, you loose, you loose, you loose ad infenitum. Have you ever wondered why so many people run and hide from you when they learn that you might be pushing an MLM company? A 97% failure rate is reason enough. TriVita is not an MLM company and you should take a good look at it. Click on those links at the bottom of this article and spend some quality time in reading and study.

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