Monday, October 6, 2008

Money, Yesterday and Today | 087

If you lived in Colonial times of the USA you would probably be a home based business person engaged in farming. The early pioneers were a very industrious people and their education consisted of home schooling and later small community schools very closely guarded and regulated by the parents of the small communities. This was the strength that the USA was built upon and well worth returning to it. Let’s look at one of the points that made our ancestors so great.

Isn’t it strange that during the colonial times in early America prior to the Revolutionary war money was printed by the Colonies, used and circulated freely for decades without problems and it had no backing of gold or silver. It was accepted as a fiat money for legal tender for trading. The same is true of the Lincoln greenback. It also was a fiat money and circulated freely and traded regularly by the people for trading of goods and services. Finally the banks took them out of circulation. Really too bad that they allowed the influence of the Bank Of England to accomplish their dark deeds.

Fractional Reserve banking is a system handed down by the Bank of England for the purpose of allowing a bank to create money out of thin air. For example, if you borrow a thousand dollars you then have the right to issue loans of money into circulation for ten thousand dollars. Now if you collect say ten percent interest you will make a thousand dollars on that original thousand dollars that you borrowed. That amounts to one hundred percent return on your borrowed money. So the banks have a robbery system in place when creating money out of nothing. This is why in colonial times usury (interest) was considered a capital crime punishable by death. If that were enforced today all of a sudden we would have honest bankers.

You can learn why we have these kinds of money problems today if you would make a study of the history of banking as it relates to the American Colonies and to the United States. This will take some time, and there is a 3-½ hour clip available for you to study. Click here and listen, it will add to your understanding and becoming equipped to make good decisions in directing your government and making good decisions about banking and getting rid of the illegal tyrannical Federal Reserve and it’s side kick the illegal IRS. Only the informed public can possibly deal with this problem and return honesty to the politicians and turn them into honest statesmen. Don’t even think about returning to the gold standard, the Federal Reserve (which isn’t Federal) owns all the gold in Ft. Knox. The US no longer owns any gold at all.

We as a people do not need the current banks and their illegal banking systems. Keep this in mind when setting up your home based business. As long as we have the current banking system we will have wars. It is the bankers that are killing our people and reaping huge profits from war time activities. Once enough people understand this there will be a revolt against the banks like you have never witnessed. I would like to see them buried so deep that they wind up in the molten lava of the underworld. That’s where they belong. Click on the following links and start your own home based business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184


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