Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.
Are you thinking about taking out a mortgage on your assets? Think long and hard before you do, if you need more money BUY MORE ASSETS. If you establish a regular program of purchasing assets you will eventually have more money than you need. This is a secret law of success. Assets are money producing things. So the answer to your money dilemma is to get more money of course, but not debt money. A mortgage is a way for bankers and mortgage holders to get wealthy and for you to loose your shirt. Why dig your hole deeper, it's self defeating to get a mortgage. Keep yourself and your family and your home based business away from the money lenders. Having a mortgage is like chopping a hole in your boat. How many millions today are loosing their homes because of bad mortgages. It's not the economy, it's the bad mortgages and our debt money system.
Of course the questions will come up, How can I buy assets? What assets should I purchase? Where can I purchase them? How much do they cost? How much money will they produce? Of course the answers to these questions are varied and dependent upon your interests. Start thinking about all of your purchases, is this an asset or is it a liability?. Some things are liabilities until you sell them and if you make a profit only then will they become a very short term asset. If you sell it at a loss then it was a liability. For instance a truck can be an asset if you use it in your business to make money. However if it's not earning any money for you it's definitely a liability. Where does it stand in the analysis of profit and loss. If you loose money by owning it, it's definitely a liability; and can be a very costly liability. If it is used in your business, then it could possibly have some value in lowering your overall taxes and producing other income.
What will help you in the long run is to immediately start living below your means. Even the wealthy live below their means and became wealthy by doing it. By doing this and paying yourself first and always first, this will be your building money for purchasing assets. At first it will take some juggling around of your income but once down the road a year or so you will be amazed at what you will be able to accomplish and all this by work from home. Many of you will not like starting something like this but if you really want to break away from the syndrome of too much month left after the money you need to start now. The break away will not happen later if you don't get into the habit of paying yourself first. Your work at home business is the most important by far. Taking good care and watching your income and expenses are vital to a good business. Are you juggling your income now? If you are then be sure to pay yourself first. Your very first asset will be the most difficult, and make sure it's an asset.
It is important to add this note here: When you start to work at home and set up your budget and after a very careful analysis many will scream, but there isn't enough money to pay all the bills. Now you will realize the value of a budget, and the very first bill to pay is to yourself. You are in the hole because you have not paid yourself and have not accumulated assets that will also pay you. You are a victim of our bankers designed inflation. Start now and teach your children to buy assets.
Remember, when you take out a mortgage you have just created yourself another liability and your income has to cover it. If you have an escalator and the interest rates go up, it could blow your budget right to bits. You could wind up loosing your assets like the millions that are loosing their homes right at this time.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
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