Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.
How to make money? The very best way to make money is to work for yourself that way you will eliminate the middle man also known as your boss. If you are employed your boss has to make more money from you than what you get paid. If he doesn’t then he will have to let you go or just plain out fire you. The best way to become unemployed is to quietly work your way into it. On a limited part time basis find a home based business that you can start up for spending about an hour a day working at it. That could total 6 hours a week. Within a year you will have a total of 312 hours of work which would equate to almost eight 40 hour weeks. Put an hourly rate on 312 hours and even at minimum wage it would be a nice little chunk of money. If you have special skills it could be much higher than that. The income that you receive should be used in procuring assets and to repeat an asset is a thing that will generate income on a regular basis for you. Now you have two ways of making extra money. You now have a multiplier effect on your income that can grow exponentially. Don’t just put your extra money into a low-low yield of the interest rates of a savings account. If you do use a savings account, use it only as a very temporary holding area until you can transfer it into a much higher rate of a yielding asset.
As the demand on your work from home enterprise grows, think of working for your boss only on a part time limited basis in a way of phasing him out completely. Maybe a 3 or 4 day work week would be satisfactory for you and your boss. At a point you will have to consider is your away from home job really worth it anymore. Then when you reach a point where your part time jobs only need is to buying more assets for your business. When you reach that point you may find it difficult to leave because that would be a nice benefit and you may want to keep for a while.
Another very important thing to consider in a work from home enterprise is your personal insurance. A paid for insurance these days is a strong rope that ties you to your boss. It will take quite a bit of success on you work from home business to support the monthly bill of your insurance premiums.
If you have children turn them into asset builders. As for that matter, turn every member of your family into asset builders. Once you do that you will soon find that every member of your family will be a contributor to the family work from home enterprise and not a drain. It is found that children that have more assets do better. Adolescents that have assets do much better than those that do not. You will find that teenagers owning assets have much better positive behavior and attitudes. If you have taught your teens how to build assets then by the time they reach adulthood they will be ready to step into their place as positive productive adults with their own self dependent freedom with the ability to work from home or anywhere they choose. A little independent income for adolescents will go a long way in keeping your teens out of trouble. To get you started on your research for adolescents do a Google search for Power of Assets. Good luck with your adolescents. .
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
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