Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.
If you are planning on bicycle repair as your line of work for a home based business you need to be good at knowing where the best prices can be obtained. This will take some research on your part to locate reputable dealers that will give you the least problems when it comes to parts returns. Then time is of the essence, you will need to deal with parts service that have the most rapid delivery times. In those few lines there is a ton of work and investigating you need to do for entering into this kind of home based business.
Another very important thing will be, where will you do the work, do you have an out building or an available garage? If you will be repairing parts only, that will be another storage question and shipping. If you are using the internet then this will open up a whole new area that you will need to set up and that will be your billing and shipping.
The question of inventory will come up and you will have to consider whether or not to carry a line of inventory and the cost of doing so could be quite a lot of money tied up. However considering the current cost of gas, this still may be worth considering. The cost of gas isn’t going to go away until there is no longer any need for it. That is going to take quite a while. This situation is working for you and will only aid in you being able to establish a home based business of repairing bicycles.
If you are serious about a home based business of bicycle repair you need to go to a book store and look for some good books on bicycle repair and the business of bicycle repair. Then you will need to set up your books for your repair business. It might be wise to hire an accountant to set up your books and get you going in the right direction.
As far a fixing bicycles they are basically quite easy to fix and most of the tools you will need are the common house hold tools you probably already have. With a little experience just by riding the bicycle you will be able to diagnose the problem and repair it.
If you are planning on using the internet in your home based business it might be wise to become educated in the use of the internet for your business. Veretekk is the place you want to look because it is a cutting edge internet educational business systems where you can gain a wealth of knowledge and be taught the internet way of doing business. This system is free and you will be taught by the best instructors and business people on the internet. At times it will be a one on one situation and this can be accomplished right from your computer. Live interaction, it doesn’t get any better than this. Your own classroom in your own home with no additional cost to you.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
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