In consideration of a home based business of your own, there is a question that you need to ask yourself. Are you success oriented? Have you defined what your success will be? It will be assumed that you have already defined this and have laid out a plan for yourself.
You must have very well defined goals and objectives. In this case it may be that your very overall goal is to establish a successful home based business of your own. So you have decided to start a home based business, now what will you do? In order to be successful you must make money and enough money to cover your well developed budget. Do not make your budget complicated, keep it simple to use. Only when you are making enough money to fill all the buckets in your budget can you consider yourself successful..
The most omitted bucket in peoples budget is the very most important. You must include the bucket element of paying yourself a percentage of the income. Not what’s left after the bills, paying yourself is your first and most important bill, you must pay yourself or you will be doomed to failure. This personal payment then must be marked to purchasing assets. You need to establish a very clear distinction between an asset and a liability and don’t try to fool yourself into failure. An asset is a thing that produces money. You must treat that asset like it is more valuable than rubies and gold because it is. Your first asset should be your first secondary stream of income until you reach a point that your paying assets will totally support you. Never-never-never mortgage them. If you do, you are spending more than your means on liabilities. Even the most wealthy people do not spend more than their means. They know that in order to be financially independent they must always live below their means. Let that sink deep into your mind and it will become a self imposed governor on your thinking and actions. Don't buy that old lie, you must live within your means. You must live below your means. If you want to become healthy, wealthy and wise keep away from doctors, lawyers, ministers and bankers (theives).
When great successful people get together, what do you suppose they talk and think about? This is important because you want to surround yourself with successful people. Look at what the top 5 successful people that are around you and ask: What are they thinking? What are they doing? Then compare that with the people that are broke, what is it that keeps them broke? After making this kind of comparison you will find that when successful people get together they talk about IDEAS. Five years from now, look at yourself and if you have carefully surrounded yourself with at least 5 successful people you will be making as much money or more than they are.
You now have before you the basics of what is required to make your Tomorrow’s Home Business a very successful enterprise. To summarize: (1) You must set a goal and pursue it with everything within your power. (2) You must have a budget and pay yourself first. (3) You must surround yourself with no less than 5 successful people and talk about IDEAS.
Now for that four letter word, get to work. This is at best a very brief outline to success, give yourself a gift of The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill and make it one of your five friends.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
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