A community shopping service might be just the thing for you to begin your home based business plan. As an idea it might be well worth your while to investigate the possibilities of doing this as a community service and it would make a nice repeat business. This doesn’t necessarily limit you to a shopping service. There are other things in the way of service that you could perform like picking up other items for people in need of specific services. In order to make this work, think of ideas that you could do like special delivery of items for the customer. Due to the cost of gas these days your charges would of course require that you adjust your charges accordingly. This would have a nice advantage of writing off the cost of transportation on your business.
You might consider in home services in addition to shopping for your home based business. If you are good at fixing things, then you might find yourself in demand for minor repairs of all kinds. You will find that there are many people that live alone and are in need of this kind of service. Getting acquainted with your neighbors might just give you enough customers to make it worth your while. If you go knocking on doors do not go alone, have a companion with you, preferably another adult. Believe me there is a need for this kind of service, many elderly you will find that would make good customers and if they are happy with your services they will be glad to give your referrals. In addition you will be making many new friends. You will have to be wise as Solomon in dealing with some of the elderly because of age related memory problems. It will be best to close the transaction with receipt of payment because many elderly just forget. It is not their intent, it is their geriatric infirmity that is at the cause and they aren’t always aware of their problems. Don’t allow this to become a problem for your business.
If you start a home based business of this nature it would be wise to have a flyer printed with your services and have your phone number listed along with your business registration number. Keep your flyer simple and directly to the point. List your fees and variable charges involved, such as amount of time required. After you find yourself in a business you may need to schedule your jobs to do your errands in a logical time savings manner by grouping your customers. Become aware of how you fit new customers into your scheduled routines.
After you have worked your new home based business for a while you will be filled with all kinds of ideas for improvement. Keep good notes and make a record of your business building, you will then have documented personal experience that could be used to write a how to book in establishing and operating a successful in home business. That could give you a salable product and a second stream of income, because by then you will be the expert.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
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