I really got a little off the track, but I wanted to relate this to the job of surfing traffic exchanges; which I no longer do. If you don’t surf with both hands you are wasting a lot of time. There is a method of surfing that can increase your productivity by at least 40 percent. It just takes a little discipline and practice. I dare say that by the end of the day you will never go back to surfing with one hand. Hopefully by the time you finish reading this article, you will look for other ways to earn money.
Prior to surfing it is important to have your computer running well and you can refer to my blog title, How is your PC running? Slow and sluggish. This will help you in getting your computer well and up and running fast.
For surfing I personally preferred using the Firefox Browser, I am assuming you know how to set up tab browsing. Just click the link to download your Firefox Browser, it’s free.
The Procedure For Surfing Fast: Get comfortable and go:
Number 1. Place you left thumb on the Ctrl key hold and place your index finger on the tab. This will advance the tab. Be sure you are comfortable and relaxed.
Number 2. With the mouse in your right hand left click the TE surf bar selecting the correct response to advance to the next site for this TE. Repeat step 2. You are in the Circle 2 Step Dance of Surfing.
When you start, just take it slowly it will take a few pages to get used to; however I guarantee if you keep it up, you will love it and it will save your mouse arm from fatigue. It is really great. Work with both hands. If you spend 3 hours a day surfing, I’m sure you could cut it down to the very minimum of 2 hours. Or if you prefer, your 3 hours of surfing would be much more productive. Actually you probably could cut your required time required to surf in half. If you surf 6 days a week at 3 hours a day that would mean a savings of 7 to 9 hours. Now that’s a full day of work that you could cut out each week. You figure it out, in a years time that would be a tremendous time savings.
I am left handed and I use a right handed mouse. I have no idea how this could work with a person using a left handed mouse. Since you live in a right handed world, do as the Romans. What you would be doing would be considered almost ambidextrous. Give it a shot, the time savings is really worth a day or two getting used to it. In the past I have had to learn how to operate many right handed machines, I know it can be done. Of course if you don’t have the use of both hands, this would not work. I remember having to post from an adding machine. I astonished one of my co-workers because I keyed with my right hand and entered the posted item by pen into a ledger with my left hand. He interrupted me and asked me how I did that. I told him, Practice.
By this time I’m sure you are wondering why I gave up surfing. The answer is for two years, I didn’t make any money at it. Period. I have since replaced it with procedures in which I am now making money. The nice thing about it is that I am doing this all at my home based business. I invite you to investigate the following links and do a thorough job. By so doing you will have entered the gateway to the answer to your dreams of becoming a successful internet business person. Book mark this page for easy reference by clicking the button at the bottom of the links..
Another thing that since I quit surfing I have learned just enough about Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques to be dangerous. With the help of some friends I expect to be breaking the surface and reaching the top ranking of the Google search engines. It’s a quiet maneuver but exciting. You might say it’s like stealth warfare and your aim is to win. By following the information laid out here for you, you too can becomes a stealth warfare champion in the Google SEO War Games.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
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