Saturday, August 30, 2008

Work From Home - Acquire Assets | 051

Can you imagine what it would be like for every family to have a home based business? Instead of having to go out and look for work or a job, you would be able to go to work right in your own home and a family based business. For a lot of people that is a reality, why can’t it be so for others? The missing element is planning? If a family business is busy acquiring assets which would become the secondary income as soon as it is started, then you could begin to plan and utilize the extra funds that these assets would produce to acquire more assets. The arithmetic is simple.

Another missing element is that many do not pay themselves first. The moneys allocated to yourself should be paid first and used for acquiring more assets. Machinery like that when put into motion would become a powerful driving force in you home based business and your primary function would be to wisely regulating and monitoring your assets.

The above scenario is possible on a very meager part time basis and can slowly build toward your family home based business and financial success. Begin to think in terms of purchasing customers for your business instead of buying leads that may or may not become customers. Just think if you start today you could have customers tomorrow and then begin to develop a periodical pay check. If you think in terms of bringing your teen-agers into the business and have them purchase assets you would find that you would have much less problem with your teens than the majority. It is found that teens that have their own assets and own income settle into becoming a loyal family member and a strong loyal citizen. Nothing like success to create success.

There are links at the end of this message that will help you and guide you in the right direction. It will take a little time but the rewards will be great. This is not an overnight solution of your desire to become financially independent and have a home based business that will cover your financial requirements. This will require some time and planning and patience on your part. It might even require a little studying. This can be accomplished without breaking a sweat. What you are about to evaluate is the most up to date cutting edge business that you are going to find. By doing so you will meet people and make new life long friends. On top of that at the end of the tunnel is your freedom from money worries, job worries, and the hassles and expense of commuting to a job. You will have friends and mentors all the way. All of a sudden one day you will wake up, eager to begin your day with your family in your home based business and this will continue to be so.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Start Today - Customers Tomorrow
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Friday, August 29, 2008

Work From Home - Auswahl mit beiden Händen | 050

When growing up on a farm in Southern Michigan during the 1930's and 1940's, we spent time working out in my Grand-mothers berry fields. She was a very ambitious lady that had a very successful home based business. I was a little guy at the time but I can remember her favorite saying was Auswahl mit beiden Händen in English it is pick with both hands; or she would say Arbeit mit beiden Händen which is to say; work with both hands. I remember those lessons well. She was a very industrious lady, she had to be she had 17 children. My Dad was among the younger set. The sad part of this little story is that my Grand-mother outlived 11 of her children, one of that 11 being my Father. He died at a very young age of 34.

I really got a little off the track, but I wanted to relate this to the job of surfing traffic exchanges; which I no longer do. If you don’t surf with both hands you are wasting a lot of time. There is a method of surfing that can increase your productivity by at least 40 percent. It just takes a little discipline and practice. I dare say that by the end of the day you will never go back to surfing with one hand. Hopefully by the time you finish reading this article, you will look for other ways to earn money.

Prior to surfing it is important to have your computer running well and you can refer to my blog title, How is your PC running? Slow and sluggish. This will help you in getting your computer well and up and running fast.

For surfing I personally preferred using the Firefox Browser, I am assuming you know how to set up tab browsing. Just click the link to download your Firefox Browser, it’s free.

The Procedure For Surfing Fast: Get comfortable and go:

Number 1. Place you left thumb on the Ctrl key hold and place your index finger on the tab. This will advance the tab. Be sure you are comfortable and relaxed.

Number 2. With the mouse in your right hand left click the TE surf bar selecting the correct response to advance to the next site for this TE. Repeat step 2. You are in the Circle 2 Step Dance of Surfing.

When you start, just take it slowly it will take a few pages to get used to; however I guarantee if you keep it up, you will love it and it will save your mouse arm from fatigue. It is really great. Work with both hands. If you spend 3 hours a day surfing, I’m sure you could cut it down to the very minimum of 2 hours. Or if you prefer, your 3 hours of surfing would be much more productive. Actually you probably could cut your required time required to surf in half. If you surf 6 days a week at 3 hours a day that would mean a savings of 7 to 9 hours. Now that’s a full day of work that you could cut out each week. You figure it out, in a years time that would be a tremendous time savings.

I am left handed and I use a right handed mouse. I have no idea how this could work with a person using a left handed mouse. Since you live in a right handed world, do as the Romans. What you would be doing would be considered almost ambidextrous. Give it a shot, the time savings is really worth a day or two getting used to it. In the past I have had to learn how to operate many right handed machines, I know it can be done. Of course if you don’t have the use of both hands, this would not work. I remember having to post from an adding machine. I astonished one of my co-workers because I keyed with my right hand and entered the posted item by pen into a ledger with my left hand. He interrupted me and asked me how I did that. I told him, Practice.

By this time I’m sure you are wondering why I gave up surfing. The answer is for two years, I didn’t make any money at it. Period. I have since replaced it with procedures in which I am now making money. The nice thing about it is that I am doing this all at my home based business. I invite you to investigate the following links and do a thorough job. By so doing you will have entered the gateway to the answer to your dreams of becoming a successful internet business person. Book mark this page for easy reference by clicking the button at the bottom of the links..

Another thing that since I quit surfing I have learned just enough about Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques to be dangerous. With the help of some friends I expect to be breaking the surface and reaching the top ranking of the Google search engines. It’s a quiet maneuver but exciting. You might say it’s like stealth warfare and your aim is to win. By following the information laid out here for you, you too can becomes a stealth warfare champion in the Google SEO War Games.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Tom Prendergast
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Work From Home - In Your Own Home Business | 049

If your boss has a day off sick, man he must be really ill. But if you are off a day for being ill your boss tells you that you’re always sick. Do you have those days where you just feel ill and just not up to par? You need to go to your boss for an interview just to ask for a day off.. You’re green, sick to your stomach, head aches, the whole 9 yards and just need to have some time to rest and get well? Now look at this logic, if you needed time off from your home business, where would you go? If you are cheating, the question to ask is; who are you cheating on? Of course the answer is obvious. If you plan for it the day could come that you could tell your boss to shove it. That’s reason enough to get into your own home business.

There are many reasons that you should consider having you own home business. It isn’t necessary to mention the gas prices these days. They are really out of sight and the people are having a very difficult time adjusting to a continual rise in such a basic commodity. This situation is not going to go away until we as a people do something about it. You must do everything within your power to reduce the amount of gas that you use until it reaches zero. Because of being brainwashed you will think, oh that can’t be done. Well, it is being done and you need to investigate what Joseph Newman is doing along with several other people around the world. Just put his name in your search engine to see what he has been up to. You are in for a pleasant surprise. You will learn just how corrupt our institutions have been if you thoroughly investigate what that man has done in spite of the crooked operations that he has had to contend with during his life long battles with the government and its alphabet soup of governing bodies.

If you have come this far you are at the point where you can enter into an unbelievable world of tomorrows business. It is here today and you can become part of the change that will eventually rock the business world right out of it’s comfortable rocking chair. If you follow through you will be able to listen to such people as Tom Prendergast CEO, Butch Hamilton SEO-Master, Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor and many other great teachers and mentors. You will have available to you the finest group of successful internet business people and teachers ever assembled. They are dedicated to your success and will teach you how to become successful on the internet. The teaching is free and you can check it out by going to the links provided at the end of this message. The very nice thing about it is that your journey will end up in you becoming the master of your own destiny and owner of your own home based business.

In establishing your own home business you need to consider some of the following items. 1. Set your goals. 2. Pay yourself first. This is a must, then start buying assets. 3.. Set up a budget and make it work for you. 4. Learn to think like successful people. A clue, they discuss ideas when they get together. 5. Surround yourself with wealthy people. 6. Read good books about successful people. 7. Be vigilant, be sober and keep in good health. 8. Enjoy your new found business, friends and life.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton SEO Master
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor
Tomorrows Home Based Educational Programs By Tom Prendergast CEO
Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Work From Home - Independent Teacher | 048

The time is always right to start a home business and the sooner you do the more you will kick yourself for not doing it sooner. If you have a specialty or if you are a teacher you could start a home school on the internet. Why not? Home schooling is here to stay and if you are an apt teacher you might be surprised at the students that you might get for your efforts. There are many people that would gladly pay to be tutored. There really is no need to acquire a classroom and fill it with students. Classrooms on the internet are here and here to stay. You can set up your own classroom and have many students. You can have voice contact, white board contact and you are ready to start. Online Learning and Educational Products is a link to many sources for educational products that you may need or find interesting. Programs and services to help you start, grow and succeed are offered by the SBA (Small Business Administration). Click here.

If you cannot find what you are looking for your might consider buying assets. An asset is a thing that produces regular income for you and continues as long as you own it. There is a company called TriVita that is actually doing just that. They are an 8 year old company with a very successful record of selling customers. You can slowly develop a secondary income with the TriVita assets (customers) and eventually will become your primary source of income. For a part time home business, this could be perfect for you. TriVita is in the market of selling health supplements and have a top line of products to offer. You do not have to sell the products, that is done by the TriVita corportation.

Along with TriVita we have an educational program staffed with teachers and successful internet business people willing to teach and mentor you to your success. The name of this company is Veretekk and has a 10 year track record of accomplishments and success. You will find the most rewarding techniques and systems available on the internet today. Veretekk Silver is free and you can take as long as you need to learn all about the system. The classes are free and cost you only your time.

With the doorways provided here you have available a pathway that can lead you into a very rewarding and successful experience and career. You will be able to write your own ticket right from your home business. It can be done, there are many that are doing it and very successful. Just don’t put a cap on your potential and your earnings. You might even decide to take some classes to learn how to get your website listed at the front of the Google Search Engine Listings.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton SEO
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell
Tomorrows Home Based Educational Programs By Tom Prendergast CEO

Tomorrow's Home Business RSS Feed Links

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Home Based Business - And No Phone Bills | 047

If you are going into a home based business, something you need to consider is to get rid of your land line telephone and order a Magic Jack for only $39.95. This is a real deal and will save you a lot of money. If you have a land line phone right now the savings could be enough money to get you started into your own home business. After you have installed your Magic Jack phone your annual phone bill will be $19.95. Did you get that, your annual phone bill will be only $19.95.

Your savings should amount to a minimum of about $50. a month and that amount would be a good boost and cushion to begin a home based business. One thing for sure your teenagers will love the Magic Jack and the free use of the phone. You could probably afford to have your kids to own their own telephone. With these kinds of savings you should really take the opportunity to use that saved money to develop your own business to make money. A work at home business is a wave of the future and is developing right now and you are at an opportunity where you can begin. If the cost of long distance calls for your business has been holding you back from developing your own business, with a wave of the Magic Jack that cost can be forgotten. Your Magic Jack will be a tremendous asset and savings to your business.

Veretekk and TriVita are two companies that are spearheading a revolutionary change in industry and the work at home business that allows you to begin a business right in front of your home computer. You can attend free classes at Veretekk Silver and learn how to develop a successful business of your very own. Veretekk has the successful teachers that are dedicated to your success and will teach and mentor you until you do succeed. TriVita is a hands on business opportunity that can go hand in hand with your educational process. With TriVita you will learn how you can buy customers instead of leads to develop your new home business.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell

I certify that the above statement about the Magic Jack is true and I have a Magic Jack telephone and have used it for over 8 months and am absolutely delighted with the service. I have saved over 70 to 120 dollars a month after installing and using the Magic Jack. I can call anywhere in the US and Canada for free and love it.

Brad Vigansky: Magic Jack phone number 941-343-3184

Monday, August 25, 2008

Work From Home - Buy Customers Not Leads | 046

What does it take to run a home business? It takes a lot of courage, determination, perseverance, goals, ideas, and on and on. Maybe your reason for wanting a home business isn’t right. Maybe what you are looking for is freedom from your boss. If you are like many other home business people you may find that you are tougher to work for than your boss. Don’t let this article spook you away from a home business of your own. It is a wave of the future and many people with computers and are using the internet and already have the tools in front of them to establish a great home based business. With very little effort you can establish a nice part time business that will not require a great deal of your time.

The bottom line of your home business will be the cash flow. You must get that established almost immediately; so begin to think about buying customers instead of leads. TriVita is such a company that is in the alternative health products will sell customers and you will almost immediately find your cash flow begin. It will be small to start but if you purchase customers on a regular basis you will find yourself in a very nice home based business. They pay every two weeks and you can elect to use your earnings to purchase more customers or receive a pay check or both. Over the months your earnings will grow substantially if you continue with a regular program of increasing your assets which are paying customers.

The Trivita program could be doubly beneficial for you especially if you have any health issues. You will find their range of products is quite large and covers most of the common health related issues in our society. Do you have a weight problem? TriVita is there to help. It might just be worth your time to consider TriVita weight control products. You will find them easy to use and assimilate into your daily routines and activities. After you are sold on the products you might even consider how you can receive them free for life. When you see how easily that might be done, you may want to consider it your method for developing your own part time home business.

Even at first you may think TriVita is an MLM company but you will quickly find that there is a huge difference that separates TriVita from all MLM companies and that is the fact that they sell customers and not leads. They do use a structure that looks like MLM but it is structured and used for paying your pay checks. The TriVita company is structured in such a way that you will find it to be and ideal format for developing your own home business. TriVita is not an MLM company nor is it a company that will go away like so many other dead MLM companies of the past. Here today and poof, gone tomorrow with your money. Once started, people just do not quit TriVita due to the good products and the loyalty of it’s members is here to stay.

It won’t cost you any more than your time to check us out. Just click on those links.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Work From Home - Buy Customers Not Leads | 045

The magical formula to be able to work from home is to have a goal and work a plan that will keep you directed toward reaching that goal. First thing you must do is develop a plan that will work for you. This may require hours of investigating and searching, but it can be done. Keep in mind that it will take a lot of persistence on your part. If you just give up in disgust, of course it won’t work for you. You must be realistic and have a realistic plan. It may take more education on your part, and if that is the case, define what it is and go for it.

Set your goal and allow it to be flexible and workable. Always keep that goal in front and keep aiming for it. You must constantly keep your course aimed at your goal and correct your course as you notice it drifting. Did you know that a torpedo fired at a ship is constantly adjusting it’s course to remain on course. Immediately after adjusting its course it has to readjust and keeps this up until, BINGO, it hit’s the target. That is true of life, you must constantly adjust your course to remain on target. Keep your home based business on target by readjusting that target which is to make money.

If you are computer educated and spend time on the internet, you are already part way there to being in a home based business. Using your computer and the internet is a good start in developing your business. The next step would be to get to know people that are successful in a home based enterprise. Talk to them and get their ideas on developing a work at home business. Ideas is the fuel that good business thrives upon, put those ideas to work for you.

Look for ways to increase your assets in your business plans. An asset is a thing that will produce added income for you. You can do this today by buying customers instead of purchasing worthless MLM leads and wasting your time trying to talk to people that don’t want to listen to you. You can actually purchase customers from TriVita and develop a very sound business of your very own. TriVita is not an MLM company and has been around for 7 or 8 years and has millions of satisfied customers. Their business plan is very sound and will start producing income right from the start. Make this your motto: Purchase assets instead of leads.

You have just read some ideas about working from home in your own home based business. Hopefully this will encourage you to take the steps to develop your own enterprise working at home. Today more than ever your family needs it, and will love it once it comes to pass. Just consider the money you will save in transportation, the headaches you will miss from fighting the traffic, the time you will save not having to commute, the money you will save from reduced IRS Income Taxes and lastly the missing pains in the backside from you ornery boss.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Work From Home - Laws of Success | 044

When developing your Tomorrow’s Home Business whose laws of success are you going to follow? Before you can decide you need to ferret out just what are the laws of success. If you create a conflict of interest, or a conflict of opinion, then you have a severe problem. Your decisions will affect your business outcome. Believe it or not, your Creator has laid out a plan for your physical and spiritual success and claims that his way is easy. It is up to you to search out that way and choose whether to follow it or not. Your mind is like his and it’s when you are being creative that you will do your very best and really enjoy it. You are meant to be creative. You can tune into this channel of communication and if you do, rest assured ideas will flow from your Creator to you.

Of all the books written on the laws of success and there are some very good ones there is no better law than being creative with your work. Don’t let your boss tell you that you are taking liberties with your work, if you can create short cuts and time saving techniques, why not? Present them in such a way that they will see the merit of your ideas. If they continue to put you down, it’s time to think of winging it on your own in your own home based business. A word of caution, don’t get in a hurry, lay out a good plan for converting from a job to becoming a successful business person. Surround yourself with successful people and spend time learning what makes them successful and learn to listen and ask good questions.

That wave of the future is here and has begun and you are at the right place at the right time. Due to the mess that the world is in, in regard to politics without their realizing it the politicians have laid the groundwork for this paradigm shift in our business operations. They, the politicians have created the need to get out from under them and their rotten control. Can you think of a business where you can purchase a customer? If not, look into the operations of TriVita. At first you might think that this is an MLM company. Well, it isn’t, but it’s a very solid company and has millions of very satisfied customers that buy from them month after month. If you had a few of these customers, you would then have a nice bi-monthly pay check. TriVita is a company that has a very successful track record for the last 8 or 9 years and very loyal distributors and customers. You can develop a very successful home based business of your own as a distributor of TriVita.

If you have a home computer and on the internet, it will be a small thing for you to set aside a place for your computer and desk and declare it your home based business. This will immediately give you tax advantages and if you think about it, the illegal IRS can help you pay for setting up your business by returning stolen revenue from you. Or should it be said, revenue that they would like to steal? Set aside some time to investigate the links provided because you may find yourself entering into the business world of the internet.

Another law of success is ideas. The purpose of surrounding yourself with successful people is because when successful people get together the subjects that they will talk about will all be IDEAS. Don’t forget this, once you put into practice of communicating with successful people and your Creator, you will have lots and lots of good ideas. Can you imagine having to pick and choose which is the best idea to go to work on or to write about. It’s like looking out at the air strip getting ready for take off and it’s all clear. The only way to go is up.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell

Friday, August 22, 2008

Work From Home - Keys Of Success | 043

There are many keys to success and each one is worth writing a separate blog. By writing blogs you will accomplish many things that you may not be aware of. Blogging is a wonderful tool to use in your daily exercises of building your own home based business. So blogging has just been elevated to a key of success. By learning how to blog and tailoring it to your business it will enable you to become very successful. Even if it’s wrong to start with, start blogging and do it daily and after a while you will find that it doesn‘t take much time. It’s nice that blogs can be deleted or edited if after you find that they aren’t just what you wanted you can fine tune them and alter them to fit your present circumstances.

It is necessary to insert here that it is really important to compose your blog using a word processor. Don’t let that shake you, once you learn how to use it, you won’t want to compose your articles without it. You will find yourself wanting to use it for writing all of your letters and articles. It will teach you spelling and grammar if you let it. That will give you a great deal of confidence in your work knowing that the spelling and grammar are correct. At first it’s a little disgusting to use because of your bad habits in typing and your spelling and incorrect grammar, but if you blog daily the word processor will sharpen you up. Bad grammar and misspelled words do not make good sales copy.

You will find that the exercise of blogging is a wonderful teacher and with your computer you can research anything you want. The Library Of Congress, The Vatican Library, Dictionaries, and many other publications and journals, too many to mention. You have at your finger tips the resources of times past were only available at colleges and universities. Now you can sit at your desk with your computer at home and do all the research that you need. Of course when you first start blogging it will look like a primer for a school kid, but just keep at it, the knowledge of how to use it will come and thanks to people like Butch Hamilton are willing to teach you. We must also thank the loyal teaching staff that has been made available to us through Veretekk. Your personal objective of building a home based business will fit right in with Veretekk and you will find that over the months and years you will meet and make many long lasting and good friends.

There is no doubt Tomorrow’s Home Business is the wave of the future of the world. You are on the threshold of a changing and dynamic business concept that is going to shake up the world and they will be of the group that will wonder what’s happening. Instead you can become a part of the group that is making it happen. Think of your business as buying customers instead of leads. Just think a minute, do you realize the impact of this statement? If you can purchase customers, that means you will begin to develop an immediate income instead of purchasing worthless leads from some worthless MLM company or worthless Leads Sales Company. Then wasting your time and money on processing those leads until you finally throw them away in disgust. If you purchase these kinds of assets (live customers) you automatically have a built in paycheck.

Yes, you have just discovered a very important key to your success in your Home Business. Don’t worry about understanding it to start with, that will develop as you begin to write and blog and attend classes at Veretekk on the Google method of Search Engine Optimization. (SEO). Of course your hands on procedures will also become a very important key to your success. Then another key of success must be mentioned at this time, PERSISTENCE is a very important law of success. Once you start, persist, and don’t give up. Just take a break and tear right back into it.

Since you don’t blog, why don’t you put your favorite recipes on Google, say one a day until you have a whole recipe book. That will get you used to blogging. That could become a family classic for your relatives and they might even come to cherish it. You might even develop a cook book of your own; who knows? Remember when you are the author you are the expert and the CEO of your home based business.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tomorrow's Home Business | 042

Are You Ready For Tomorrow’s Home Business?

In consideration of a home based business of your own, there is a question that you need to ask yourself. Are you success oriented? Have you defined what your success will be? It will be assumed that you have already defined this and have laid out a plan for yourself.

You must have very well defined goals and objectives. In this case it may be that your very overall goal is to establish a successful home based business of your own. So you have decided to start a home based business, now what will you do? In order to be successful you must make money and enough money to cover your well developed budget. Do not make your budget complicated, keep it simple to use. Only when you are making enough money to fill all the buckets in your budget can you consider yourself successful..

The most omitted bucket in peoples budget is the very most important. You must include the bucket element of paying yourself a percentage of the income. Not what’s left after the bills, paying yourself is your first and most important bill, you must pay yourself or you will be doomed to failure. This personal payment then must be marked to purchasing assets. You need to establish a very clear distinction between an asset and a liability and don’t try to fool yourself into failure. An asset is a thing that produces money. You must treat that asset like it is more valuable than rubies and gold because it is. Your first asset should be your first secondary stream of income until you reach a point that your paying assets will totally support you. Never-never-never mortgage them. If you do, you are spending more than your means on liabilities. Even the most wealthy people do not spend more than their means. They know that in order to be financially independent they must always live below their means. Let that sink deep into your mind and it will become a self imposed governor on your thinking and actions. Don't buy that old lie, you must live within your means. You must live below your means. If you want to become healthy, wealthy and wise keep away from doctors, lawyers, ministers and bankers (theives).

When great successful people get together, what do you suppose they talk and think about? This is important because you want to surround yourself with successful people. Look at what the top 5 successful people that are around you and ask: What are they thinking? What are they doing? Then compare that with the people that are broke, what is it that keeps them broke? After making this kind of comparison you will find that when successful people get together they talk about IDEAS. Five years from now, look at yourself and if you have carefully surrounded yourself with at least 5 successful people you will be making as much money or more than they are.

You now have before you the basics of what is required to make your Tomorrow’s Home Business a very successful enterprise. To summarize: (1) You must set a goal and pursue it with everything within your power. (2) You must have a budget and pay yourself first. (3) You must surround yourself with no less than 5 successful people and talk about IDEAS.

Now for that four letter word, get to work. This is at best a very brief outline to success, give yourself a gift of The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill and make it one of your five friends.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrows Home Based Business by Al Gonzalas
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Butch Hamilton
Tomorrows Home Based Business by Dr. Raymond Jewell

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Work From Home - Woodworking and wood carving | 041

In setting up a wood working operations for your home based business you must consider the following principles of woodworking operations.

In your home based business for woodworking the very first thing you will have to evaluate is where will you have your work space. In this type of work it will most certainly necessitate a wood shop, or a building that would be adequate for that purpose.

In consideration of your work space you might want to consider a floor plan that would encompass the placement of your saws with adequate work space and storage for your wood supplies, other raw materials, and finished products.

Another large tool for consideration would be the lathe for wood turning. The use of a lathe is an education in itself. Unless you outsource your lathe job requirements then the lathe requirements must be considered. In addition to the requirements of steaming and shaping and gluing. Then the finishing must be considered from the work process area to the ventilation. You may even require a paint booth.

If you think that all this is too demanding of your resources you might consider an alternative to the purchase of customers, The business of tomorrow is here and you should evaluate it to see if your time and resources would be adequate to accommodate the requirements. You are urged to carefully evaluate the links provided because what you have come across is the most astonishing business opportunity for the home based business that you will ever find.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrow's Home Based Business

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Work From Home - Catering | 040

So you think catering might make a good home based business. Your experience so far has been the glitz and glamor of an event, but have you really considered the reality of going into the kitchen and watching the food preparation, or the work involved in the decoration of the banquet room? Have you had to call people to put together 60 servers for serving the food? Putting together an event takes a lot of skill and hard work. The manager of a catering company works hard to put a successful event together.

Ordering the food to be prepared is quite an operation. Who designs the menu? After the menu is decided, who decides what food to order and where to order all the different foods? Will you have a chef and a food and beverage coordinator? Or will you do it yourself? Before committing yourself to this kind of home based business, it might be wise to go to work for a caterer. Work in all phases of the job. Most people would not like it. It is very demanding work and being less than perfect and energetic is not acceptable. Can you decorate and set a banquet room? A well set and decorated banquet takes a lot of experience. Is the crystal sparkling? What about the silverware, is it spotless?

The event is over and the kitchen and banquet room is a mess. Who does the clean up? Believe me, the job can be a mess and tremendous. It is the caterers job to organize the clean up event. The hall, the kitchen, the home, or where ever the event was held must be left in pristine condition. Dishes must be washed, put away, tables and chairs must be cleaned and reorganized or stored. You must coordinate the clean up work with the custodian or the home owner. If you do a good job, believe me the tips will be great. If you don’t do a good job, you may find yourself out of your home based business.

A well organized catering job will go like clock work and will be really rewarding for all concerned. However there are other ways of to earn money in a home based business. A new approach to developing a home based business is to buy customers instead of leads. This is for real and really working.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tomorrow's Home Based Business

Monday, August 18, 2008

Watch And Clock Repair | 039

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

Watch and Clock repair can make a wonderful home based business. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this a very limited need. There is a huge demand for this type of work and much of it can be very specialized. It can also branch off into related items like carrying a specialized lines of jewelry associated with watches and clocks. In the case of grand-father clocks it could branch into a woodworking department for doing wood repair work. Look up coo-coo clocks on the internet and you will find that people are looking for someone to repair their broken coo-coo clocks.

Actually, you may find that specializing in an associated line along with the repair work may be more profitable. If you can totally repair watches and clocks, that means you probably could manufacture them. This would be a wonderful enterprise to develop within your home based business. You don’t have to be big to do it. For that matter many big manufacturers started in their garage or basement or a small out building right from their home. By starting from your home you will be able to keep your expenses down.

In your work from home based business always be on the look out for assets that you can purchase. Assets are things that produce money, and in that way you will be able to give yourself increases of income. Be sure to put an allocation in your budget for this purpose and when you come across a good acquisition you will have the money available to purchase it. This is a quiet part of your business and should be included with any field of business that you go into.

If you decide to go into Watch And Clock Repair for your home based business, keep good records and when you become very successful you will be able to write and sell a how to e-book. Your records will then be considered as part of your assets and can produce an additional streams of income. In addition to keeping good notes, you might consider blogging on Google as a means of recording the development of your business. There are so many advantages to doing this. If you blog with Google and learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques it can become a powerful advertising tool for the development of your business. Don’t overlook this possibility. The information here is very brief and really needs your personal evaluation. There are free classes on the internet and they are really worth your time and effort.

Brad Vigansky Veretekk Gold Associate

Purchase Assets

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Home Appliance Repair | 038

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

For your home based business in home appliance repair it might be well to concentrate and specialize in just one or two areas. There are many categories to consider and to be expert in all would take quite a bit of education. So to start you might want to limit yourself to just the areas that you know you can handle. The various fields for consideration are air conditioners, air purifiers, appliance repair, ceiling fans, dishwashers, garbage disposals, microwave ovens, other home appliances, refrigerators and washers & dryers. To keep them all in good running order is a big job.

If you have an employee that is experienced in some of these various appliances, you may want to expand your home based business into those areas. As your experience and your employees experience develop, you will soon find yourself in a valuable community service business and plenty of demand if you guarantee your work and stand by it. After you have selected the categories that you are going to go after, you might have some circulars distributed to get a few customers. If your work is good, you will have no problem with getting referrals and you will find yourself in a profitable business.

If you are going to go into the home based business of appliance repair you will need a license. This will be a pain in the neck for you but you will find that this is a magic key that will open the door to your business. People are twice shy of you if you don’t have a license. A local license will mean that you are registered with the local government and is kind of a clearance for your character. It will open many doors of obtaining new customers. In some cases you may even want to become bonded. This will help in backing up your word to do a good job. The payoff could be big.

There are many ways to advertise effectively that you are in a home based business. One of the easiest and quickest ways to get new customers is to have a flyer printed and distributed locally. This can be done pretty cheap if you do your own distributing. By riding your bicycle through your neighborhood you can stop by your neighbors and let them know what your are doing, you will get some on the spot offers to fix their appliances. This is a very good way, especially during nice weather and when you can catch the people out in their yards. All it takes is a simple hello, how are you? And a smile. People are curious and of course they want to know what you’re up to. You will be surprised at how many new friends you will make along with becoming a customer. You will find that a home based business can be very profitable and you will have the advantages over being employed.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Work From Home - Bicycle Repair | 037

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

If you are planning on bicycle repair as your line of work for a home based business you need to be good at knowing where the best prices can be obtained. This will take some research on your part to locate reputable dealers that will give you the least problems when it comes to parts returns. Then time is of the essence, you will need to deal with parts service that have the most rapid delivery times. In those few lines there is a ton of work and investigating you need to do for entering into this kind of home based business.

Another very important thing will be, where will you do the work, do you have an out building or an available garage? If you will be repairing parts only, that will be another storage question and shipping. If you are using the internet then this will open up a whole new area that you will need to set up and that will be your billing and shipping.

The question of inventory will come up and you will have to consider whether or not to carry a line of inventory and the cost of doing so could be quite a lot of money tied up. However considering the current cost of gas, this still may be worth considering. The cost of gas isn’t going to go away until there is no longer any need for it. That is going to take quite a while. This situation is working for you and will only aid in you being able to establish a home based business of repairing bicycles.

If you are serious about a home based business of bicycle repair you need to go to a book store and look for some good books on bicycle repair and the business of bicycle repair. Then you will need to set up your books for your repair business. It might be wise to hire an accountant to set up your books and get you going in the right direction.

As far a fixing bicycles they are basically quite easy to fix and most of the tools you will need are the common house hold tools you probably already have. With a little experience just by riding the bicycle you will be able to diagnose the problem and repair it.

If you are planning on using the internet in your home based business it might be wise to become educated in the use of the internet for your business. Veretekk is the place you want to look because it is a cutting edge internet educational business systems where you can gain a wealth of knowledge and be taught the internet way of doing business. This system is free and you will be taught by the best instructors and business people on the internet. At times it will be a one on one situation and this can be accomplished right from your computer. Live interaction, it doesn’t get any better than this. Your own classroom in your own home with no additional cost to you.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Friday, August 15, 2008

Work From Home - Ceramics | 036

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

The field of ceramics is huge and you could develop your share in it with your home based business. The broad categories that make up the ceramic industry are as follows; structural clay products, white wares, refractories, glasses, abrasives, cements, and advanced ceramics. The field is quite large and there is plenty of room for you. The U.S. market is estimated at over $35 billion. Now that’s a big chunk. With a little research you will surely find your niche.

If you are really interested in ceramics there is a Journal of the American Ceramic Society; it’s been around since about 1895. That would be a good place to start your research. You will find that ceramics is very widely used in industry and of course permeates down to the public. We use ceramics all the time and are mostly not even aware of it’s use. Don’t be limited in your thinking that ceramics is clay pots and cups. It is far greater than that. Ceramics is very widely used in the professional fields and the variety is endless. In your home based business surely there would be opportunities for every member of your family.

This short little article will only reveal the very tip of this giant iceberg that represents the ceramic business. It will be up to you to do the research for you and your family and tailor it to the needs of your home based business. This occupation and industry has come a long way since the old colonial times of the fired kilns and pottery production. Although you will still find room, especially if you have a flair for the artistic talents that can go with the production of china and porcelain products.

Just think, this is one area to start with and who knows where it can end. There are hundreds of possibilities. Especially if you find you can become the one to fulfill the requirements of some of the basic industrial needs. In return they can fulfill your needs as a work at home person. It then becomes a win-win situation for everybody concerned.

This field may require specialized education in various fields of endeavor and if you need more education in developing a successful interned business you need to check out Veretekk and take advantage of the free education that is available. Veretekk is a well established company on the internet and has been around for about a dozen years with a very successful track record. In the class rooms you will meet many successful internet business people that are instructors and they are dedicated to teaching and mentoring you to your success. Very early in your development of a home based business do not overlook the possibility of the Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization) classes that are available through Veretekk in their Free Google SEO classes. Just one class alone can be of more value to you in your business than is believable; and it‘s absolutely free. A value cannot be placed on it. This one class is set up by Butch Hamilton SEO Master, instructor at Veretekk.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Work From Home - Tutoring | 035

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

Are you a teacher? Do you like to teach? There is a tremendous demand on the internet for your skills if you can teach. That could be a perfect home based business for you if you like this kind of activity. Just do a Google Search on your computer for Teaching Job. You will come up with nearly 14 million entries from your search. For a starter that’s quite a chunk. Now do a search for Teaching Career and you will come up with nearly 12 million entries. Now do a search for Innovative Teaching and you will come up with a little over 1 and a half million entries. With a little effort and refinement your search could be narrowed down to your specialty and you are likely to find a need for your expertise. If you do a search on Home Based Business Teaching you will come up with about 4 and a half million results. The need is there, you just need to hone in on it.

There are a lot of skilled instructors and teachers that are also very successful business people on the internet; many are already successful in their home based business. You will find that most are very friendly and willing to work with you to teach and mentor you to your success. If you really desire to become successful on the internet, then you must become success oriented in your thinking. To help you in this direction it might be well for you to acquire books about successful people and start a very active program in reading them. You might find that biographies of famous successful people would be a good place to start. It’s a difficult choice to make because there are so many great books available about famous people. Learn what it is that made these people successful. A very fine example would be to read the biography of Thomas Jefferson. If you are a teacher, then writing book reviews on famous people would be a good way to teach and learn.

If you are a teacher, then you know that a formal education is not the only way to go. Regardless of your choice of education, you will become educated and why not take the most expedient route. When you do you will realize that education is a lifelong process and you are constantly in the state of becoming prepared. The sooner you learn that the process never goes away the better it will be for you to establish good goals in life and then live by those goals. Sometimes making a change can be very challenging and seem to be futile, but remember the laws of success. Get the 2 volume book, The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons, written by Napoleon Hill. Keep it as a companion and after reading it, go through it and read it again and again. Make these laws a part of your moral fiber and you will wake up one day and realize you are a successful person. If you are entering into a home based business you need these 2 volumes.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Work From Home - Spinning And Weaving | 034

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

There are many types of weaving that can be used in your home based business. Believe it or not there are many that make money doing this right from their home. The various types of weaving enterprises can blend itself very well into a family oriented enterprise. This is not something new, but has been forgotten like so many other things of our society.

For consideration is rug weaving. If you live in an area that is a tourist attraction this will lend itself very well to developing home based business sales on a local scale. If you have a place that could be opened for tourists they love to watch a loom in operation. Some places actually sell the carpet and rugs right off the loom as soon as it is finished How much more valuable it is to be able to purchase a rug that you actually saw come into being right before your eyes.

Woven hammocks is another item worth consideration. Many are made from woven rope and others are made from woven fabric. A consideration with hammocks is the mildew because they are usually left outside and subject to being ruined by weathering.

Lace is another activity for your home based business and just this one topic is very broad but worth your time to evaluate it. For example, tatting, plastic craft lace, lace teddies, needle lace, bobbin lace. These are all forms of decorative weaving. The variety and combinations seem to have no end.

Think about kids weaving projects. Putting together salable kits might prove to be interesting and profitable and make money for your home based business. There are books available on this topic. If you have children you have a ready made test group which would surely be eager to work with your kits.

Spinning is another type of work that could lend itself to a home based business of weaving. You can actually buy spinning wheels and looms and it’s a fascinating hobby for many people. Think of being able to card your own wool stock and spin it into yarn with your spinning wheel then weave it into material with your own looms. Who knows where this could go for you, you may even wind up manufacturing your own looms and spinning wheels. These are fascinating machines that date back to our colonial history. Some of the families were kept occupied by being able to supply linen and woolen material to their local merchants.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Work From Home - Community Services | 033

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

A community shopping service might be just the thing for you to begin your home based business plan. As an idea it might be well worth your while to investigate the possibilities of doing this as a community service and it would make a nice repeat business. This doesn’t necessarily limit you to a shopping service. There are other things in the way of service that you could perform like picking up other items for people in need of specific services. In order to make this work, think of ideas that you could do like special delivery of items for the customer. Due to the cost of gas these days your charges would of course require that you adjust your charges accordingly. This would have a nice advantage of writing off the cost of transportation on your business.

You might consider in home services in addition to shopping for your home based business. If you are good at fixing things, then you might find yourself in demand for minor repairs of all kinds. You will find that there are many people that live alone and are in need of this kind of service. Getting acquainted with your neighbors might just give you enough customers to make it worth your while. If you go knocking on doors do not go alone, have a companion with you, preferably another adult. Believe me there is a need for this kind of service, many elderly you will find that would make good customers and if they are happy with your services they will be glad to give your referrals. In addition you will be making many new friends. You will have to be wise as Solomon in dealing with some of the elderly because of age related memory problems. It will be best to close the transaction with receipt of payment because many elderly just forget. It is not their intent, it is their geriatric infirmity that is at the cause and they aren’t always aware of their problems. Don’t allow this to become a problem for your business.

If you start a home based business of this nature it would be wise to have a flyer printed with your services and have your phone number listed along with your business registration number. Keep your flyer simple and directly to the point. List your fees and variable charges involved, such as amount of time required. After you find yourself in a business you may need to schedule your jobs to do your errands in a logical time savings manner by grouping your customers. Become aware of how you fit new customers into your scheduled routines.

After you have worked your new home based business for a while you will be filled with all kinds of ideas for improvement. Keep good notes and make a record of your business building, you will then have documented personal experience that could be used to write a how to book in establishing and operating a successful in home business. That could give you a salable product and a second stream of income, because by then you will be the expert.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Monday, August 11, 2008

Work From Home - Build A Shop Class | 032

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

In your determination to build a viable home based business think about building a Shop Class from your home. Since our public schools are no longer teaching shop class, where will our children learn how to do shop work? We are already well down the road to total industrial failure. It is going to be up to the mom’s and pop’s to fill the gaping hole. Think in terms of furnishing a school for interested kids where they can begin to get a hands on experience in an apprentice program. Entering into a shop program can go down the road to thousands of specialty careers. Almost any business that can be thought of can be traced back to inventions and tool work of all kinds. The area is so vast that it will be hard to encompass. Think of it as part of your home schooling extensions. If you are an instructor, think about producing live classes that can be recorded. Our kids are starving and failing for the lack of good training and education. It’s about time to replace the worn out TV programmed junk and public school system with their programs of self destruction.

It would be nice to be able to replace Work At Home, with Live At Home. By working at home in your own home based business think about the future of your family and the business of learning to live at home. In today’s society there is a dramatic shift taking place due to the corporate greed of the banking system. They are busy destroying themselves with their corporate evil banking. We will have to learn to begin living and working from home without them. Begin to think e-commerce. Right now it’s a hidden entity not really seen by the public. Think about the banks, do you know of any that produce anything of value except for themselves. They are so self serving that they are really a dangerous cancer to our society. At one time the banks used to contain real money, today that is not the case. Wouldn’t it be nice to see the banks disappear from our towns and country; along with the gas stations? What we will really need are repair shops to repair our electro magnetic autos. They are here folks. Just think how our world will smell in about 10 to 20 years of no more gasoline and oil coughing motors on the highways. It may not take that long.

In your home based business think about the needs and the future of our educational system. Everything is in place for this to be done from home. Think of community and the needs of the community. This work at home concept will create the need for many- many specialists. It is your responsibility as parents and grand-parents to be specialists in raising your children and your job will be teaching them. The job is big and the results can become big if you maintain and teach the spirit of family loyalty, and if you accomplish this you will accomplish the re-building of the strong loyal fiber of all of our citizens. This all can happen from the confines of your home. Collectively as a nation without boundary we must become the leaders in education. We can do it by doing it.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Work From Home - To Do List & Daily Schedule | 031

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

What comes first the schedule or the work? In the operations of your home based business it wouldn’t be very nice if someone brought you a pile of work that was totally disorganized and without a specific procedure. It would be chaotic to start. Surely you can imagine how you might react. This points out several things that you need in your home based business. Organization is vitally important to a well run business of any kind. In order to get your arm around the whole operation of your business a very important tool would be to have a THINGS TO DO LIST. It cannot be stressed how very important this is. The very first thing is to make a TO DO list with the objective to get your business running and at a good profit and quickly as possible. Then you must review and reorganize your To Do List by priority at the end of every day. The following morning you must start at the top of the list and proceed through the day. As your day progresses you will add to your TO DO list then again at the end of the day reorganize it to priority. Don’t worry about getting to the end of the list, you will be adding to it and reorganizing on a daily basis. So things at the bottom of the list will eventually float to the top because you are using a dynamic tool of reorganization that will accomplish this. When your people find out you are using a To Do List, they will soon learn that you mean business and just won't let things go by.

Surely on your To Do List will be to work and establish a business work schedule for your day and others that may be involved. When you find yourself involved with repetitive type work that is work steps repeated over and over, then you may need to think of written work procedures. Keep it simple and a step by step process. Do not assign a persons name to it, give it a job name for identification. That way once established it can be printed out and handed to an employee or a family member to perform. It could be designed for a work order, job order, or daily or periodical procedure or combination. You may ask, but do I have to do all of this? The answer is yes because it will free up your time and it can be a very easy tool to use in delegating work. Then it also can be used as a turn around document from the employee to track their performance and continue with use in other office procedures and reports.

Depending on the complexity of your home based business schedule think of it as a subset of your Policy and Operations Manual. Well defined work schedules and procedures will make it much more easy in the future expansion of your business. Well developed procedures and schedules will make it much easier in replacing and retraining people in your organization. You may also find it beneficial in the work assignment areas of your people, cycling people on various jobs can add interest to the employee and as they learn the various job skills will become more valuable to your home based business. This will also lend itself to outsourcing your work and jobs. Even if you don’t have employees, these documents and procedures are very important to the members of the family that participate in your business. Once you have it you won’t want to be without it.

If you give some thought to the development of your home based businesss you will find that the design of the foregoing work into an organized Business Operations Manual. Think about section assignment and just where in the manual does a document belong. Once you know where to assign a document, you will be able to find it. This should and will eventually be used by your accounting system. A little thought and study of your business operations will be a tremendous asset to your business as it grows. This can all start and grow out of a simple TO DO list.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Work From Home - Things To Consider | 030

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

A specialist does better in business than people that do not specialize. If you can specialize in a single product for your home based business you will reach a high level of competence rather than trying to represent dozens or even hundreds of products. After you are successful with a single product, then it might be a good idea to introduce an associated product or product line. Be careful not to over burden your business and start to break down your business. It is vitally important to continue operating a smooth trouble free business without confusion. Expansion in business is often the fatal flaw that cause successful business to suddenly fail. Adding on and bigger isn’t always better, watch out for those commitments that are not assets. Remember overloading your commitments puts a drain on your assets. Never think of a commitment as and asset, they are liabilities however they could be a cost of doing business.

In guarding your home based business, watch out for freeloaders. They are the kind of people that want the money but don’t want to contribute to the business. It’s kind of a sorry comment but usually relatives and not necessarily immediate family fall into that category and try to use your relationship to get into your billfold. Those kind of people are the takers and cons which you will do better without. Your home based business is your life line and guard it as though your life depends upon it, because it does. If you have people come to work for you, put a lock on your back door and your mother on the cash register. This is especially true if you are dealing with food services.

Another point in considering a home based business is your insurance requirements. You need this base covered just as fast as you can. Ask yourself all kinds of what if type questions in evaluating your overall insurance program. One item often overlooked is do you have a back up replacement plan in case you are unable to work? Can your business afford to hire someone to replace you while you are ill or unable to work? How much coverage would you need with insurance? This is just one area, there are more and need to be considered. What if?

If you are not an accountant you need to learn how to read and understand an accounting business plan and then write one for your home based business. You may need the help of an accountant. Doing this will help you to understand your business and be able to see where you are going with it. A business plan is like a road map for your business. Don’t go anywhere with out one. A good business plan will be a tremendous aid in remaining focused with your business. There are good books written on writing business plans and it is recommended that you purchase a couple or at least go to a book store just to see a little about what it is to write and produce a good business plan. Then find an accounting friend and proceed.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Friday, August 8, 2008

Work From Home - With Family Members | 029

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

A home based business offers some special benefits because you can start in a corner of a room or a garage. It can be run with minimal obligations and investment. If you have a home computer and are connected to the internet you are already half way in business. The internet offers you just about anything you could wish for in operating a business from home.

You can choose whether to start on a part time basis or full time and you will have pretty much your choice of hours that you wish to work. If you are dependent on your income from your job, it is best to start your home based business part time. Keep your home work at home, do not take it to your employers place and never-never do any of your home work at your employers. In addition it is best not to be in competition with your employer. This could cause you legal problems, possible immediate dismissal and you don’t want either one of them.

It will be to your advantage to include members of your family in your home based business. There are a number of good reasons you should do this. If a family works together they will all become strong loyal family members. In setting up your budget set up a bucket for allocating monies to purchase assets. Do this first. Assets being things that produce a regular income and keep producing. The very most important thing you can do is to be sure to pay yourself and that income to be used for the purchasing of assets. Once you have purchased an asset you will have a second income developed. Keep on doing this and teach your whole family what is going on in this regard. This one thing will assure that they have an income of their own and will happily contribute to the family enterprise.

There are many more reasons for adding your whole family, for example, consider the tax advantage, vacations write offs, business trips with the family and on an on. Consider the varied and special talents of you, your mate and your children. The world is yours, just grab on to it.

If you are stumped for funds and need to advertise, consider learning the Google SEO (Search Engine Ranking) system. It doesn’t happen over night and will take some time to learn and become successful with it. You need this in order to get your website placed out there on the top of the listings so that people will find you. This can be done, but it takes time and some education. It is very important to learn but will pay off big. Don’t go at it blind, this will give your home based business the direction that it needs for success.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Work From Home - Getting Organized | 028

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

Operating and starting your own home based business require many skills. You must be willing to work and study the areas in which you are weak. One of the most important areas is being organized. You will need to attack it as if it’s an enemy, and it will be to your business if you are not organized. You will eventually find yourself in a mess and spinning your wheels. Just get in the habit of keeping things in their place. It’s a must if you are to succeed in life.

One of the best ways to overcome disorganization in your home based business is to become creative. Use your mind as it was intended and that is to be creative. You will find that being creative will be the most rewarding part of your work. Carry creative activity into all phases of your work and you will find yourself loving it. If you just can’t do some things, get some advise on how to handle it or hire someone to do it for you, however if you are just starting out it is advisable not to spend money on things you can learn to do yourself.

The big payoff in being organized and the time that it will save. Not only will it save you time it will save your business. How much time have you lost because it was spent looking for items? Remember this old motto; a place for everything and everything in it’s place. Once you assign a place that is where it should be returned without fail. Getting organized will require some time, thinking, planning and doing. Don’t be surprised at having to reorganize, but once you have gone through the exercise of being organized, getting reorganized won’t be as bad. You just know that when it all comes together that things will be better. Avoid clutter like the plague, it could be the death of your work from home business.

In your adventure to make money make it one of your primary objectives to become totally and completely organized. This will require time and determination. In your process of organization if you come across something that you haven’t seen it two years, do an expletive deleted on it and throw it away or sell it. Get rid of it, it’s clutter. Remember, clutter equals failure and remember Mothers, have a cardboard box for clutter for your children, at the end of the day have them pick up all their clutter to be put in the clutter box, and the toys put in their toy box or proper place. At the end of your day place your clutter into the clutter box. Those are lifetime habits well worth the time to learn and do.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Work From Home - Ideas | 027

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

For what ever reason the desire to work from home the timing is right. Using your computer and the internet is an excellent start in your research and the development of a business that will be right for you. The most desirable aspect of working from home is that you will be able to regulate your work hours to fit your schedule. If you are a Mom that has kids in school, this is just the thing to do. Develop your home based business around your total needs and ideas which includes the needs of your family.

If you can do work for someone else then you can work for yourself. Apply that discipline of working for someone to working for you. Once you get going you will be your toughest boss. Search for other people that are in business and working at home. This can be kind of difficult because they are the quiet part of society that go by unnoticed except for their family. Today these people are busy at home on their computer quietly working away on their home based business. Talk to your friends and see what ideas that some of them may have. They may know someone that is doing just what you want to do.

If you can write there is a demand for you on the internet. It is not necessarily easy but it can be done. The tools available are fabulous and you can produce a finished work right from your home based business on your computer. After all you are the boss. You can do your research without leaving your home. It is truly amazing what you can accomplish right in your own office on your own computer. You can produce a completed manuscript in finished form ready for the publisher. From typing, editing, spell check, grammar check, and print ready format. By using these tools you will be really confident in your work. Let the new systems work for you. If you don’t know what to write about, write about your experiences, you are the expert. When ideas pop into your head, write about them, then store them for later retrieval. That will become very valuable resource material that you will use in your later writing. After you have done that for a period of time you won’t have to worry about writers block. Review of your material will activate those dormant ideas.

The only thing that one has to worry about having a home based business is needing to break away from time to time. It is good to have a short vacation if only for an hour or two. It will help to revitalize your mind and body and give you a fresh start and new ideas. Just because you are a work at home person doesn’t mean that you have to be there all the time. Since you are the boss, delegate some of your work. Get your whole family involved, have brain storming sessions for the purpose of coming up with ideas.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Work From Home - Specialty Intrests | 026

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

If you are a stay at home type person and would like to be able to work from home and develop your own business then you need to take inventory of your skills and what you like to do. What you like to do best is probably what you should try to make as a business. Many businesses start as hobbies, some just out of sheer desire for independence. Maybe you want to drop out of the rat race. The timing couldn’t be better than right now, the facilities are in place for developing home based businesses. To start with what you need is to allocate a corner in a room with your computer as your office, make a declaration that you are in business. Then go to work with your computer and the internet as your companion. If you already have a computer and are on the internet you are more than half way there. Plan on working at your job for a time while you develop your home based business.

You will find educational facilities on the internet that will gladly teach you for free how to set up a business using your computer and the internet. Try not to think job, that will trap you into a corner, think business, your own. That way you will not put a cap on your earnings. Learn how to use the browsers to research on the internet. There is so much information available out there that it staggers the imagination. There seems to be no end of material available. A word of caution, don’t believe everything you read, there are sharks on the internet and want you for their lunch. Don’t believe those wild income stories, they are just that, stories made up to trap you. Don’t fall for them. If it appears that you can’t call the people, or contact them, double caution. Even if you do get a hold of a live person, they may just be a telephone sales person just eager to make a quick sale.

Can you write stories, business procedures, short articles, educational articles, how to articles? If you are able to do this, there is a huge demand for your talent on the internet. Are you able to teach? There is also a tremendous demand for good teachers on the internet. The internet now has the capability to have live interactive classrooms where you can have a one on one discussion with the pupils as a group or individuals. The kinks have really been ironed out of the internet communications systems. The classroom structure is really there and a wonderful tool to use in building your home based business. It’s as though it has been purposefully developed to be that way.

If you have a garden, puttering and tinkering with your plants and weeds will give you time to think and plan on just what you might do in using your computer and internet for developing your home based business. Even your interest in gardening could spring board you into business. Join a garden club to expand your circle and by associating with like minded people will feed you with lots of good ideas. There are garden clubs centered around a certain species like the Croton bush. Get involved with their activities, it could be great for the whole family. By working from home you should be able to find the time for such activities. Activities like that are a good break from the mundane chores of the day and will furnish a fresh and invigorating break.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Monday, August 4, 2008

Work From Home - Brainstorming For Ideas | 025

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

Many people have a problem coming up with ideas to be used for the family home based business. A solution to this problem would be to have family brainstorming sessions. Keep an open mind because you will get ideas that you would never dream of. These kinds of ideas can be funny, and you may think not worth much, but they can spark and help to generate more ideas. Another very useful tool would be to write down a list of ideas on a sheet of paper, or write down a list of just things, then as a group go through each one and get responses, which will be filled with ideas. Keep in mind that an idea of itself is not good or bad, for your purpose it is to generate more ideas. If you have a mental block when it comes to thinking of ideas something as simple as taking a break, if you live where you can go for a walk, take a short walk it will help you to relax and clear your mind.

If you are looking for ways to make money and increase your income, associate with successful people and talk about ideas. That is what successful people are best at talking about ideas. You will find it invigorating and you will begin to think like successful people. Go to the book store and buy a new book and start reading it. After a little break your mind should be refreshed and ready to go again. Your ideas are there you just need to unlock them and let them out. Have a paper and pen handy and write them down and at times they will flow like running water. Keep your kids involved, they will love it and it will help to cement good family relations.

Sleep on ideas and put your subconscious mind to work on them. You will be amazed after an active brain storming session and after a good nights sleep, you will be awakened with fresh new ideas that you didn’t know you had. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know a good idea from a bad one but it sure does a job of sorting and generating new ideas. This concept will also work very well with other problem areas. Just give it a try and let it work for you. You will find yourself pleasantly amazed at how much your family home based business will benefit from this exercise.

If you think your kids can’t or won’t contribute to a brainstorming session, just give it a try. You may have to encourage a little, but one thing, do not be critical about any idea that the kids have, that would just dampen their contributions. It must be open and not held to criticism. You will find that they will be eager to contribute. A nice thing about being at a home based business is they are liable to come to you with an excellent ideas out of the blue, just be prepared to listen to them. After all they are part of your team and you don't want to miss a good idea.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Work From Home - Looking For A Job | 024

Good Morning: It's a great day because I work at home.

Are you looking for a job? Why not think business instead of job? If you think job you are putting limits on your earnings and income right from the start. If you start thinking business or enterprise you have just lifted the ceiling on your income and why not head for the top? Because of today’s economic climate, now is a good time to think business. A business of your own. You can approach this part time and still keep your present job. Beginning to work part time in your own business, even if it’s only part time will soon help you in developing an attitude and frame of mind needed to run a good work from home business.

From this point you need to start thinking like a business person. Begin an association of other people that are interested in developing a home based business. This is where it’s at, the mom’s and pop’s working at home making a nation strong. It can and will happen, the people are ready for it. There are millions looking for home type work in which they can develop into a business. Your business may or may not be with the internet and that is good; however because of the power of the internet it would be well for you to learn all you can about using it in connection with your home based enterprise.

What are you good at? What do you like to do? Become creative, use your latent talents and begin to do things that you like and are good at. Can you teach? What can you teach? Do you like working alone or with people? Do you like working with children or adults or both? Once you put your mind to it, the possibilities are almost endless.

What it will take to become successful is a lot of determination, drive, being totally focused on your goal to accomplish a viable business. At times this will seem difficult and lonely, that’s why you need to be surrounded with friends that have common goals. Friends that can teach and mentor you to your success. Added to your list of friends can be books on success and biography’s of successful people, like Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Hill, Thomas Jefferson and Earl Nightingale etc. Reading good books will help to keep your mental activities activated and stirred up. You will find yourself generating ideas like you never thought you could. When wealthy people get together they talk about ideas and this is the engine that drives their businesses.

Lay out your plan for your work from home business then work your plan. What ever it takes begin with a plan, lay it out and get started. You will surprise yourself.

Brad Vigansky

Skype: bradley.vigansky