Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Your Home Based Business | 089

During my teen age years living in South Western Michigan I lived within about 25 miles from an Amish farm community. At that time I didn’t know too much about the Amish but one day while driving through this Amish community I needed directions to be sure I was going the right way and I drove into this Amish family farm home front yard. When I drove in the whole family came out to greet me and there were many children from very little to young adults. I was never so impressed with a family so much as I was with this particular one. They were all dressed in the Amish style of clothing which was somewhat foreign to me and they were all very clean and neat and very well mannered. I spoke to the father of the group and went on my way. However it left me with a very nice memory of that group of people, a well organized and developed good way of life and a picture of a family home based business .

That didn’t seem at all strange to me because I also lived and was a member of a large farm family not too much different from the way they lived except for the customs. To work and strive for that type of life is really a goal worth aiming for. It can be done, all you need to do is make a plan and start. Just remember the experience that I had with that family was due to their life long work and efforts in developing. It will take time and work.

If you are inclined to develop a home based business the timing could not be better, but it will be difficult considering the economic problems that are facing the world. Remember this, the economic problems that we are facing are due to the lies of our bankers, industry leaders, politicians, teachers and their thieving ways. It is an awful mess and the problems facing the current generation will only be solved by returning to honesty in industry and government. It can begin right with you and your home based business . Rule number one, run it honestly. Even the little white lies will not work, they will just mess up your mind. Make it a way of life to live honestly, that will carry you well throughout your whole life. Consider this, a lie is self serving and honesty serves all.

One of your biggest problems in developing a home based business is money. Our society is based upon money and the exchange of money for goods and services. Don’t overlook the possibility of barter. You can exchange your services not only for money but the services of others or for things. A non cash transaction and exchange is quite legal. Don’t under estimate your talents and abilities; they can be worth quite a lot to other people.

If you want to be successful with your money the very first thing you must do is to live below your means . Don’t believe that old bankers lie, live within your means. You must live below your means, even the wealthy live below their means. They know that by doing that, they will have extra money to used in development and increasing your home based business bottom line. This means that the most important chunk of your income is an allocation to pay yourself first. Then use that money wisely for further development. Begin to think in terms of purchasing assets. An asset is a thing that will produce income and increase your products and goods. If it doesn’t produce don’t classify it as an asset. As your assets increase, so will you income. Guard your assets carefully and do not allow the banksters to lend you money on them. Look at what the bankers are doing today, their favorite word must be foreclose. Not only will you loose your assets, you will also loose your income. Keep away from the thieves.

If you are interested in acquiring more assets such as acquiring customers instead of leads go to the links at the end of this article. This could be the start of your future prosperity and steady increase of income.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184 .

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