What comes first the schedule or the work? In the operations of your home based business it wouldn’t be very nice if someone brought you a pile of work that was totally disorganized and without a specific procedure. It would be chaotic to start. Surely you can imagine how you might react. This points out several things that you need in your home based business. Organization is vitally important to a well run business of any kind. In order to get your arm around the whole operation of your business a very important tool would be to have a THINGS TO DO LIST. It cannot be stressed how very important this is. The very first thing is to make a TO DO list with the objective to get your business running and at a good profit and quickly as possible. Then you must review and reorganize your To Do List by priority at the end of every day. The following morning you must start at the top of the list and proceed through the day. As your day progresses you will add to your TO DO list then again at the end of the day reorganize it to priority. Don’t worry about getting to the end of the list, you will be adding to it and reorganizing on a daily basis. So things at the bottom of the list will eventually float to the top because you are using a dynamic tool of reorganization that will accomplish this. When your people find out you are using a To Do List, they will soon learn that you mean business and just won't let things go by. If you learn to use a word processor on your computer the reorganization of your To Do list will be real easy to do. Just learn the copy and paste technique and insert the items where you want them according to priority. If you are a programmer you could design a records file and just assign priority numbers to it and sort the file and print it. Then at the end of the day after adding new projects to your To Do list, just reassign your priorities. At this point you might want to consider a priority class such as high, medium, low priority, and of course it’s the high priority items that you will be concentrating on.
Surely on your To Do List will want to work and establish a business work schedule for your day and others that may be involved. When you find yourself involved with repetitive type work that is work steps repeated over and over, then you may need to think of written work procedures. Keep it simple and a step by step process. Do not assign a persons name to it, give it a job name for identification. That way once established it can be printed out and handed to an employee or a family member to perform. It could be designed for a work order, job order, or daily or periodical procedure or combination. You may ask, but do I have to do all of this? The answer is yes because it will free up your time and it can be a very easy tool to use in delegating work. Then it also can be used as a turn around document from the employee/worker to track their performance and continue with use in other office procedures and reports. At the end of each day or shift you could collect the job/work order and use it in your office procedures.
Depending on the complexity of your home based business schedule think of it as a subset of your Policy and Operations Manual. Well defined work schedules and procedures will make it much more easy in the future expansion of your business. Well developed procedures and schedules will make it much easier in replacing and retraining people in your organization. You may also find it beneficial in the work assignment areas of your people, cycling people on various jobs can add interest to the employee and as they learn the various job skills will become more valuable to your home based business. This will also lend itself to outsourcing your work and jobs. Even if you don’t have employees, these documents and procedures are very important to the members of the family that participate in your business. Once you have it you won’t want to be without it.
If you give some thought to the development of your home based business you will find that the design of the foregoing work into an organized Business Operations Manual. Think about section assignment and just where in the manual does a document belong. Once you know where to assign a document, you will be able to find it. This should and will eventually be used by your accounting system. A little thought and study of your business operations will be a tremendous asset to your business as it grows. This can all start and grow out of a simple TO DO list.
Have you ever heard of TriVita? If you have this means you can begin to develop your own home based business which could be used right now to help during this storm of our nations money crisis. Go to the links at the end of this article and make a study of the possibilities of using the TriVita method of purchasing customers instead of leads and build a very financially sound business of your own. Just click on those links. I am very busy at my home based business, and you could be also. Just click on those links and begin.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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