What is the beneficial experience that your children may receive in our public schools? Will it be beneficial to our culture? Only time will tell the full story; however there is enough evidence that it will not. The breakdown of our culture may have already begun. Look at the liars and evil that’s being conducted in high places. Do we want our children to live like that? If you are an AARP member or if you are 50 and over you are old enough to really realize that the road that we the people are traveling is not producing good overall results. You the parents of our young children need to be careful about what is being revealed at very tender ages.
Should you be introducing your grade school students to R-rated material? The answer to that should be obvious with a resounding NO. Only by home schooling can you accomplish this. When a child reaches an age of full accountability should this become another issue in their lives? Is a pregnant teenager accountable? I hardly think so. Now if a person is 20 or over, then that answer is yes. At the age of 20 they are physically adults. Only until they reach the age of 40 are they mature. I can hear the howls and cries already. I would ask you to evaluate the news of today. What about the declining academic standards and the alarming illiteracy rates. Have you heard of much violence in our public schools these days? Just plain old discipline, where has that gone? Isn’t it funny that when our congress members address each other they call them the honorable Mr. or Mrs. Title. (I would like to have said Honorable So And So.) That’s a carry over from the colonial times when the title Mr. meant honor. The flurry of activity in our highest councils and chambers of government have been anything but honorable. It’s like putting a 6 month old baby in the bathroom by himself to go potty. What a mess. We no longer have statesmen we have scoundrels which are traitorous politicians. We have a few statesmen left and they need to get off their haunches and clean up the mess in their own house. For the others the banks have done a good job of bribing the senators and congressmen to the point that our laws are all screwed up. In order for our government to be cleaned up we need a body of people that are educated to the true and good values of life and the home schooled scholars will produce those people. Become a part of this revolution by becoming a home school mom and dad. There is where our statesmen will come from and the jails and prisons can be filled to exploding, which they already are, by the public school system. The choice should be obvious.
What do you do with a broken system? Fix it or get rid of it. If you get rid of it, you need to replace it. So what will it be? Left on its present course it will destroy the host and eventually self destruct. How do we change the course of direction? That can be accomplished by surgically removing the sick parts. Since we have a government that refuses to listen to the people through the courts, we then have to accomplish this otherwise using another avenue. Will it be by violence, I doubt it because we as a group have been disarmed. Let me ask a question, if a person accepts a bribe, which is unlawful, can we still demand prosecution? In a bribe situation are both parties guilty?
Then there is barratry or should I be un-polite and say lying. The sad part is that only under oath can a person be found guilty of lying and can be prosecuted. If you aren’t under oath you can lie all you want. Sad isn’t it? So since our public school system is in the process of teaching students how to lie effectively and teach that the little white lie don’t hurt anybody, where does it end? However, I have a serious question in this regard. Aren’t all of our elected officials under oath at all times until the end of their term? It would seem to me that they would be on the straight and narrow path of being an honorable honest person and earn the respect they so much desire. So it would seem to me if they are caught in a lie at anytime they are in office they could be served a summons to appear in court to face charges of barratry. However, you see the results, it’s staring you in the face daily. Only at the grass roots can this type of onerous conduct be repaired, That leaves the responsibility up to the moms and pops and their effective home schooling efforts doing an honest job.
If you look at home schooling as working at the head of the government teaching and preparing members for honorable positions in life within the framework of our government, we will go a long way in correcting our current dilemma in government. To expand your control at home takes cash flow and you can evaluate how you can accomplish this in a part time effort. Click on those links at the bottom of this article and learn how you can do this.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
http://www.contactus.tomorrows homebusiness.com
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