To all of you AARP members: Did you know that now we are in a Contained Depression Now comes the banksters to the rescue, have your noticed who is receiving the money. The banks of course, but you will have to borrow it into circulation and you are securely leashed by the debt system of money that the banksters use to rob us. There is a way out of this dilemma, and now is the time to listen and learn about our historical mistakes.
So now we have a Contained Depression. It won’t last as long as the great depression because they (the banksters) have studied it and know just what they are going to do. To resolve this issue to the benefit of the people, our new president will have to nationalize the privately owned Federal Reserve and have it audited. Of course you won’t see it happen. Who ever audits them if it does happen, will find the rabbit tracks and really discover that this whole collapse had been orchestrated at the top level. The question I have; who is actually at the top of that infamous gangster style of operation? There is where the lines should be drawn on the war on terror. One thing to remember don’t ever get in the way of a bankster and his money. They will kill you for it.
Evaluate and study the story of the Lincoln Greenback. Within that documentation you will find the macabre story of what really transpired. Those Lincoln Greenbacks did not have any gold or silver backing, it was the same as the fiat money used during the colonial period of our great country. The Bank Of England found out that that was what was making this country great, they were using their own money instead of the English money which was kept in short supply by the Crown.
To continue your history of money it's a matter of following the money trail;s study the assignation of President John F. Kennedy. A clue to look at would be his Presidential Order #11110. Use your search engine and you will find it on the internet. Once you begin to compare what happened to our money system between our two presidents you will begin to see the similarity. Ask yourself, why and who really was behind the assignation of these two men that dared to confront and act against the banksters. Remember the period of time that Robert Kennedy was US Attorney General. He really went to work on the mobs and cleaned up a lot of activities that Old Joe was involved with. Assignation number three that can easily be traced to? Who else? THE BANKSTERS.
Instead of printing our debt free money as the colonists used or the Lincoln Greenback, or the Kennedy Silver backed currency the congress should Nationalize the Private Federal Reserve banks and issue debt free money through them. They are in place and would function quite well, they would then become legal. Study the Creature of Jekyll Island, A Second Look At The Federal Reserve. After a thorough study you would never trust a politician again. At this point, remember the origin of the word politics. Poli comes from the Greek and means many. Tics of course are blood sucking creatures. There you have it, the politician names himself, he is among the many blood sucking creatures in our body of politicians. The time is long overdue to expel the politicians and replace them with statesmen of honor. Our forefathers intended that the federal government be only a part time duty for the patriots and that it be the common people that hold those offices. We need to return to that and you would see some drastic changes for the good of the people. To start with, salaries must me re-evaluated by the people. Set them at a place that will keep people that love money out of it. It is the love for money not the money that has us in this corrupted state.
Our constitution very clearly lays out how money should be handled. It has not been in effect since December of 1913 and that is when the Federal Reserve act came into being and put us on the debt money banksters leash. We need to institute and mandate that all people elected to government office have to be taught and pass a test (a tough one) on the Constitution. Then they must take a sworn oath to uphold it. Then on with the alphabet soup, they also must be taught the constitution and pass the same rigorous test. Failure to pass the test will nullify their election/appointment. If they don’t uphold the constitution, they should be put to death for treason. Look over the last 100 years and see what they have done. A 10 trillion dollar debt and going higher. Come on get with it. Look at all the wars that we have been involved in since 1918. Since 1950 it’s been UN wars, time to remove ourselves from such an evil body. How many thousands of our sons and daughters have been killed in the bankers wars? Thousands upon thousands. For these treasonous acts, they the bankers need to be put to death. For the past evil bankers we should set up a Hall Of Infamy and teach in our schools what they have done.
In the mean time you can begin to develop a part time business right in front of your computer and develop and very nice home based business. Find out all about it by going to the links at the bottom of this article and click on them. This will take you to information that will show you how you can do it. You will have a chance to meet Tom Prendergast, CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk; Dr. Raymond Jewell, Financial Advisor; and Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and maybe even me. I assure you that if you associate yourself with such people you will be following a major rule of success and that is surrounding yourself with successful people.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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