Tuesday, October 14, 2008

AARP & History Of Network Marketing | 096

If you are an AARP member you should become aware of the history of network marketing and it’s rate of failure which hovers at about 95 to 97 %. That means that you are going to succeed only 3 to 5 times out of a hundred and you don’t have a long enough life to be able to accomplish that. The older you are the less likely you are to succeed at network marketing. On an average the single individual is able to only recruit just over 1 person. That just does not do it. As for new start up companies with their sizzle and pop, forget it, their average life span is less than 2 years. Go for a company with a proven track record of a minimum of five years, even better if it’s ten years.

Say you are able to recruit about 10 people and figure what they are able to recruit. It just isn’t enough to make a viable company, but it’s enough for the parent company to make money from your expenses. They will attempt to sell you their overworked leads and you will exhaust yourself in an attempt to call unhappy people that don’t know you and don’t want to talk to you; and many will be just plain rude to you.

I know that many people in their 50’s and up are plunging into a short fall with their income due to the stock market crash and are going to have to hustle to make ends meet. There is a way out and you need to consider a home based business sitting right in front of your computer. Study the TriVita method of selling customers instead of selling leads. They are a 10 year old very successful company with over 2 million satisfied customers. Yes they sell customers and you may wonder how and why they do that. Their purpose is to capitalize their assets and invest in advertising to gain more customers. They own their own TV network and are very successful at advertising and selling their products. When you think about it, that means they have been able to turn their advertising budget around on a monthly basis instead of yearly. That is a tremendous leap and marketing advantage.

I want to mention that TriVita is not a multi level company. It does however use the pay structure that appears to be multi level, but guaranteed it is not multi level. You can become a member of this business and begin to develop your own very successful business. Once you purchase a customer they remain yours indefinitely. After your company is 3 or 4 years old, if you develop it, you would be able to put it on autopilot and it will continue to grow. It’s time for you to investigate your possibilities. Just go to the links at the bottom of this article and begin your own profitable business.

After you check out the following links you can continue with your home based business and get back with AARP and start to plan your next trip, or vacation.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
http://www.contactus.tomorrows homebusiness.com

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