Friday, October 31, 2008

Even AARP And Retired People Have The Unplanned Day. | 112

While working at your work from home business every thing is going along fine then you have an interruption that just causes you to make an adjustment in your daily activities. Things to do are piling up and you just don’t know where to start. Adding to your things to do list has suddenly become an aggravating task. It seems like sometimes everything has high priority and which one do you choose seems to take over. How can I change this situation without having someone to delegate excess work and jobs? I guess you just line them up one by one and run like a spooked deer and tear into your work.

What do you do when you don’t get the results that you want? Sometimes this is where it’s necessary to make some changes. They may not be what you like, but those are life’s tough make or break decisions. What needs to be done is to analyze and compare what you are doing to your overall goals and objectives. If something does not fit into your overall objectives or is just a plain old road block, you are either to move the road block or change your minor objectives. Sometimes just put a hold on it; and that means you have just sorted it out or put it on the bottom of your things to do list. A possible answer may lie in your scheduling of your work day. If you have consumed your time allocation on a project for the day, you must stop and pick up on the next task.

So, what you have arrived at is the solution to a possible problem of being overloaded with work. Time allocation of specific jobs for each day. There are some responsibilities that are unexpected when it relates to the greater family activities that you want to be involved with but don’t have any control as to the timing. You just may have to take a stand with relatives outside the immediate family that you need a certain amount of time for including with your activities. Sometimes it’s like planning for the arrival of a new born baby. When it happens, it’s here. Take it or leave it.

When you are in a work from home business sometimes it’s just difficult to manage activity of family life and activity of the business. This is where your abilities will be strained to the breaking point. To keep them both going and working well will take your time, energy and planning. It will take a lot of stamina, patience, and more patience and persistence. All of your learned laws of success will be called upon to help you through some of these kinds of trying days. Just keep at it. Winners never quit. Sometimes it just may take a little longer.

At the end of this article are some links for you to go to and examine the websites and add to your knowledge of what is available in the way of developing your home based business and a plan to keep your good health, and build your wealth.

PS: I missed writing my blog yesterday. Just one of those days.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
More information Vitamin B12
Free Internet Business Education

If you are interested in a work shop for experimenting
with plant invitro cell culture just go to the following link.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Academics And Activities Of Home Schooling | 111

How To Avoid Major Home Schooling Roadblocks.
Are you an AARP member, a parent, a grand-parent? What ever your adult age is and you are considering home schooling for your children or grand children don’t fall into the trap of having piles of worksheets in your curriculum. Your home school classroom just is not the place for this and it would be self defeating. It would be the exact opposite of what home schooling is really about. An occasional work sheet is ok but having it on a daily basis and stacks of worksheets is just self defeating. If you are using programs prepared by professionals beware. Ask yourself what is the objective of the government controlled publications about. There is some good material in them but you must supplement with ideas tailored to the needs of your family’s situation

Lessons Should Relate To What’s Happening and Family Activities.
The arrival of a new baby will be a big added attraction to your home school classroom. Think of the opportunities to begin teaching your older children the importance of child care from infancy on. Even with a scheduled arrival of such a package to your home school classroom is an opportunity compared to no other. Let the public schools try this, I can just hear the sneers but a home family will do it without question. Just writing about this makes me feel and remember how it was during pre-school years when I was very little. There were 5 of us from age 0 to 6. I can remember stormy weather we were allowed to make all the noise we wanted. It helped to cover the noise of the storm. These were unscheduled events. Planning for home school activities takes care and planning and should be relevant and give hands on experience to your students. As your group ages and interests begin to vary it is important that a child develop good study habits. By this time they begin to go in different directions they will be actually self taught. You will begin to learn from them which is an exciting aspect of being a home school parent. Some of your children will be real surprise packages.

Use Careful Planning For Study Packages.
It would be wise to incorporate 3 areas of major study to start with. They used to call this the three R’s. Reading, Writing, Arithmetic. For reading the study of the alphabet can be included with the writing lessons. I don’t know if a book on the Palmer method of writing is still available, but it’s a good one if you can find it. Actually by teaching writing and the alphabet it approaches the most important class of phoenix. A regular class of phoenix should be started immediately upon teaching the child letters and writing. Then with phoenix you will launch into reading. All three areas are inseparable.

Art Is Very Important And Should Be Included Daily.
Art is much more than a color book and crayons. Art can and should be related to every aspect of life. For example, silk screening, is a tremendous art form and can encompass the entire curriculum. A project of building your own silk screening equipment will encompass carpentry, math, chemistry, painting, etc. Just this one project could lead your family into a money making enterprise. Another project could be the spinning wheel, spinning, and weaving. In the early colonial days my ancestors were the village weavers, from spinning to weaving cloth and selling it to the merchants. As you can see art work is very important. There are many other forms of activities that will include the use of art. Activities like this will keep your home school from being ho hum, humdrum.

With what I have discussed you can visually see the importance of home school and home based business, they are very inter-related whether it be a farm setting or a village. A cash flow is essential for the home based family and listed below are some links that you could study and learn how you can begin to build an extra income on a part time basis and the income could become substantial. Just click on them and be prepared for the thrill of your life.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
More information Vitamin B12
Free Internet Business Education

If you are interested in a work shop for experimenting
with plant invitro cell culture just go to the following link.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Monkey Ducks On C Span | 110

Have you been watching C-Span lately? Well it certainly may be news worthy but it is bad enough to cause a maggot to regurgitate. The monkey ducks have certainly been putting on a display. They give the appearance of keeping cool and somber. I wonder how Somber Senator Stevens from Alaska is doing. Can you imaging being 84 years old and facing a life sentence; if it’s only 6 months it could do him in? Where are the oil companies? Are they out of reach of our legal system? What about Standard Oil trading with Germany during the Second World War? Are these corporations beyond the law? It would appear to me that they are. What can be done about it?

Can you imagine living without petroleum? Now that we have the gas guzzling automobiles and some want to convert them to electric or natural gas. Which can be a good thing for the people if it’s out of the hands of the Mega Corporations which seem to be beyond our laws. Or maybe they are in bed with our congressmen and senators; then what?

Maybe our Senate and Congressmen could do like they did in December of 1913 when only 2 people in a secret meeting met and created the Federal Reserve. Maybe a couple could meet in secret this December and put the Federal Reserve, IRS, and the Federal Reserve Act to sleep. This is the Achilles heal of that cursed banking system. If you have been watching C-Span you will notice that the Federal Reserve former rabbits have been hopping all over the place.

The solution to this situation is very simple, our government must recognize their illegal activity in regard to the Federal Reserve Bank and return to controlling the money according to the constitution instead of leaving it up to a private bank that has never been audited in its 95 year history. Look up on the internet, Billions For The Bankers And Debts For The People. You will read a startling revelation about the truth and the Federal Reserve Bank written by Sheldon Emry. It should make you mad as a hornet. As you can tell it’s one of my hot buttons and boy has it been pushed lately. Maybe they could take Federal Storm Trooper into the Federal Reserve Bank and occupy and conrol them while they are put to sleep.

Even with all that going on, there is a way that you can begin to work around it by thinking; Home Based Business and Work From Home. While you are thinking of that, think about Home Schooling as goals to point your life in that direction. Even if you are an AARP member and 50 years old or older. This could be a good way to spend the rest of your life by dropping out of the rat race. What’s wrong with working in you pajamas while you are at home. I have my office in my bedroom, of all places, but I live alone so it really doesn’t matter. I do get up and go to work, it’s about 5 or 6 steps and I’m at my desk and computer. I fill up my truck with gas about once a month, but that is beginning to hurt my budget. Click on those links below and start your change, it can be and if your are determined, it will be a change for the better. Click on those links below and begin your exploration and have a nice day.

Monday, October 27, 2008

AARP Low Costs And High Costs Of Schooling | 109

Many studies over the last few years have established the academic excellence of home schooled children is a statement from the Legal Research Supplement of Home School Legal Defense Association in 1997 from an independent evaluations of home schooling. The study demonstrated that the home schooled students out performed their counter parts in the public schools by a whopping 30 to 37 percentile points. That is a variation from the public school system that should make their teachers hang their heads in shame. The statistics point to one conclusion and that is not only does home schooling work, but it works without the myriad of state controls and accreditation standards imposed on the public schools.

In addition when you look at the cost factors on both sides it’s alarmingly shameful. The average cost per year for the home school student was $546 while the annual cost per public school student was $5,325. That is a staggering statistic. That means dollar for dollar the mom and pops dollar compared to the states nine dollars and seventy five cents. What makes that even more shameful the moms and pops get no rebate from the states for their additional costs which was taken away from them by taxation. So on the average per student it is costing the moms and pops $5,871 per year. Get the picture, the moms and pops are carrying a tremendous burden and their results are also much greater than the states. How shameful does this have to get.

What‘s missing in our public school system? It can be summed up briefly in a few words. It‘s the parental love, compassion and attention. When the parents are there 24-7 with those attributes the public schools don’t stand a chance and the statistics prove it. Isn’t it time to sunset the public school system? I think it’s time to re-evaluate the whole public school system and think in terms of redesigning higher education of colleges and universities. Our universities and colleges have been magnets for the subversive elements in our society and this must be put to an end. Not the colleges and the universities, it’s the dissention and intentions of these kinds of people to overthrow the system. What needs to be changed is to get back to the purpose of these higher educational institutes. Their purpose should always be for the continued development of our culture. Over the past years of my life this has not been so, there is a destructive element that needs to be excised. It really boils down to lawful conduct. I go so far to say that if a person will not obey the laws of the state, they must be executed. That would put a stop to all this turmoil overnight. People need to learn the difference between loyalty, freedom , and treason. In my book treason is a reason for a death sentence.

Now all of you AARP members and people over and under 50 years of age have the reason for becoming home school parents and working from home. We really need to get back to the village type of life. The cities with their glitz and glamour just isn’t making muster. As long as we remain physical we need the earth to sustain our life. It’s time to realize that it’s the cities that are destroying life. Click on the links at the end of this article and evaluate a way that you can become a work from home person and maybe even a teacher in your own home school.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
More information Vitamin B12


Sunday, October 26, 2008

AARP, Home Schooling And Government | 108

What is the beneficial experience that your children may receive in our public schools? Will it be beneficial to our culture? Only time will tell the full story; however there is enough evidence that it will not. The breakdown of our culture may have already begun. Look at the liars and evil that’s being conducted in high places. Do we want our children to live like that? If you are an AARP member or if you are 50 and over you are old enough to really realize that the road that we the people are traveling is not producing good overall results. You the parents of our young children need to be careful about what is being revealed at very tender ages.

Should you be introducing your grade school students to R-rated material? The answer to that should be obvious with a resounding NO. Only by home schooling can you accomplish this. When a child reaches an age of full accountability should this become another issue in their lives? Is a pregnant teenager accountable? I hardly think so. Now if a person is 20 or over, then that answer is yes. At the age of 20 they are physically adults. Only until they reach the age of 40 are they mature. I can hear the howls and cries already. I would ask you to evaluate the news of today. What about the declining academic standards and the alarming illiteracy rates. Have you heard of much violence in our public schools these days? Just plain old discipline, where has that gone? Isn’t it funny that when our congress members address each other they call them the honorable Mr. or Mrs. Title. (I would like to have said Honorable So And So.) That’s a carry over from the colonial times when the title Mr. meant honor. The flurry of activity in our highest councils and chambers of government have been anything but honorable. It’s like putting a 6 month old baby in the bathroom by himself to go potty. What a mess. We no longer have statesmen we have scoundrels which are traitorous politicians. We have a few statesmen left and they need to get off their haunches and clean up the mess in their own house. For the others the banks have done a good job of bribing the senators and congressmen to the point that our laws are all screwed up. In order for our government to be cleaned up we need a body of people that are educated to the true and good values of life and the home schooled scholars will produce those people. Become a part of this revolution by becoming a home school mom and dad. There is where our statesmen will come from and the jails and prisons can be filled to exploding, which they already are, by the public school system. The choice should be obvious.

What do you do with a broken system? Fix it or get rid of it. If you get rid of it, you need to replace it. So what will it be? Left on its present course it will destroy the host and eventually self destruct. How do we change the course of direction? That can be accomplished by surgically removing the sick parts. Since we have a government that refuses to listen to the people through the courts, we then have to accomplish this otherwise using another avenue. Will it be by violence, I doubt it because we as a group have been disarmed. Let me ask a question, if a person accepts a bribe, which is unlawful, can we still demand prosecution? In a bribe situation are both parties guilty?

Then there is barratry or should I be un-polite and say lying. The sad part is that only under oath can a person be found guilty of lying and can be prosecuted. If you aren’t under oath you can lie all you want. Sad isn’t it? So since our public school system is in the process of teaching students how to lie effectively and teach that the little white lie don’t hurt anybody, where does it end? However, I have a serious question in this regard. Aren’t all of our elected officials under oath at all times until the end of their term? It would seem to me that they would be on the straight and narrow path of being an honorable honest person and earn the respect they so much desire. So it would seem to me if they are caught in a lie at anytime they are in office they could be served a summons to appear in court to face charges of barratry. However, you see the results, it’s staring you in the face daily. Only at the grass roots can this type of onerous conduct be repaired, That leaves the responsibility up to the moms and pops and their effective home schooling efforts doing an honest job.

If you look at home schooling as working at the head of the government teaching and preparing members for honorable positions in life within the framework of our government, we will go a long way in correcting our current dilemma in government. To expand your control at home takes cash flow and you can evaluate how you can accomplish this in a part time effort. Click on those links at the bottom of this article and learn how you can do this.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

More information Vitamin B12

Saturday, October 25, 2008

AARP And Home Schooling | 107

AARP And Home Schooling | 107

You may think that home schooling isn't for you if you are an AARP member and past the age and time when you will be having any more kids of school age. You may have grand-children and this does affect you and your relationship to them. In our wonderful country children of all age groups have the opportunity for an education and cultural experience that could be truly great. In some cases where the teachers are the exception rather than the rule, that some of the children that they come in contact with are blessed with the exception. These teachers are truly in a battlefield for the minds of our young people. The extreme left wing socialists that seem to have control of our school system are in reality destroying our educational system. This is why over 4 million scholars are being home schooled by their parents. That is over 1 percent of our population that are 15 to 30 percent better educated than the public school students.

I can remember nearly 40 years ago I confronted the board of education in regard to some real bad crap that was being taught to my oldest daughters in high school. They were using this very vulgar book as a class study in literature. The book was loaded with pornographic literature that was very extreme in a perverted sexual nature. I alerted all the parents that I knew, and an influential friend, a minister and by the end of the day I received a call from the board that the book was removed from their curriculum. That began a clean up in the curriculum in that school and I hope they continue to this day. It is this kind of crap that is being pushed down the throats by perverted teachers on a national scale. If you are a home school mom and dad you can control this kind of crap from entering into the teaching of your children. It is the non religious left that is pushing for this kind of teaching and just look at the results. It’s time for you parents to wake up to the reality of the issues and make a change in your ideas of education and life style. Putting your responsibility in the hands of the state has led us down this road of decadence. Take a good look at the current investigation that is being conducted by the oversight committee. The stench of corruption is everywhere around the world.

The next thing that people will confront you with will be that home schooling is an isolationist movement and shouldn’t be allowed. That’s rubbish and faulty thinking. Our very first President warned us about becoming involved in treaties with foreign countries. By making a study of this issue it appears that he was right. Look at where it has taken us. Right down the road to destruction. We are now involved with treaties around the world that are taking our freedoms away from us one by one. This movement must be stopped and it begins right in the home and how we live. With another 4 million home schooled scholars bringing the total up to about 8 million which would be over 2 percent of our population, this would be a strong enough movement to change this tide of destruction that is going on within our country. It will occur by teaching proper morals in the home and by this method will the leaders of our destiny arrive. Consider in 8 million people that are 15 to 30 percent above the norm in intelligence of the public school system and with the proper morals will reestablish our country with statesmen and not politicians.

Instead of teaching your children with guide books on teaching them the road to becoming a felon; you in your home school classrooms will be teaching the well balanced ways of success. The 14th amendment must be revisited because extreme cock eyed politicians changed it with out it ever becoming ratified. You need to learn how to watch rats at night time. With right thinking this will have to be rewritten and changed to get the evil provisions removed. This all took place right after the civil war during the 1860’s and 1870‘s. It is really a fascinating study and well worth the time and effort to understanding why such a great nation has become so hated. Our enemies know more about us than we do. The trail will lead you right back to our corrupted banking system and to the very top leaders in the banks that have bought out our politicians. Follow this link.

Right now everybody is going to feel the pinch of the bankers that are in our pockets and they want us to become their serfs. As I see it home schooling along with home based business is the only way out of this dilemma. As for the home based business you are at the right place at the right time, now. Evaluate the principles of establishing a successful business right at home. Check on the links at the bottom of this article and study the business principles of TriVita. They sell their customers and with that you are able to build a solid business. They have over a 10 year track record and a customer list of over 2 million people and growing. Click on those links and get started.

More information Vitamin B12

Friday, October 24, 2008

AARP And Current Events And Teaching | 106

Good morning all AARP member and everybody else. Well I got carried away with C-Span this early morning and spent two hours watching the oversight committee dig into this Money Crisis that the whole world is deeply involved with and now our government wants to do something about it. It’s like this, they are a day late and a dime short; however if they keep digging deep enough they may get to the real truth of the issues. Isn’t it strange that Winston Churchill said that many people stumble and fall on the truth, get up, shake of the dust and just move on. The chronic liars just don’t get it, they will deny evidence and just talk away as if it didn’t exist. It’s truly amazing. We need to start decorating those cherry trees with bankers, lawyers, merchants, thieves and politicians.

You are probably wondering how you are going to fare in all of this. The time to start planning is now and it is my opinion that the best things you could plan for would be home schooling your whole family, and a home based business. Actually when you consider it the two would work very well hand in hand. The home schooling won’t take as much time as you might think. Did you know that in our public school system that the kids spend most of their time waiting. Waiting for transportation then sometimes long rides to and from school, waiting for class to start, waiting in lines at the cafeteria. Our public schools are an institution run like many other institution. Not so much for the individual but for the masses.

I have evaluated articles written against home schooling and for the public school system. They were very weak in their presentation and ignored facts and the realities of what has happened to our public school system and what is actually going on in our home schools. The home scholars have it hands up over the public school system. Just the mechanics of attending the present public school system is a nightmare. What our little kids have to put up with is horrible. Put yourself in the position of being in a room of domineering giants. Now imagine how your little ones must feel facing all those giants by themselves; and don’t ever believe your kid over the teacher, it‘s a sin against the states tyrannical rulers. If your kid is complaining about school and whether the child is right or wrong there is definitely a problem with someone in the school. It could be other children or it could be the teacher. When you get a call from a teacher about problems with the child tell them to handle it, they have the degree. Of course they won’t. But then if you offer your advise or opinion they will ask you; what are your credentials? .

The most important thing in teaching is to teach your children how they can teach them selves. Reading is probably the most important thing that you can do to get your kids to learning on their own. Make it exciting and interesting. Keep it on their level and channel their interests in the right direction. If you are and AARP member teach your grand-children phoenix, if you missed it in school it would be good exercise for you. I’m old enough that I was taught phoenix when I went to school. When I reached the upper grades they removed phoenix from the curriculum and the kids in the lower grades began to not be able to learn reading. The most important thing you can do for your kids is to be there. It can be quality time well spent and not only will you be teaching academics, but you will be there constantly teaching them how to live properly. Then they won’t be taught by their peers in the public schools or some warped teacher learning things that you don‘t want them to learn..

The next issue is working from home. You can do this on a part time basis from teaching your kids and in a few years could become wealthy following the TriVita plan of buying customers instead of buying leads. At it’s best and especially the MLM companies which are a modern disaster in the business world, because their greatest success is in producing failures. Your odds at succeeding in an MLM operation is about 3%. That means that the failure rate is 97%. That’s a ponzie game, you loose, you loose, you loose ad infenitum. Have you ever wondered why so many people run and hide from you when they learn that you might be pushing an MLM company? A 97% failure rate is reason enough. TriVita is not an MLM company and you should take a good look at it. Click on those links at the bottom of this article and spend some quality time in reading and study.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

AARP And Home Schooling | 105

As an AARP member you may be past the time when you would want to home school your children, but you might want to encourage your kids to home school your grand-children. You could show them how by beginning your own home based business on a part time basis. Then after your income grows you would be in a position to help your kids get started and thus your whole family avoiding the slave traps of the JOB. You need a reason for doing this and I want to tell you about part of it. The schooling system of the public schools is a big part of our today’s problems.

Did you know that your kids will get cultural experience in the public schools and the question I have is, what’s the quality? Then there is the structured life style; let’s see, what that structure is. I think it’s severely lacking because your children are classified into groups of their same age. Mingling with different age groups does not happen. So there is a big gap in the combining of age groups which is a much more natural and an environment that only the family will provide. By comparison your kids would have a much better opportunity for learning to cope with different ages of children right in your home environment of home schooling. Who would you rather have your child be taught by their siblings and you or strangers that you probably don’t even know? Throwing your kids in today’s public schools is tantamount to letting them roam the streets of the cities. There they will learn their sex education that will really get them wired. Our kids are loosing their innocence at ever earlier years and to be sure it’s the extreme left wing element among the teachers that is the root cause. The idea that, oh if it feels good and don’t hurt anybody it’s ok. The child is totally unaware of the delayed hurt that will be suffered and even how it will come about. They make babies before they are ready to cope with and raise. Now who is being hurt, it felt so good?

If that isn’t enough there is the problem of alcohol and drug use in our schools. It’s wide spread in the public school system. I wonder how many teachers ever get tested for such activity. That might be a good program to implement. Drug testing for teachers. I can hear the screaming and hollering now. Consider this, what is the purpose of the home if it isn’t love and safety of all members. You have the power to completely shut out the dangerous public school system. Our public school system is broken and not worth the fixing, it needs replacing and the home schooling is the answer. It will take a long time but as the home schooling increases, many will finally realize that this is the way to go. When there is such a variance in the results people will begin to realize just how badly our public school system needs replacing; and not the building but the teachers.

The one great thing that holds people back from home schooling is the cost. They can’t afford to loose one or more of the income producers of the home for home schooling. There is a way around that and it might take 3 to 5 years but it can be done. Is it worth loosing a child to a situation that has occurred over and over again in our schools of the mass murder of our children due to the madness of the ones that have felt cheated by the school system. What is wrong with sheltering your kids from lunatics like that? Well you can increase your income by developing a program of acquiring assets. TriVita has a superb program where you can do just that and in a few months or years you will have adequate income to be able to readjust your life style to your choosing.

When you consider the public school system it is the source of our today’s problems controlled by our misled left wing elected and appointed politicians. They have implemented their systems into the school system that is self serving to the political body of crooks. For the masses of children they have relegated them to sheople and not worth working with, thus creating a larger and larger pool of the street people and homeless future felons. This situation could be eradicated by the home school system. What would Thomas Edison have done if he had not had the home schooling of his mother? His teacher kicked him out of the public schools as being retarded and not teachable. How many times has it happened that we have lost geniuses to stupid, and I do mean stupid self serving teachers? Thomas Edison’s mother gave him a science book and he completed every experiment in the book. I think the public teachers need to stand in the unemployment line.

Click on those links and learn how to make money on the internet. Then teach your kids how, young or old. Then your whole family could become home based businesses.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

AARP Members And Avoiding The Pitfallsf A Family Home Business | 104

AARP members with adult sons and daughters, you can be instrumental in helping to build a powerful family enterprise in which each and every member can contribute on a part time basis. Once they understand it, they will love it.

The biggest problem you will have in running a family run home based business is proper compensation. This can be overcome by teaching each family member on the benefits of purchasing assets, and start early. It is a proven fact and especially with teenagers that have their own income producing assets do much better all around and don’t get into trouble. With TriVita this can be a double barreled or a gatling gun approach to the powerful growth of your family home based business. With TriVita you can build your business guaranteed income from your TriVita assets. Each member can earn their own income with such a plan and if carefully developed will be a super asset to your family business. If you can catch this vision there will be no stopping you and your family. Learn and then teach each member of your family how to capitalize a business. You have a big job ahead of you in teaching your children how to handle money.

With this approach this will dissolve most of the problems that would develop in any other family enterprise. Avoid it early by starting as soon as possible if not immediately. Learn the law of the wealthy, and that is they live below their means. If you don’t live below your means you will never have extra money to invest in your business and development. Don’t believe that old bankers lie that you should live within your means. I repeat, live below your means if it means sacrifice. Once you practice this law of success it will become easier as you go. The way to start is to pay yourself first. Not last, if you put yourself on the end, there won’t be any money left for you. It must come first, it’s the life blood of your business. Then control your desires to pinch on it to get something you want but don’t need.

Click on those links at the bottom of this article and learn all you can about TriVita and Tomorrows Home Based Business.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

AARP And Home Schooling | 103

It’s time that we as a nation evaluate our whole national educational public school system and retake control of it. Home schooling is a way to start, which we as a nation have about 4 million students enrolled in home school and growing. This is really good for the home schooled. Because the percentile points is 15 to 30 points above the national average. That speaks very well for the moms and pops of the home schooled. As far as I’m concerned it’s thumbs up for home schooling. Even if you are past the age of 50, you should become aware of this for your larger family’s sake. Encourage your children to become home school moms and dads. Pitch in and help to get them started. I’m sure you could find lots of things to do to be of help and assistance and encouragement. If you are a live in grand-parent you have a ready made job.

There are some more things worth discussing and for moms and pops to consider. What about social activities for your children?

First, studies have revealed that home scholars are not isolated from social activities but are involved in many ways outside the home such as church, classes away from home, neighborhood friends, field trips, group sports, music or dance classes, volunteer work, Almost all home scholars are involved in 2 or more such activities on a weekly basis. . .

Second, studies have shown that the home schooled students are as healthy or more healthy than the public schooled. The home schooled students act out their aggression less frequently than the public schooled. Also the home schooled have a significantly higher self concept than their counterparts. The home schooled also interact much better with a variety of age groups.

Thomas Edison was home schooled because he was a failure in the public schools. Let’s consider why he was a failure. It’s well documented that Thomas Edison was a genius and was a very bright and intelligent person with a mind that was a willing and able student. This is an excellent example that it is the teacher that was the failure as are so many of our public school teachers. How is it that his mother was able to give him the education that he needed? Isn’t it interesting that the science book that his mother gave him, Thomas Edison completed every experiment that was in the book. The genius was sparked and cultured right at home.

Other people that you might recognize were schooled at home: Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, John Q. Adams, George Washington, George Bernard Shaw, C.S. Lewis, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, Irving Berlin, The Wright Brothers, Albert Einstein, Booker T. Washington, Patrick Henry, John Marshall, Samuel Clemmons (Mark Twain), Daniel Webster, Will Rogers, Clara Barton and there are many others. Can you deny the incredible potential of the home schooled with graduates like these people?

There is one thing that you can do with your children and that is to teach them the truth and the power of learning the truth. If a child is always taught the truth his logic system will be absolutely excellent. If he has been taught lies, then his logic will be faulty and actually cause him/her problems. Take it or leave it, stories that are not true profit a person next to nothing. Who cares what an author might think that a fictitious person is thinking about? It’s just plain nonsense and stupidity. In my personal thinking it is a crime to tell children lies, no matter what. The admonishment about lying is so important that it made the list of the big ten. Boy would I like to have some judges and lawyers and ministers appear in my court.

Do you remember (if you went to the public schools) how much time was spent in waiting? If you extract all that time from your child’s life you will soon realize that you will have more time than you think to accomplish the job of teaching your children. Our public school system is very good at turning out failures. The public teachers just do not have the interest in your child that you have. The results are in and our public school system is a colossal failure. If your child is having problems at school, it’s the fault of the school and it’s inability to deal with him/her. You the parent must take charge.

At the bottom of this article are some links that can lead you to developing your own home based business. There you can learn about how TriVita sells customers to their reps and in that way you can acquire assets that will increase your income. It is not difficult but takes time to develop. After a couple years you will be receiving a substantial income if you follow their method of capitalization. The people that have been with them for the past 10 years just don’t quit and have very strong and profitable organizations. TriVita is a very solid company and are debt free and doing just fine through this national crisis of the disappearing stolen money.

Monday, October 20, 2008

AARP Members: Worried About Retirement Money. | 102

Big brother is going to take care of your money, he will put it away for safe keeping. So safe that you won’t be able to have access to it. I’m 77 years old and wonder what happened to the social security money that was supposed to be on deposit and used for my retirement. Well it’s gone and the government has played ponzy with it. They are using future debt money to pay for it. We the people aren’t smart enough to take care of such a thing. We’re just stupid sheople. Well I have news for our elected government employees, they are the stupid ones along with the shadow government extending their thieving hands from their banks into our property.

The shenanigans that our politicians and bankers are pulling are backfiring on them. They will be on the outside looking and wanting in. The door will be slammed shut on everyone of them. It is already in development and possibly they have become aware of the strength of we the people. The destruction of the evil ones in government has been and is being developed. They have built their own self destruction devices. That device is what they have been using all these years and that is living a life of lies. They are so entangled that they are being choked by their life of deceit and lies. They have become aware of the others that are all busy filling their pockets and are all on a course of self-destruction. All I can say is that the world must be having a belly laugh about now as we watch the stupidity that‘s going on in DC.. Now, you know where the little white lies will lead. That idea of everybody is doing it just don’t make muster.

But beware, you know what a cornered rat will do. They will fight back and bite, but you know what to do with a cornered rat. You get a nice sturdy two-by-four and do it in and bury it or throw it to the dogs. Being nice to a rat just don’t cut it. Due to the treason that has been going on with many members of our government for many years, the people need to stiffen up and demand the penalty of death for treason. We have been involved in world wars and wars and brush wars around the world because of treasonous acts of the bankers and corrupted government officials. These wars have caused the death of billions of innocent people and an eye for an eye for treason like that would be very just. Every one of those wars was caused by treasonous acts of greedy people. They need to be hung out to repent and used as crow food. Isn’t it strange that we don’t have the money to feed the children but we have all the money we need for wars.

You can do your part by becoming as independent as possible from all the hooks that the government and banks have in you by becoming a home based business from the cradle to the grave and this includes home schooling. Actually your home based business could begin with home schooling and develop from there. Your work force could be your children and the education of them is your responsibility. Big government does not have the answers for raising children. Isn’t it strange that kids can’t work today but I remember learning how to work when I was a child being raised in a home based business environment. Big government thinks they have the answers to raising children but they are wrong; just look at the results. I don’t need to go into the statistics because the news is screaming daily and reporting the results of our way of life as taught by the government schools. They need to be shut down completely and education responsibility returned completely to the parents. The people that are currently responsible for our school system are freaks propagating their perverse way of life. That needs to be stopped.

You can become part of the solution by taking control of your personal life and implementing a home based business. If you click on the links at the end of this article you will be directed on how you could begin to develop a part time home based business with TriVita. They have designed a system with a successful 10 year track record that works very well for the person wanting to increase their source of income. They will sell you customers and with these assets you can begin part time to build a very sound and successful business of your very own. Just click on those links and do a thorough job of investigating.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

AARP Members And The Money Changers | 101

If you are a member of the AARP or just getting old enough to join the group, you will want to read this article. What’s going on with our money system is enough to make preachers swear, and politicians smirk and rub their hands… You lost, the bankers won. You just got taken by a loaded crap game.

My bobber just got jerked. I just heard on the news that now you should invest in America, now is the time to buy stock. I have a question, with what? They took it away, now they want more. The thieves are still at it and planning on doing it again. The stock market at its best is a poor investment for the common man. I won’t invest in the stock market until they do away with the Federal Reserve Bank and its bandits. That isn’t all; they need to do away with the fractional reserve banking system. Now if I had a check book that if I deposit 100 dollars in it and write checks totaling a thousand dollars, what a deal. That’s the deal the banks have. If you place a deposit of a thousand dollars into the bank, then they can loan money and write checks totaling ten thousand based on that thousand that I put into savings. Such a deal I need. What I just described is the debt system of money that the world has, and they are raping the whole world. That system must stop or it will be total enslavement of the world. It’s the old pyramid con game that always blows out in the end. Believe it our banking system is a con game. They are dealing from the bottom of a stacked deck. You loose they win. Get it?

Jesus Christ when he was here 2000 years ago, the one thing that got him really worked up and pissed off, was the money changers. (The bankers) What really happened was that it scared the bankers because the people were listening to him and they crucified him for it. That is how his crucifixion came about. The bankers were in league with the churches. The same thing is going to happen in the near future, the old Babylonian money system will be destroyed, and good riddance. In the mean time we have to work with what we have.

There is a better way of investing your money than buying stocks and bonds which the money changers can steal from you. You need to look into the TriVita system of selling their customers to people for the purpose of them the people developing an extra stream of income. Their system has a growth model built in and will work very well for keeping your home based business in the black growing and profitable. What you will be doing is purchasing assets (customers) that will remain yours and produce a monthly income for your business. This is a very simple over view and you really need to investigate just how it works. It is a very interesting and cutting edge business opportunity of the ages. It is not an MLM operation and they (the MLM companies) are going to feel the cut of the cutting edge operations of TriVita. They have a 10 year start and have been very successful; today they have over 2 million happy customers and growing. Can you smell the success? Just click on those links at the bottom of this article and investigate. You will make new friends and have loyal teachers and mentors; they are really a great group.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

AARP Members: How to recognize Vitamin B12 deficiencies. | 100

If you are taking needle injections of vitamin B12 you need to consider looking at Sub-lingual Vitamin B12. You especially need this information if your are a senior (mature) or are a vegetarian. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can lead to very serious health issues. A lot of people are unaware that they are deficient in B12 and will eventually need treatment. If you are suffering from fatigue, constipation, loss of appetite and weight loss you may be suffering from deficiency of Vitamin B12. Currently most doctors and physicians rely on the invasive shots of B12. Because of the low absorbsion rate of the vitamin B12 tablets is only 1 percent. That’s not very good.

Vitamin B12 aids red blood cell production. Without vitamin B12 the red blood cells become abnormally large and pale and don’t function properly. Deficiency can also cause irreversible neurological nerve and brain damage. A sign of this would be numbness and tingling of the arms and legs, poor balance control and difficulty in walking, memory loss, depression and reduced mental capacity. Low B12 intake can lead to blood and metabolic problems, particularly in lactating mothers or diabetics: pernicious anemia, neurological disorders, problems in fat metabolism and red blood cell synthesis. Many vegetarians may not be getting adequate amounts of cyanocobalamin B12.

In addition to Sub-lingual Vitamin B12 TriVita handles many more health products which you may have an interest in knowing more. Just go to this link. Click Here. Following is a list of foods that many people are unfamiliar with or just don’t include in their diet. Their value in fiber and nutrients should be considered. Many times feeling better is a matter of watching your diet and experementing with various foods.

The avacado is high in the fat that is healthy and good to eat. Contains vitamins A, E, Some B, and lots of Potassium and a trace of copper.

Sweet potatoes
Contain: Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron; Also some vitamin C.

Contain: High in protein, fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

Dried figs
Contain: high-fiber some vitamin B and iron. Also abundant potassium and calcium. 5 figs give you as much calcium as half a glass of milk.

Contain high protein and fiber. High in potassium, calcium and iron and a good Source of B vitamins. No fat content.

Has an acquired taste. Need to eat it a few times before you will like it. High vitamin food. Super high in vitamin A. Related family are Swiss Chard, mustard greens and collards. Contains: Some vitamin C, small amounts of B vitamins. Contains: Good amount of calcium.

Contains: Protein, fiber, potassium, phosphorus and iron. This is a very good soup additive to many soups once you learn How to make a barley based soup it’s really easy. See My Barley Soup Recipe.

I will close with the following note: If you are a member of AARP and looking for a way to increase your income check out the links at the end of this article and in a couple years you will be able to let your money worries about the stock market and social security rest. You will have something far more secure by working with TriVita. Click on those links and find what it’s all about and you may find yourself in your own relaxed home based business. This is not a MLM type of business.

Friday, October 17, 2008

AARP Members And The Contained Depression

To all of you AARP members: Did you know that now we are in a Contained Depression Now comes the banksters to the rescue, have your noticed who is receiving the money. The banks of course, but you will have to borrow it into circulation and you are securely leashed by the debt system of money that the banksters use to rob us. There is a way out of this dilemma, and now is the time to listen and learn about our historical mistakes.

So now we have a Contained Depression. It won’t last as long as the great depression because they (the banksters) have studied it and know just what they are going to do. To resolve this issue to the benefit of the people, our new president will have to nationalize the privately owned Federal Reserve and have it audited. Of course you won’t see it happen. Who ever audits them if it does happen, will find the rabbit tracks and really discover that this whole collapse had been orchestrated at the top level. The question I have; who is actually at the top of that infamous gangster style of operation? There is where the lines should be drawn on the war on terror. One thing to remember don’t ever get in the way of a bankster and his money. They will kill you for it.

Evaluate and study the story of the Lincoln Greenback. Within that documentation you will find the macabre story of what really transpired. Those Lincoln Greenbacks did not have any gold or silver backing, it was the same as the fiat money used during the colonial period of our great country. The Bank Of England found out that that was what was making this country great, they were using their own money instead of the English money which was kept in short supply by the Crown.

To continue your history of money it's a matter of following the money trail;s study the assignation of President John F. Kennedy. A clue to look at would be his Presidential Order #11110. Use your search engine and you will find it on the internet. Once you begin to compare what happened to our money system between our two presidents you will begin to see the similarity. Ask yourself, why and who really was behind the assignation of these two men that dared to confront and act against the banksters. Remember the period of time that Robert Kennedy was US Attorney General. He really went to work on the mobs and cleaned up a lot of activities that Old Joe was involved with. Assignation number three that can easily be traced to? Who else? THE BANKSTERS.

Instead of printing our debt free money as the colonists used or the Lincoln Greenback, or the Kennedy Silver backed currency the congress should Nationalize the Private Federal Reserve banks and issue debt free money through them. They are in place and would function quite well, they would then become legal. Study the Creature of Jekyll Island, A Second Look At The Federal Reserve. After a thorough study you would never trust a politician again. At this point, remember the origin of the word politics. Poli comes from the Greek and means many. Tics of course are blood sucking creatures. There you have it, the politician names himself, he is among the many blood sucking creatures in our body of politicians. The time is long overdue to expel the politicians and replace them with statesmen of honor. Our forefathers intended that the federal government be only a part time duty for the patriots and that it be the common people that hold those offices. We need to return to that and you would see some drastic changes for the good of the people. To start with, salaries must me re-evaluated by the people. Set them at a place that will keep people that love money out of it. It is the love for money not the money that has us in this corrupted state.

Our constitution very clearly lays out how money should be handled. It has not been in effect since December of 1913 and that is when the Federal Reserve act came into being and put us on the debt money banksters leash. We need to institute and mandate that all people elected to government office have to be taught and pass a test (a tough one) on the Constitution. Then they must take a sworn oath to uphold it. Then on with the alphabet soup, they also must be taught the constitution and pass the same rigorous test. Failure to pass the test will nullify their election/appointment. If they don’t uphold the constitution, they should be put to death for treason. Look over the last 100 years and see what they have done. A 10 trillion dollar debt and going higher. Come on get with it. Look at all the wars that we have been involved in since 1918. Since 1950 it’s been UN wars, time to remove ourselves from such an evil body. How many thousands of our sons and daughters have been killed in the bankers wars? Thousands upon thousands. For these treasonous acts, they the bankers need to be put to death. For the past evil bankers we should set up a Hall Of Infamy and teach in our schools what they have done.

In the mean time you can begin to develop a part time business right in front of your computer and develop and very nice home based business. Find out all about it by going to the links at the bottom of this article and click on them. This will take you to information that will show you how you can do it. You will have a chance to meet Tom Prendergast, CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk; Dr. Raymond Jewell, Financial Advisor; and Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and maybe even me. I assure you that if you associate yourself with such people you will be following a major rule of success and that is surrounding yourself with successful people.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Thursday, October 16, 2008

AARP Dental Insurance Plan | 098

AARP Dental Insurance Plan | 098

The AARP Dental Insurance Plan they say is the only dental coverage custom designed exclusively for AARP members. AARP stated that they carefully selected Delta Dental Insurance Company (Delta Dental) to provide the AARP Dental Insurance Plan to give you as much dental coverage as possible while still bringing you the cost savings you expect from your AARP membership. Coverage is administered by Delta Dental Insurance Company, part of the nation’s oldest and largest dental benefits system.

AARP has an online Dentist Directory that you can search to find a dentist in your area and receive a listing of dentists in order of proximity.

With your AARP Dental Insurance Plan no claim forms needed , enjoy the convenience of having the dental office complete and submit claim paperwork. You have the right to expect quality, affordable care that protects your dental health and your privacy and ability to make informed choices.

I’m sure that with today’s news you are wondering if you are going to have enough money to pay your bills. I am 77 years old and am engaged in a work from home business and if your are retired you probably will have the time on your hands especially if your income has been curtailed or stopped. As a matter of record I have 2 businesses going and they are both work at home type of business. One is small nursery garden and the other is that I buy customers to develop another stream of income. You too could do this because buying customers does not take much time.

If you will go and click on the links at the bottom of this article you can learn all about TriVita and this business of buying customers. They are a 10 years old company and very successful and operate debt free and are having no problems meeting their payrolls. You too can become a part of this successful business and be able to enjoy your retirement without the worry of the stocks and pensions. They just go away when this stock market makes a determined move to crash again. Click on those links and take your money worries away.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

AARP Diet and Health Study | 097

The NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study was developed at the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health to improve their understanding of the relationship between diet and health.

Brief History of this Study: From 1995 through 1996, they mailed 3.5 million questionnaires to current members of the AARP (formally the American Association of Retired Persons), aged 50-71 years, and who resided in one of six states (California, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Louisiana) or in two metropolitan areas (Atlanta, Georgia and Detroit, Michigan). The questionnaire included a dietary section as well as some lifestyle questions. Over 500,000 people returned the questionnaire, making this the largest study of diet and health ever conducted! In 1996-1997 they mailed their participants a Risk-Factor Questionnaire which asked additional questions about lifestyle and behavior. In 2004-2006 they have mailed their follow-up questionnaire.

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over. AARP is dedicated to enhancing quality of life for all as we age. They lead positive social change and deliver value to members through information, advocacy and service. AARP also provides a wide range of unique benefits, special products, and services for their members. The above example is to illustrate the benefits of being a member of AARP. There are many-many more.

At this time I’m sure your are concerned about being able to take advantage of the many benefits of being a member of AARP such as the AARP Dental program. But due to the stock market crash and the uncertainty of these times you are probably worried about the stability of your income. There is a way out of your dilemma; and this can be accomplished in a work from home environment and your spare time. There are links at the bottom of this article that you can click on and investigate how you can increase your income by purchasing customers. This is a relatively new method of business that has been developed by TriVita. They are a very successful 10 years old business that actually own their own TV network and through their advertising have built up a customer base of over 2 million people. Just this year they have gone international and their products are being shipped world wide. It is also important to know that they are debt free which is a clear loud statement of character. Click on the links and learn more.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
http://www.contactus.tomorrows .

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

AARP & History Of Network Marketing | 096

If you are an AARP member you should become aware of the history of network marketing and it’s rate of failure which hovers at about 95 to 97 %. That means that you are going to succeed only 3 to 5 times out of a hundred and you don’t have a long enough life to be able to accomplish that. The older you are the less likely you are to succeed at network marketing. On an average the single individual is able to only recruit just over 1 person. That just does not do it. As for new start up companies with their sizzle and pop, forget it, their average life span is less than 2 years. Go for a company with a proven track record of a minimum of five years, even better if it’s ten years.

Say you are able to recruit about 10 people and figure what they are able to recruit. It just isn’t enough to make a viable company, but it’s enough for the parent company to make money from your expenses. They will attempt to sell you their overworked leads and you will exhaust yourself in an attempt to call unhappy people that don’t know you and don’t want to talk to you; and many will be just plain rude to you.

I know that many people in their 50’s and up are plunging into a short fall with their income due to the stock market crash and are going to have to hustle to make ends meet. There is a way out and you need to consider a home based business sitting right in front of your computer. Study the TriVita method of selling customers instead of selling leads. They are a 10 year old very successful company with over 2 million satisfied customers. Yes they sell customers and you may wonder how and why they do that. Their purpose is to capitalize their assets and invest in advertising to gain more customers. They own their own TV network and are very successful at advertising and selling their products. When you think about it, that means they have been able to turn their advertising budget around on a monthly basis instead of yearly. That is a tremendous leap and marketing advantage.

I want to mention that TriVita is not a multi level company. It does however use the pay structure that appears to be multi level, but guaranteed it is not multi level. You can become a member of this business and begin to develop your own very successful business. Once you purchase a customer they remain yours indefinitely. After your company is 3 or 4 years old, if you develop it, you would be able to put it on autopilot and it will continue to grow. It’s time for you to investigate your possibilities. Just go to the links at the bottom of this article and begin your own profitable business.

After you check out the following links you can continue with your home based business and get back with AARP and start to plan your next trip, or vacation.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Monday, October 13, 2008

AARP And Today's Economy | 095

AARP And Today’s Economy | 095

AARP and home based business are two of my favorite subjects but today I want to discuss a TV program that I watched Sunday. Very rarely do I promote any TV program but this is an exception. I watched Huckabee which is a program being produced and aired by the Fox News TV Network. If he continues on the vein that his current program exhibited today it will go a long way in keeping people informed on what’s going on in our corrupted government politics. Don’t take my word on it, just tune into it on the Fox TV channel. You won’t be sorry, and you will become informed.

I was extremely impressed by Chuck Norris that appeared on this Sunday's program. He spoke on fair taxes and gained my respect immediately. People need to listen to people like him. Taxes and the IRS are two of my hot buttons. I could go on and on when it comes to either topic; along with corruption in our government. I am truly saddened to see how destructive our government has been to our country. The results are all around us and we need to wake up and have a lynching party in DC. A legal one, because there are a bunch of illegal operatives that are committing treason within our congress, senate, and the alphabet soup invented to hide what’s going on. It’s time to do the laundry. Start with auditing the Federal Reserve, which is a privately owned bank and never been audited. Right now we are in that period called the Velvet Revolution. As Thomas Jefferson said, if we didn’t have the Velvet Revolution, a peaceful revolution by voting we would wind up having a violent revolution. If our voting system is so corrupt that it won’t accomplish this revolution, then all that’s left is violence. If it comes to that we could loose our constitution and we must do everything in our power to work within the constitutional laws as set out by our forefathers. The laws that are being used that are not constitutional must be pointed out and dealt with and corrected as soon as possible.

Now back with AARP If your are caught in the stealth robbery that is taking place perpetrated by the illegal Federal Reserve, you need to look for ways to increase your income. TriVita is the place to look. They are a nine year old company that does not have any debt and are meeting their payroll without any problems. They are in the health products industry and sell their customers. In that way a person can purchase customers and over a period of time have a viable business producing ever increasing income. It is a slow way to wealth, but it really works. At the end of this article are a couple links that you can click on and check this out. You just may find a way to increase your diminishing income. I’m afraid that the stock market and other securities just are no longer the answer. They have been plundered and some will probably disappear totally. So think seriously about developing your home based business right in front of your computer. Don’t tell me you’re too old, I’m 77 and I’m doing it.

After you check out the following links you can get back with AARP and start to plan your next trip, or vacation.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Things To Do List | 094

So you are an AARP member, that means you are over 50 and are at the beginning of your old age. I am 77 and consider myself to be at about the middle of my old age. Hopefully I still have enough fire left to continue with my home based business.

What comes first the schedule or the work? In the operations of your home based business it wouldn’t be very nice if someone brought you a pile of work that was totally disorganized and without a specific procedure. It would be chaotic to start. Surely you can imagine how you might react. This points out several things that you need in your home based business. Organization is vitally important to a well run business of any kind. In order to get your arm around the whole operation of your business a very important tool would be to have a THINGS TO DO LIST. It cannot be stressed how very important this is. The very first thing is to make a TO DO list with the objective to get your business running and at a good profit and quickly as possible. Then you must review and reorganize your To Do List by priority at the end of every day. The following morning you must start at the top of the list and proceed through the day. As your day progresses you will add to your TO DO list then again at the end of the day reorganize it to priority. Don’t worry about getting to the end of the list, you will be adding to it and reorganizing on a daily basis. So things at the bottom of the list will eventually float to the top because you are using a dynamic tool of reorganization that will accomplish this. When your people find out you are using a To Do List, they will soon learn that you mean business and just won't let things go by. If you learn to use a word processor on your computer the reorganization of your To Do list will be real easy to do. Just learn the copy and paste technique and insert the items where you want them according to priority. If you are a programmer you could design a records file and just assign priority numbers to it and sort the file and print it. Then at the end of the day after adding new projects to your To Do list, just reassign your priorities. At this point you might want to consider a priority class such as high, medium, low priority, and of course it’s the high priority items that you will be concentrating on.

Surely on your To Do List will want to work and establish a business work schedule for your day and others that may be involved. When you find yourself involved with repetitive type work that is work steps repeated over and over, then you may need to think of written work procedures. Keep it simple and a step by step process. Do not assign a persons name to it, give it a job name for identification. That way once established it can be printed out and handed to an employee or a family member to perform. It could be designed for a work order, job order, or daily or periodical procedure or combination. You may ask, but do I have to do all of this? The answer is yes because it will free up your time and it can be a very easy tool to use in delegating work. Then it also can be used as a turn around document from the employee/worker to track their performance and continue with use in other office procedures and reports. At the end of each day or shift you could collect the job/work order and use it in your office procedures.

Depending on the complexity of your home based business schedule think of it as a subset of your Policy and Operations Manual. Well defined work schedules and procedures will make it much more easy in the future expansion of your business. Well developed procedures and schedules will make it much easier in replacing and retraining people in your organization. You may also find it beneficial in the work assignment areas of your people, cycling people on various jobs can add interest to the employee and as they learn the various job skills will become more valuable to your home based business. This will also lend itself to outsourcing your work and jobs. Even if you don’t have employees, these documents and procedures are very important to the members of the family that participate in your business. Once you have it you won’t want to be without it.

If you give some thought to the development of your home based business you will find that the design of the foregoing work into an organized Business Operations Manual. Think about section assignment and just where in the manual does a document belong. Once you know where to assign a document, you will be able to find it. This should and will eventually be used by your accounting system. A little thought and study of your business operations will be a tremendous asset to your business as it grows. This can all start and grow out of a simple TO DO list.

Have you ever heard of TriVita? If you have this means you can begin to develop your own home based business which could be used right now to help during this storm of our nations money crisis. Go to the links at the end of this article and make a study of the possibilities of using the TriVita method of purchasing customers instead of leads and build a very financially sound business of your own. Just click on those links. I am very busy at my home based business, and you could be also. Just click on those links and begin.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cause And Solution To Our Money Problems | 093

Many of our oldsters (mature citizens) will grasp what I’m going to tell you. Many AARP members and elderly are very concerned about their investments and rightly so. With a little research you will also understand what is going on within our very own government. Right now it seems that it’s being torn apart at the seams. I would like to tear a few of them apart myself, with gusto.

It would be interesting to see the statistics of the top 10% value/volume of the stock market changes in buying and selling. Take the high dollar value and analyze who is doing what. I don’t know where the break is but you can count on it that the high value/volume contains the secrets. Trace each sale and purchase to its origin/destination and see if the stock market is being manipulated. You can bet your bottom dollar that it is. It may be known only by the very top very few. Accumulate each stock and analyze each stock first in total. Then break each selected stock into who is who at origin and who is who at its destination. With today’s computers it would be a snap to be able to do this. You can bet the transactions are tied to source/who and destination/who. For my money it is the banks that have this large volume of money to work with or the billionaire tycoons to play this shell game. More than likely the banks; such as the Federal Reserve and the Bank Of England. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find that it’s an in house game originating with one person or group working out of one or two accounts transferring fictitious transactions. Since the money is created out of thin air it really has no value in a game like this except to extort money from the unsuspecting. They are playing a you loose they win game, no matter what.

You and I don’t have the clout to be able to accomplish an analysis of this nature but you can bet your life someone does; and it’s probably not a friend. I’m an old systems analyst dog and know that there are many stories in statistics, and they can be very revealing. We need Congress to establish a Bank Of America and be totally independent of the world banks and controlled by congress/we the people in accordance to our constitution. Then this Bank Of America could issue debt free money and have our debts paid for in less than two years. Only 3 times in history have we had debt free money and that was in Colonial times, then the Lincoln Green Back following the Civil War, and John F. Kennedys issue of debt free silver backed money. Look up his presidential order # 11110 on your search engine, it’s very revealing. Get ready for the shock of your life. Is it possible that the banks were responsible for these two assignations? Or was it just coincidence?

This approaches another subject that is quite interesting and that is the method that we use to elect our senators. Our early founders elected to have it set up to have the congress of the states appoint and elect their senators. The senators then appointed and elected the president. Boy would this clear the dust. It’s time to think about it. This would put the control back to the people and they would control their representative or throw him/her out. The clean up would be where it belongs, at the grass roots. This is where the oversight comitties would be most effective.

While we are at it, the 14th amendment to the constitution needs revisiting. Believe it or not, it was never ratified and a very in depth study is needed of the history to understand what kind of wool was pulled over the eyes of the people right during the turmoil in our country immediately following the Civil War. It’s really a can of worms, but it needs correcting. The lawyers and their double tongued legalese language try to lie their way around it. We need to kick that kind of crap out of our government. Return our elected representatives to the common man with common sense which is a very rare commodity today among our elected representatives. We would then have laws passed in the common language which everybody but lawyers could understand. We would be better off throwing Blacks Law Dictionary away. They (the lawyers) use it to hide what they are writing up in laws as coded in that book. It is the source of very deceptively written laws.

Get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Reserve Act, create our own Bank Of America and issue our own debt free money, then show the world how it’s done. We have that spirit in our genes and it’s time to use it and break free of that cursed Federal Reserve Bank and all the would be leaders (the NWO gang) that are trying to lead us to our destruction. Consider the corrupt United Nations, they are not represenative elected people.

In the mean time you can begin to develop your own home based business which could be used right now to help ride out this storm of our money system. Go to the links at the end of this article and make an in depth study of the possibilities of using the TriVita method of purchasing customers instead of leads and build a very financially sound business of your own. Just click on those links. I’m 77 years old and I am very busy at my home based business, and you could be also. Just click on those links and begin.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184

Friday, October 10, 2008

T, Boone Pickens Energy Plan: How Will It Affect Members Of The AARP And The Home Based Businesses? | 092

If you are involved in a work from home business, an AARP member or just plain worried abut the present money crises you should become very interested. It is going to affect you. The T. Boone Pickens energy plan will be overall good for the US and the world becoming independent of the overseas oil; it’s long over due. The wind power has been available for years but not really organized and developed. Hopefully as his plan progresses cost of wind units will come down and possibly even be within the reach of the household consumer to have their own wind units.

Setting up wind farms is an excellent idea. Except for one thing, the energy will still be under the control of the giant energy corporations. This operation should belong to the people and the benefit of the people and for the people. Once the electrical energy corporations gain control it’s the same old game. I am for what T. Boon Pickens is doing but I’m also interested in people becoming totally independent of the industrial traitors and the banksters that are controlling our country. We need to learn this lesson and learn it well, independence and freedom mean just that. There are available electrical/magnetic motors that run on magnetic/electrical power that does not pollute or require an outside source for energy. These motors actually run cool, now isn’t that interesting. I can visualize a tremendous industry in the world as it tools for this revolution in the development and use of energy. There will be jobs for multiple millions of people. Once these machines are built, who is going to maintain them? Anything mechanical is in need of constant maintenance and repair. I can remember when the United States retooled all the factories for the Second World War effort. It was massive and everybody worked. That was when the sleeping giant awoke. Most of those people are gone but their memories and spirit of patriotism is very much alive. They have just been snoozing and now it's time to wake up.

This money crisis and energy crisis is just the beginning of the end of the old regimes and the sooner we are rid of them the better. Remember this, our money crisis has been very deliberately created by the owners of the giant banks with collusion of our traitorous congress, senate and president. It’s interesting that this is happening at the end of the Bush and Cheney oil reign, or is it the beginning of his dictatorship? This is a valid consideration to be aware of.

Why has the price of oil fallen? Think about what T. Boon Pickens is doing, that will dig deep into the oil millionaires pockets; the deeper the better. The oil companies will probably try to take over the wind fields. We shouldn’t allow anything like that to happen.

The good news is that there are plans for home operated motors that will supply all the energy needs to operate the modern home. There will be no cost in gas, natural gas or diesel, because the power will be produced by the motor itself. If you have a motor that produces more electricity than you need you will be allowed to sell it back to the electric companies. That is a real win-win situation. There are also new innovations in the solar cell very soon to hit the market at a greatly reduced cost. You will begin to see many roofs with the new solar collectors on them. That will help but it won’t be enough. Those electrical/magnetic motors are very badly needed.

Water supply is the next big hurdle and with plenty of free energy with these electrical/magnetic motors there can be developed desalination plants all around the coast lines delivering all the fresh water that the farms and people will need at very low cost. Once enough people know about this, it will happen. The deserts will bloom like you never imagined. Think of all the work of the irrigation systems involved, it will be massive; and there will be more than abundant fresh water for all. Just imagine all the rare minerals that can be mined from the desalination plants.

This period is the dark time before the dawn and may get darker, but then follows the light. What a great future we have ahead of us. Just catch the vision, it is truly awesome. You and your family working and living in your own home based business and such a world is nearer than you think. Put your foot right down your congressmans throat, but be nice. Turn him into an honest statesman or get rid of him. Your voice and vote carry more weight than you might think. The last two presidents have led us into this period of darkness, it's time to throw the switch.

Click those links at the bottom of this message and get involved in developing your own home based business.

Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184