Friday, January 9, 2009

What Is Anemia? Answers For Your Health And Wellness | 178

Anemia is a condition in the body that doctors describe as having a low blood count. A person with anemia having a low blood count is called anemic.

Blood is made up of two parts, liquid called plasma and the cellular part. There are many different cell types. The most numerous is the red blood cell. The other cells are white blood cells and platelets. Platelets are not true cells. They are small sized diskettes.. They appear a purple color and are more intense than red cells. The main purpose of the red blood cell is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to all other parts of the body.

An interesting note, it is found that Clinical-Scale Generation of Functional Red Blood Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells Could be a potentially inexhaustible source of universal blood for transfusion. The best thing however would be to keep your body tuned up and in good running condition and manufacturing your own healthy blood. Red blood cells are made in the bone marrow and when all proper steps are complete in the blood cell maturity they are released into the blood stream. The hemoglobin molecule is the protein structure that is inside the red blood cells.

There are many factors involved in the production of red blood cells. Iron is a very important component and erythropoietin molecule secreted by the kidneys promote the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. At this time Structure-function relationships of the erythropoietin molecule is not very well understood.

Preventing anemia by having the proper red cell count in your blood it is required that cooperation among the bone marrow and kidneys is essential. If either the bone marrow or kidneys are malfunctioning then the proper level of red blood cells will be inadequate. It is essential to maintain good nutrients to these parts of the body.

Anemia is not a disease, it is a disease process and an alarm that something is not proper within the body. It could be chronic or acute. Acute anemia occurs rapidly. Whether anemia is acute or chronic is important for your doctor to know in helping him or her determine and finding the cause.

The life of a red blood cell is about 100 days, so the body is constantly in the process of replacing new red cells in the blood. In the United States, about 2 to 10 percent of the people have anemia. Other countries are even higher. There is no age barrier when it comes to anemia.

There are three major causes of anemia: (1) Microcytic anemia (Iron deficiency, possibly inherited (2) Normocytic anemia (Related to kidney disease. {3) Macrpcutoc anemia (Pernacious anemia, related to alcoholism.)

It is the intent that presented with the facts that one can and should consider their body as temples and in need of constant purification. This process of purification should take on the action of prevention rather than cure. All care must be taken and considered what goes into your personal temple and when it does penetrate you guard, then corrective action is needed. Sometimes you body needs help in doing this and TriVita is devoted to helping people to maintain their health in both prevention and supplementation to their diets.

Examine your diet carefully and discuss a routine with your Doctor or Health Care person. Examine closely all the prescribed drugs that you are taking and look for any side effects that can cause kidney problems, and eliminate them as soon as possible. If you are taking anything with codine, eliminate it. The cause of pain is lack of oxygen to the cells. Do everything possible to increase your oxygen intake by exercise, the use of DMSO and any physical activity that causes work for your body. Within reason of course. Note, DMSO has been around for 50 years or more and is a wonderful product. It increases oxygen to the body. Refer to my blog on DMSO. You will find it very interesting reading.

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