For a limited time take advantage of special reduced pricing of the new Super Sublingual B-12. The best just got a whole lot better! TriVita New Super Sublingual B-12 contains 300% more vitamin B-12 than our original formula for more energy and quick results. We’ve also added ginseng for improved mental function and concentration. And it’s all delivered by Dr. Libby’s original, patented delivery system for maximum absorption. Super Sublingual B-12 helps you to enjoy sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness and gain greater mental focus, clarity and concentration. It will lift your mood and achieve a greater sense of well-being. TriVita doctor-formulated B-12 provides the same benefits of a B-12 shot… at a fraction of the cost.
Regular Price:$28.99 for a 30 day supply.
Member Price: $22.99
Members Save: $6.00
B-12 deficiency can sometimes result in more than a lack of energy; with all the hectic demands of today, most people could use more energy. However, if you consistently experience exhaustion, irritability, forgetfulness or brain fog, it may be a sign of something more serious. In fact, any of these conditions could be a sign of B-12 deficiency.
Everybody can lose B vitamins and there are many things in today’s world that can lead to a B vitamin deficiency. Stress is one cause and it comes in many forms; mental, physical, emotional and environmental, and it creates a demand for Vitamin B-12 within the body that’s greater than a typical diet can supply. Similarly, certain prescription medications can cause Vitamin B-12 depletion just as easily as stress.
Diets can also lead to a deficiency in the B-12 vitamin. Most people get their B-12 vitamins from animal food products, so vegetarians and those with nutritionally poor diets greatly increase their chances of being deficient. Digestion problems are yet another cause of B-12 deficiencies. Gastric bypass surgeries, gastric reflux, IBS, colitis and other digestive conditions inhibit the body’s absorption of B-12 from foods. On top of this, your body’s ability to absorb B vitamins can start as early as age 40 and dramatically decrease every passing year.
Because there are so many ways to become Vitamin B-12 deficient, it’s important to aggressively help protect against and repair a deficiency by taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 daily
Ask yourself if you think you may have the signs of B-12 deficiency, then ask the following questions: Do I lack energy and feel tired much of the time? Do I feel depressed or blue much of the time? Have I been under a lot of stress lately? Do I have brain fog or difficulty concentrating? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, chances are you’re experiencing a B-vitamin deficiency – and need to take immediate steps to remedy it. Don’t wait – because not taking care of this health risk can lead to other serious conditions.
This is how Super Sublingual B-12 delivers nutrients to your body and helps by improving mood, maintaining steady energy and eliminating brain fog. Super Sublingual B-12 will provide a stronger concentration of B-12 for more energy and quick results. It will provide nutrients not stimulants to help provide sustained energy. It will maximizes absorption with Dr. Libby’s original patented sublingual delivery system found only in TriVita’s products
Super Sublingual B-12 provides the same benefits as a painful and expensive B-12 shot and speeds B vitamins directly into your bloodstream, Studies show these important nutrients can be measured in the bloodstream in as little as 30 minutes. It will also ensure that you get the vital nutrients, unlike many other less reliable forms of B-12 vitamins. Super Sublingual B-12 includes ginseng for improved mental function and concentration and it contains L-Ornithine Alpha Gluterate, to help slow aging of the brain and includes cocosin to work alongside vitamin B-12 for added energy and clinically tested for purity and effectiveness.
Super Sublingual B-12's new formulation of ingredients makes it faster acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before.
Serving Size: 1 Tablet Number of servings per package: 30 servings It is recommended that you take one sublingual tablet every day. It’s best to take in the morning or afternoon and can be taken on a full or empty stomach. Please note: make sure you discuss this supplement with your physician if you are pregnant or nursing.
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Order Your TriVita Super Sublingual Vitamin B-12 Here

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