I also write another blog which is actually a Cook Book On Line http://sites.google.com/site/yourfreerecipepages/Home which not only contains food recipes but other recipes or formulas that are useful for everyday living. I started this as a family type work for the purpose of my family to use. It is now my hope that this work in progress will become a useful family tool for all people to use on line in their daily pursuit of living a good life. There are many useful tips in this Cook Book On Line that can save families a great deal of money. It is my intention that this work be freely given to anybody that wants to use it. All they will have to do is link in and they will be taken directly to the index of all the recipes formulas and articles and they are there free for all to use. It is my intention to continue adding to this project until I am no longer able to work.
If you are a family man or woman you of course value your family far above the cost of a box of fine jewels; and it is proper that you should. That is the reason that everybody should consider becoming a lifelong family enterprise. Set your family up as a business and the tax advantage will more than pay for it. The direction of that goal aimed at the pursuit of the family be united in home family schooling and education. Statistically the home schools average is 15 to 30 points above the national average of the public schools. That should be a loud clarion ring to all families that the only direction to aim is to become totally independent of the public school system. Let’s face it, our last election and revelations of corruption in our businesses and government is totally out of control. We as families need to get right at the grass roots and root out the weeds.
Another very important factor for each family to learn is that if you have teenagers, teach them how to acquire assets. An asset being a thing that will constantly produce spendable income. You will find that with TriVita this is a very possible thing for your family to accomplish. It can be done part time. Another statistic comes in to play here and that is; teenagers that have their own income get into far less problems.
I encourage you to evaluate the links at the end of this article and consider the possibility of finding a way for you to accomplish these goals. It will take time but with determined effort and planning it can be done. To paraphrase a statement that Winston Churchill said, he stated that people stumble across the truth, blindly fall, pick themselves up and stumble on. If something is beyond fixing, throw it away and replace it! .
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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