High homocysteine can and often lead to very serious problems such as stroke, heart attack, coronary heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia, and alzheimers’s. Does this sound serious? You bet it does and you need to learn what can be done about it.
First of all, what is homocysteine? It is a sulfur-containing amino acid and it’s source is from meat products. If you have discovered that you have high levels of homocycteine you can do a lot about it by correcting your diet. You should immediately go on a high level of fruit, vegetables, grains and low fat dairy products. Did you know that fat free cottage cheese, which I eat on a daily basis as a snack food is very high in protein? You really don’t need meat at every meal, not even daily. However small servings, 4 ounces of meat once or twice a week would work. I know that most people will not adhere to a diet like that but then what is the alternative? Strokes, heart attacks, etc. The list goes on and on. You need to consider what is your risk factor? If your family has had a history of cardiovascular disease, stroke, alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, or diabetes, then you need to be watchful. The basic cause factors are: low vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid levels, gastric disturbances, breathing difficulties or kidney issues, age over 50, pregnancy, high stress, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, or excessive smoking or coffee drinking. People will look at this and think, oh, I can’t change that. Well it’s either do that or die, take your pick. Over thirty years ago I made a very drastic change in my diet and made a PITA out of myself to the rest of my family. They hated me for it, but that’s ok. A good start would be to go on a complete Kosher diet. Then eat meat only twice a week. That leaves fruit, vegetables grains and dairy products. Take it and have good health or leave it and suffer. In the meantime while you are trying to adjust your diet, and believe me, I know it’s tough to do but you can consider the use of TriVita HCY Guard to help maintain your level of homocystein in your body. Then begin a study of diet and healthy living. It can become very interesting to learn and try different things. A total life is a continuing educational process and the more you learn about diet the better your chances are for making the right decisions when it comes to food. Click on the links below an learn as much as you can about TriVita products. They are there for your good health. Just in case you are looking for a home based business click on the links.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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