Network Marketing takes time. For a person that does not have much of a desire to socialize and network can be a real challenge. Especially if aspiring to develop a viable business. I have a serious handicap due to the loss of some of my hearing. Some people I can understand very clearly and others sound to me as though they have marbles in their voice. This creates very aggravating experiences for me because if someone is talking to me I want to understand what they say. Just this one point tends to exclude me from many activities. More than most people might realize. Then there are some people that just are sloppy in speaking and some of that could be a handicap and not even their fault. A persons size and shape have a lot to do with spoken communication. Remember this can be a serious impediment to developing a real good relationship with someone. However with patience and compassion this can be overcome and hopefully you will realize that as you encounter new people. Behind all this may be just the long lasting friend you will have acquired with patience and understanding.
This is just one area of problems that people have and there are many others. To win over a loyal friend is like gaining a prized jewel to be owned and held in respect for its value to you.
I am in the process of developing a personal network marketing program. It is most certainly going to take time, patience and perseverance. I am training and working with a program that is helping me to make some real progress. I might even get to like it.
This is just one area of problems that people have and there are many others. To win over a loyal friend is like gaining a prized jewel to be owned and held in respect for its value to you.
I am in the process of developing a personal network marketing program. It is most certainly going to take time, patience and perseverance. I am training and working with a program that is helping me to make some real progress. I might even get to like it.
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