Echinacea is used for bronchitis, canker sores, chronic candidacies, cold sores, ear infections, gingivitis, HIV support, abnormal pap smear, vaginitis, topical wound healing, and yeast infections.
Echinacea is a perennial plant which produces a stout, bristly, hairy stem 2 to 3 feet in height. The leaves are linear, lanceolate (spear shaped), and grow 3 to 8 inches long; they are rough, hairy, and 3-nerved. The upper leaves are sessile (attached directly), and the lower leaves grow on long petioles (slender stems). A single large flower blooms from July to October; it is white-rose to pale purple in color, with a conical disk and 12 to 20 large, spreading rays. It grows in the prairie region of the United States, west of Ohio.
Goldenseal, also called Yellow root, Orange root, Puccoon, Ground raspberry, and Wild curcuma. Goldenseal is a bitter herb that stimulates the secretion and flow of bile, and can also be used as an expectorant which is an agent that induces the removal (coughing up) of mucous secretions from the lungs. . It also has strong activity against a variety of bacteria, yeast, and fungi, such as E. Coli and Candida.
Goldenseal is used for infections of the mucus membranes, including the mouth, sinuses, throat, the intestines, stomach, urinary tract and vagina. Many people use goldenseal for minor wound healing, bladder infections, fungal infections of the skin, colds & flu, sinus and chest congestion.
Many young and unlearned people believed the myth that golden seal could cover up a positive drug screen. This was due to a popular novel and spread by a made up story of using golden seal for this purpose. It just aint so.
Side Effects and Safety: Goldenseal should not be taken by pregnant women. One of goldenseal's chief constituents, berberine, has been reported to cause uterine contractions and to increase levels of bilirubin and is not well absorbed into the blood stream. Goldenseal should not be used by people with high blood pressure. Those with heart conditions should only use goldenseal under the supervision of a health professional.
The safety of goldenseal in nursing women, children, and people with kidney and liver disease is unknown.
Side effects are rare, but include irritation of the mouth and throat, nausea, increased nervousness, and digestive problems. The liquid forms of goldenseal are yellow-orange and can stain.
Goldenseal is a native American medicinal plant introduced to early settlers by Cherokee Indians who used it as a wash for skin diseases, wounds, and for sore, inflamed eyes. Its roots are bright yellow, thus the name. Goldenseal root has acquired a considerable reputation as a natural antibiotic and as a remedy for various gastric and genitourinary disorders. If you have genitourinary disorders I advise you with caution and look up these conditions on the internet to learn what they are, there are many; and I advise you to proceed with caution.
Numerous references to Goldenseal began to appear in medical writings as far back as 1820 as a strong tea for indigestion. Today it is used to treat symptoms of the cold and flu and as an astringent, antibacterial remedy for the mucous membranes of the body.
This popular North American herb grows wild in moist mountainous woodland areas. Goldenseal's long history of use among North Americans flourished after the Civil War as it was an ingredient in many patent medicines. It has been collected to the point of near extinction. Goldenseal supplies are diminishing and most are now wild crafted, making herbal supplements costly.
Goldenseal is used in many combination formulas and is reported to enhance the potency of other herbs. Preparations have been marketed for the treatment of menstrual disorders, urinary infections, rheumatic and muscular pain and as an antispasmodic. The active ingredients in Goldenseal are the alkaloids hydrastine and berberine. Similar in action, they destroy many types of bacterial and viral infections. These alkaloids can also reduce gastric inflammation and relieve congestion. Berberine is a bitter that aids digestion and that has a sedative action on the central nervous system.
Goldenseal works wonders in combination with echinacea particularly at the onset of cold and flu symptoms, especially coughs and sore throats.
Goldenseal is a cure-all type of herbs that strengthens the immune system, acts as an antibiotic, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties potentiates insulin, and cleanses vital organs. It promotes the functioning capacity of the heart, the lymphatic and respiratory system, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas, and the colon. Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is one of several unproven, dangerous treatments that is promoted by a small group of practitioners without trustworthy evidence that it works. It is claimed to be effective against cancer, infectious diseases, arthritis, and many other conditions. Several patents have been issued, but patents are based on whether or not something appears to be original. Proof of effectiveness is not required.
Taken internally, Goldenseal increases digestive secretions, astringes the mucous membranes that line the gut, and checks inflammation. It also aids digestion by promoting the production of saliva, bile, and other digestive enzymes. In addition it may control heavy menstrual and postpartum bleeding by means of its astringent action. As a dilute infusion, Goldenseal can be used as an eyewash and as a mouthwash for gum disease, and canker sores. It is also an effective wash or douche for yeast infections. External applications have been used in the treatment of skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, athlete's foot, herpes, and ringworm.
Good for treating of any infection, inflammation and congestion of the lungs, throat and sinuses. Good for the use of treating colds and flu. A powerful remedy for disorders of the stomach and intestines such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, ulcers, and gastritis and internal parasites.
The use of very large doses or extended use is not recommended. Do not for use during pregnancy or by children under two. Children and older adults should take smaller doses.
With all this information available one should proceed with caution when using such products as Goldenseal and Echinacea. Information is powerful and can aid in helping you make good decisions. If you are really interested in herbs and health and wellness it is an excellent field of study, and there seems to be no end to it. I find it fascinating and for ever interesting. Just don’t randomly try things without being aware of possible personal problems in regard to using the products.
Jan 18.2009
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Brad Vigansky
TriVita Independent Affiliate #13108620
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