Friday, December 19, 2008

TriVita Super Antioxidant Complex For Your Health And Wellness | 158

TriVita Super Antioxidant Complex helps fight off illness and protects against free radicals. Try as we might, we are not going to stop aging; however, we can certainly help slow the aging process by taking antioxidants, eating healthy, and exercising. TriVita's Super Antioxidant Complex is scientifically formulated to fight off damaging free radicals and contains the exact proportion of natural antioxidants necessary to optimize wellness. Green tea’s polyphenols are potent antioxidants and are protective to skin and are used in the TriVita formula.

There are three major varieties of tea and they are green, black, and oolong. The name oolong is actually Wu Long. This comes from the Chinese language and means Black Dragon. The production of oolong or the Black Dragon Tea requires that the leaves be processed immediately after picking. First the leaves are wilted in the sun for a short period of time then they are placed into baskets and shaken, which bruises the leaves. The juices in the leaves are now exposed to the air, which begins the process of oxidation. The leaves are then spread out to dry. After a period of time--less than 2 hours for Chinese oolongs, the tea is fired, which stops the fermentation process. Oolongs are traditionally fired into hot woks and cooked very quickly. After that is done, the leaves may be further fermented, and then fired again. Ultimately they have crisp, dry leaves.

The major difference in teas is due to the processing. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and contains the highest concentration of polyphenols. To put it simply, polyphenols are a group of chemical substances found in plants. They’re called poly-phenols because they have more than one phenol group per molecule. A phenol is any chemical compound which contains a six-membered aromatic ring, bonded directly to a hydroxyl group. A hydroxyl group , in chemistry, that consists of an oxygen atom joined by a single bond to a hydrogen atom. An alcohol is formed when a hydroxyl group is joined by a single bond to an alkyl group or aryl group. A metal hydroxide is formed when a hydroxyl group is joined to a metal (e.g., sodium hydroxide). Now you know what a polyphenol is.

Green, black, and oolong teas are all derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Originally cultivated in East Asia, this plant grows as large as a shrub or tree. I have one growing in my yard. If it gets big enough I plan on experimenting with making my own tea. Camellia sinensis grows throughout Asia and parts of the Middle East and Africa. People in Asian countries more commonly drink green and oolong tea while black tea is most popular in the United States. Green tea is prepared from unfermented leaves, the leaves of oolong tea are partially fermented, and black tea is fully fermented. The more the leaves are fermented, the lower the polyphenol content, and the higher the caffeine content. Green tea has the highest polyphenol content while black tea has roughly two to three times the caffeine content of green tea. As for me, I am allergic to caffeine and avoid it like the plague. I see that I’ll have to stick with the green unfermented tea. I do use decaffeinated tea to brew my Kombucha tea which I drink daily.

There are three main varieties of tea -- green, black, and oolong. The difference between the teas is in their processing. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals -- damaging compounds in the body that alter cells, tamper with DNA (genetic material), and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet rays from the sun, radiation, cigarette smoke, and air pollution) also give rise to these damaging particles. Scientists believe that free radicals contribute to the aging process as well as the development of a number of health problems including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants such as polyphenols in green tea can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.

TriVita Super Antioxidant Complex is made from a blend from the following sources:

Green tea’s polyphenols are potent antioxidants and are protective to skin.

Blueberry, raspberry, and pomegranate have high levels of antioxidants to ward off free radical damage.

Bilberry helps strengthen blood vessels, especially in the eyes, and may reduce frequent bruising.

Grape seed and skin have natural anti-bacterial properties to keep you well. Studies have found grape seed to be an antioxidant, which may help relieve symptoms of certain conditions, such as vision problems and aids in wound recovery. Also studies suggest grape seed may help improve circulation and help protect against atherosclerosis (clogging of the arteries). Several small studies suggest that grape seed may slow the progression of retinopathy (damage to the retina). Some studies suggest that taking grape seed may decrease swelling that occurs after surgery or after an injury. Grape seed has been studied for the treatment of pancreatitis, varicose veins, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and premenstrual syndrome. There is some evidence that grape seed may protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

A doctors’ study shows Schizandra to have positive effects on emotional stability by stimulating portions of the central nervous system. It has been shown, also, to strengthen and quicken reflexes and increase efficiency in stress-related tests. Conditions such as insomnia, mental fatigue, and memory problems have improved with the use of Schizandra, as well as improvements with concentration.

TriVita Super Antioxidant Complex, green tea, blueberry, bilberry, grape seed, antioxidant, antioxidants

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