Saturday, May 17, 2008

Leads | 7

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

I’m late again today; I have just been sleeping a lot lately. Even though I live alone I still have a lot going on in my life. I daily visit an old friend that goes back about 55 years. We have lots of things to talk and reminisce about. She lives here in Florida about 6 months out of the year and the other 6 months she lives in Michigan. She will be heading back in about 1 or 2 weeks. She likes to leave before hurricane season. Can’t say as I blame her, I was here 4 years ago when Hurricane Charlie hit and destroyed my home while I was in it. I had some nice neighbors that came over and saw to it that I left and got out of it. Luckily I was not hurt physically; as far as mentally that’s another story. Believe me I have a healthy respect for hurricanes.

After my morning visit I get back on my computer and glad to say that I am working with a group that is second to none. It’s Good Business is the name of the company. I urge you to click on the link and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO explain the business. What can I say other than that you will be very glad that you did. The only problem that I am having is my stupidity; however I’m in the right place to have that fixed. I have available to me all the education that I can handle and guarantee my success on the internet. I have been going through a process of learning in addition to unlearning some bad practices that was keeping me down. Buying leads for instance; did you know there is a better way. Yes you can build a business from buying customers instead of leads. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s GoodBusiness and he will explain how you can do this. I look forward to meeting you in one of our many training rooms to attend classes of your choice. It’s free, all it will cost you is your time and you will find that the rewards are really great. You can’t put a price on new friends and a successful business. I have made quite a few new friends in the past few months and not to brag but I am earning money and getting paid on a regular basis.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

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