Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
Live Below Your Means. One principle of successful people is they save. Live below your means, It is imperative that you live below your means; immediately, and when you get paid, save 10 percent at a minimum. Don’t believe that old lie, live within your means. If you do that, you will never get ahead. Get out of debt! How you may ask? To reduce your debt load, interest load, unnecessary insurance, you must get out of crippling debt. You need to associate with winners. Five years from now, if you have been associating with winners, your income will be the average of those five winners. Look on the opposite side of this coin and it would read, disassociate yourself from losers. If you think you are going to be a helping person, make sure that you are not an enabler. By that I mean do not be taken in by moochers, hard luck Charlies, or people that are just plain lazy and won’t work or anybody on drugs, legal or illegal. Believe me the world is full of these kind of people and they prey on the weak minded. So what if you loose a friend that is a mooch, you just don’t need a chain like that around your neck. I have known of some people that work very hard at not working and believe me it isn’t funny. Watch and listen to a persons mouth and compare it to their actions. Don’t ever give in to the excuses and promises of anybody that takes drugs, legal or illegal, they will lie, cheat, steal your very means of living from you. I have seen it with some of my family members. Do not put that kind of burden on yourself or any family member, it just doesn’t pay. It really hurts all people involved. I will go so far to say that the world is in a mess because of do-gooders. Don’t be a part of it. In the old west, they used to hang horse thieves. They didn’t have a problem with horse thieves because they hung them. They should do the same with car thieves. I can hear the hue and cry now, the lament of the do-gooders. Oh my!
Now, on to a solution for your money problems. Have you been under the heavy burden of the MLM companies, purchasing their very expensive MLM leads, then working with those leads to build a business only to have it collapse? Does that sound familiar? Don’t listen to their fables, run as fast as you can to get away from them. There is an alternative out there and I invite you to listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk explain how you can build a viable business by purchasing customers and not waste your money and time on leads. By buying customers you are purchasing your own payroll and will start earning money almost immediately.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: Bradley.vigansky
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Leads | 21
Friday, May 30, 2008
Leads | 20
Leaders are readers and if you want to be successful you need to think of yourself as being a leader, books to have on hand to read and study. The Bible, you will find that it is full of priceless gems of wisdom. I call it my treasure box. Just the books of Proverbs and Psalms are worth more than all the rest of your library. Within the Bible you will find the complete gateway to a successful rewarding life. Learn to read it and meditate upon what you read and you will soon find yourself making the right decisions. But don’t stop there, there are many other valuable books that you should consider adding to your personal library. I used to have quite a personal library before Hurricane Charlie four years ago took my home and books away; anyway, many of my books just disappeared, however I was able to save my collection of Bibles, but most of my other books are gone. I remember packing them all up, but someone wanted them more than I but the valuable books my Bibles were left for me. Isn’t it strange that they were overlooked. A word of caution, in your new found jewel box maintain a good balance. It’s so easy to become a book worm.
Other books that you might consider adding to your personal library are:
The Law Of Success In Sixteen Lessons by Napoleon Hill. Right now you can obtain a Facsimile Edition published by the Wilshire Book Company. It comes in two volumes soft cover; at a cost of about $30.
The Secret. It describes something called the law of attraction which actually was covered quite well by Napoleon Hill in his 16 lessons.
The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightengale. (LP Audio) You become what you think about.
This is enough to get you started and there are many other good publications out there and it would be well worth your time and money to invest in them. In addition to reading, listen to CD’s and attend as many seminars that you can. Consider this as your lifetime educational plan. It keeps the grey mater stirred up.
Right now to help you get started on your path to success I would like you to listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk. It will take you about 10 minutes of your time but listen carefully, then listen again. If you have listened to it, you have just discovered a way to change your life and bring about the success that has been stolen from you by the ruthless MLM Companies out there, many of which have gone by the way by their own self destruction. Learn how to buy customers instead of buying leads and begin to associate with the very successful internet business people that will be more than happy to work with you and train you.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-313-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Leads | 19
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
The Law Of Attraction. Your primary dominate thoughts according to the late Earl Nightingale are what you will become. What ever you focus on you will attract. When you think about it, those are pretty awesome statements. Don’t be afraid of your thoughts thinking oh my gosh, I don’t want that. Don’t worry, you have an internal guidance system that will keep you in control. Remember, if you are angry or frustrated you are not thinking right. Focus on your goal. Keep moving in the direction of your goal. Correct what you are able to correct and get counsel on the things that you can’t control or think you can‘t control. Sometimes you can control things by just ignoring them. That may not be easy to do, but for your peace of mind it may be the thing to do. Remember that baby that doesn’t know that he can’t walk. He just knows that he is going to. Here you see the laws of success come in to play, determination, persistence, practice, doing. Finally the day comes when that little guy just takes off walking. He knew he could. It took him almost a year but through practice and determination he focused on walking and made it. He never once put a time limit on himself. Another law of success is persistence. Keep at it. I might add, winners never quit, and quitters never win.
With all that said, why is the MLM industry such a gigantic failure? After many decades they are still failing at a consistent rate. The individual failures hover at about 95 percent plus. That appears to me to be that the best successful thing that MLM companies produce are failures. When I realized that those figures were true it made me really mad. All these years of being lied to and not to mention stolen time and money and garages, spare rooms, basements, full of unsold products. Products that I didn’t want or really need. I want you to know that is was not you that failed, it was the MLM industry failed you.
There is a better way, check it out. It’s Good Business. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO as he tells you about buying customers instead of leads. That’s right, you can buy customers instead of leads and build a viable money producing business in a short time; however it does take time. When you look at the statistics, work, and cost of leads not to mention the frustration of working with people that don’t know you, and don’t want to know you, you will find that purchasing customers is less costly and not at all frustrating.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Leads | 18
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
The Sixteen Laws of Success is a book published in two volumes and was written by Napoleon Hill. When it was first written and published the wealthy people were so alarmed that they had it pulled off the market. It is currently obtainable in soft cover for about $30.00 from Wilshire Press. The very most important rule was You must have a definitive purpose coupled with a burning desire and focus your complete attention on it. You must live, eat, and breath your goal and objectives. Did you note the singularity of goal, you must focus your attention on one goal, not a multiple list of goals. To start out thinking you are going to start multiple streams of income is a mistake. That will take away your concentration on your major single goal. It is only after you achieve your major goal should you consider another stream of income. This is a fallacy fostered by many on the internet, multiple streams of income; only after you are successful with one business and can turn it over to someone should you consider an additional stream of income. Donald Trump didn’t diversify until he was first very successful and was able to delegate and turn his business over to be managed by someone else.
With that said, I would encourage you to purchase the book The Sixteen Laws Of Success written by Napoleon Hill and keep it as a companion and read it. Burn this statement into your mind: You must have a definitive purpose coupled with a burning desire and focus your complete attention on it. Print a copy of that statement and put it a couple places where you will see it daily. Make it a part of you and you will be well on your way to success. Don’t get discouraged, failures are a stepping stone to success and don‘t underestimate the power of your mind and subconscious mind. It will work for you, I know this from experience.
On your pathway to success you must consider your education. I am 76 years old and still study. You might ask why and I might answer, a couple of reasons. The first reason is to keep my brain active and alert. The second is that it is a part of my program to success. So become a reader, books are full of gems that will add to your wealth and power. Consider what my favorite book has to say on this subject from KJV. This gem alone could be worth much.
The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.
Proverbs 14:19-21 (in Context) Proverbs 14 (Whole Chapter)
Proverbs 19:4 Wealth maketh many friends; but the poor is separated from his
neighbor. Proverbs 19:3-5 (in Context) Proverbs 19 (Whole Chapter)
Why choose the pathway of the MLM Junkies? They are the duplicated poor of the MLM industry. The world is full of them. There is a better way the quiet way and it is right in front of you. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO and a very successful business person. In his business of It’s Good Business he will tell you about the quiet business where you can go to become very successful on the internet. Then get to know the educational arm of It’s Good Business called Veretekk. Follow the gateway to success.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Leads | 17
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
Goals and Objectives. I don’t like the definition of goal in the Wikapedia Encyclopedia. I am not saying it is wrong I just don’t like their definition. They define an objective as a goal. When I write I like to use the words goals and objectives but you will find that when I do I will always refer to an objective as being subservient to a goal. I use goal as the major point in obtaining a series of minor objectives. To illustrate my point I like to use an example of a guided missal. A guided missal has a controller that keeps it on course by making minute adjustments. The goal of the missal is to hit the target. The objective of the controller is to keep the missal on course. Of course this is all in ones perspective. It just helps me to keep my brain organized. If a guided missal didn’t have a controller it would miss it’s goal.
What I am getting at is that in setting goals, you must also consider minor objectives to keep you on your course. Without the goals and objective you would be like a missal out of control, or you could say without a controller. So, if you don’t have a goal or at least objectives you are totally out of control. Where are you going? I’ll tell you, you are drifting.
This reminds me of the difference between vision and sight. The instructor asked his student to explain the difference between vision and sight. The student replied, I saw two girls yesterday and one was a vision, the other was a sight. Big big difference. No need to explain.
What does purpose have to do with all this? Of course I’m going to tell you. My purpose is, should I say goal or objective, take your pick; I’m going to tell you about an opportunity that you need to get serious about; and of all things it’s called It’s Good Business. You probably have not ever seen a business like this, but that may be because it has been a quiet business. Along with this there is another business that is in business to educate the people that are really interested in earning an honest living on the internet.
What I have pointed you toward is possibly a new way of a good life for you. If you are trainable, enthusiastic, and can follow instructions, Veretekk may be just what you have been searching for. Click on the link and you will be given an opportunity for a free education on using the internet to make money and earn a very good living.
If you got this far, I’m looking forward to meeting you in the class rooms.
Thanks for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Monday, May 26, 2008
Leads | 16
Good Morning: It's a good day because it's good business!
When you consider Failure Habits and Wealth Creation there is nobody smarter than a person that is incompetent and doesn’t know it. I run into that all the time with myself. I start doing something thinking, oh I know all about it. Often times when I start something I don’t know anything about, I get into a real mess. Has that happened to you? I would call that incompetence that you didn’t know about. After you screw up, viola, here comes the dawn, you now know that you were incompetent. You have just crossed the line and realize maybe you needed someone to assist you in learning how . You have reached the level of incompetence that you are now aware of. Now you can make a conscious effort to apply principles to correct your incompetence. If you have been a failure in the past it could be caused by your incompetence and if it was the cause you are in the right place to get that corrected. You can start today to rid yourself of your failure habits and replace them with success habits. This can be done if you are teachable. Remember that a baby just learning to walk has a lot of failures before he is successful at walking. Get that child like attitude about your business and do not be discouraged about minor failures which is the learning process to success. In your learning process you need good mentors/teachers and you are at the right place at the right time. You will find that successful business people are aware of their incompetence and do something about it and take their success to greater levels.
I urge you to listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It's Good Business. Follow his lead into successful business and keep an open mind and listen carefully. There is a dramatic shift taking place in the MLM industry and you are right there to take advantage of buying customers instead of keeping yourself enslaved by the current MLM industry in buying MLM Leads and calling disinterested people that don't know you, don't care about you and don't want to listen to you. You can also get free SEO training and learn how to use the Google search engines to put you on the top of the lists and get seen by the public. Put your failures in your painful past and welcome to It's Good Business and Veretekk. It's free to sign up for a top notch education in how to make a good living on the internet. Ever since I made the change it seems like I am living in the Magical Land Of OZ. The fresh air of honest success is truly great. I just can't say enough. See you in the classrooms. Don’t think you are too old, I’m 76 almost 77 and making money on the internet with It’s Good Business. When learning new things remember the words of my music teacher; practice, practice, practice.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone 941-343-3184
Skype bradley.vigansky
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Leads | 15
Mat 6:33 KJV: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Read this verse in full context, Mat 6:30-35, to get the deep meaning of what is being said. You will find that it is very plain that God lays out your primary goal in life; take it or leave it it’s your choice; but if you take it your path in life will be easy. That is a promise from your creator. If you refuse then your pathway in life will be troubled and hard. That’s the way it is.
These enemies that need to be routed are intolerance, greed, revenge, egotism, suspicion, jealousy, and ??. You need to evaluate your position one by one and be honest with yourself and start working on them. If you are successful at routing them out you will morph into a beautiful person with a world full of friends just waiting and wanting you for a friend.
The worst enemy you will have trouble with will be intolerance. Think about it for a moment, it is intolerance that closes the mind and does not allow you to think accurately. Reason, logic and facts are pushed into the background, preventing you from making good decisions. To become truly successful there is no room for intolerance. If you allow intolerance to rule it will not allow you to succeed. Deeply meditate on this and all the other enemies that you need to route from your character to be truly successful. Take them one at a time and work on them, it would be overwhelming for you to try to rid yourself of them all at once. Just little by little allow the new you to shine, people will take note and love you for it; you won‘t have to tell them, they will know it without being told..
We have a path way to success designed and built by Tom Prendergast CEO of Its Good Business and Veretekk. I urge you to click on the links and listen to Tom Prendergast tell you about It’s Good Business and attend the meeting he will tell you about. You are in for a wonderful surprise. This is about a business where you can buy customers and pass by the buying and the frustrating burden of processing and working with uninterested leads.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone 941-343-3184
Skype: badley.vigansky
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Leads | 14
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
If you are in business or just starting a business it is essential that you maintain a good balance in your business. As with any business it starts with motivation, attitude, thinking, thoughts, enthusiasm, dreams, and visions; this should comprise 90% of your time. With successful people it starts with these attributes. They are not concerned with the how, they just know they will do it. How is key; if you are teachable you can learn the how. The how is presented here, all you need do is make the necessary changes, do the home-work do the work and apply the principles that you learn and you will succeed. At first you may feel awkward but repetition is a key to success and learning. You are here at this point because you don’t know the how. You are searching for the how. Keep searching, the following links will take you on a journey to the success of your life. It is important here to mention that you should maintain a good balance, after crossing the threshold of thinking and dreaming there’s that four letter word called work; but you will find that working for yourself is so much more enjoyable and you won’t even think of it as work; especially when you start earning money for your efforts. I’m here to tell you that only you will put limits on your earnings.
What is it? Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of It’s Good Business explain the program that will fulfill your dreams. Keep going and listen to Dr. Raymond Jewell , he will guide you with your finances. Find out more by reading about The Quiet Business by Butch Hamilton. Now for the big part, learn what you have to do, enroll in Veretekk’s free classes and find out what you have to do. From this point it will be up to you, you are at the portal of meeting new people, making new friends and expanding your circle of influence. If you have special talents, there is a place for you. Remember this, everybody has special talents, some just need to be honed.
In closing, I would like to mention that all successful people read books. It’s time for you to consider doing this in some of your spare time, if you have any spare time, if not, make some time available. You will soon begin to enjoy it because there are so many good things to learn and read about. Also you might remember that ideas breed ideas. You might start by searching for books at the Napoleon Hill Foundation . I hope this will launch you into a lifetime of success. Now, instead of buying leads in the hope of building a business, think of buying customers; it works and it‘s good business. If you feel overwhelmed just give me a call or write to me, believe me I know where you stand.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Leads | 13
Good Morning: Today is a good day because it’s good business.
If you want financial success you must be teachable. The first thing you need to learn is to listen, observe and pay attention. Money and success are two different things. Success is being happy with your position in life; however every successful person is a teachable person. They listen and observe and pay attention and they learn and apply success principles to their life. If you are successful but broke you need to shut up and listen. Listen to your teachers and pay attention. When you are doing the talking you aren’t listening, ask questions but listen to the answers. You have come across a group of people that are very successful people in the internet business world. There are many portals by which you can enter that world of success and become trained if you are teachable. Four of them are mentioned below and if you diligently follow through and if you are teachable, you too can become a very successful business person on the internet.
Number one is It’s Good Business a viable business entry. Listen to Tom Prendergast as he explains the most exciting opportunity to ever come along on the internet. Here you will learn how to buy customers and not waste your time on buying and processing leads. You can start to earn money almost immediately. Forget about the old MLM companies and their costly leads and their duplicated failures.
Number two is Veretekk. The educational system that drives and educates good business people. It is here that you will meet your mentors, teachers, successful internett business people. They are dedicated to your success and the ability to earn money on the internet. It's free to join, examine and evaluate.
Number three is The Quiet Business. This will explain a little about TriVita and how this is all tied together. TriVita is the product arm of It's Good Business. It is where you will purchase viable customers and start out on an excellent business with a company that has been very successful for over 8 years. I'm getting paid twice a month and it's growing, and as Martha Stewart would say, It's a good thing.
Number four is A Financial Guide. Here you will have a chance to meet Dr. Raymond Jewell who is a Financial Coach for It’s Good Business and Veretekk. Get to know him, listen to his radio program where he teaches on the finances of business. He is my teacher mentor and a wonderful person to work with and meet. I don't know how he finds the time, but he does and will find time for you.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Leads | 12
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
Have you heard of The Quiet Business?
What do you think The Quiet Business is all about?
I hope you are curious enough to find out. What you will find will explode your brain. Find out what’s going on in The Quiet Business and read and follow the links that you will find provided. A business revolution has begun in the MLM industry and the internet. It would really be to your interest to learn all you can about it. By some chance you have come upon this article and in a couple months you will be very happy that you did. That hustle and quite activity that you will hear will be all the activity that the people of It’s Good Business are doing. The place is popping like popcorn. It’s all about not buying leads. Instead it’s about buying customers.
There is over a decade of internet success driving this quiet business. I will probably have to refer to it as anything but quiet in the near future. In my ears I can hear the trumpets and the blasting is loud and very clear. I don’t know how many times we will have to circle the camp before the MLM walls come tumbling down, but down they will come. This quiet business has the solution and has it in action. I am the recipient of some of it’s action and believe me it’s a wonderful thing to be on the winning side and getting paid while working on the internet. By this time you should be salivating and want to explore. Go to these two sites and be prepared to spend some time investigating and reviewing. 1. Veretekk. 2. It’s Good Business.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Leads | 11
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
At Send Out Cards, they enjoy helping you become a sender of cards, whether you are sending to family, friends, or business associates! If you are not interested in becoming a distributor at Send Out Cards, but love sending cards to keep in touch, express gratitude, and reach out to others in a positive way, then the retail packages detailed below are for you. They do offer special accounts that enable you to receive compensation as you help others become senders of cards.
Retail Account Options
Retail Package Plus! (Recommended)
* Startup cost is $99.00
* Includes Picture Plus
* An auto-order account that is automatically filled with points each month ($0.49 per point)
* Optional but recommended $24.50/month (fifty points) loaded into your account monthly
Retail Package #1
* An auto-order account that is automatically filled with points each month ($0.49 per point)
* $9.80/month (20 Points loaded into your account monthly)
* $24.50/month (50 Points loaded into your account monthly)
Retail Package #2
* $25.00 annual account.
* Does not include automatic account points.
* Customer fills account with points and postage manually using a credit card, when points and postage are needed.
Features Included With Every Retail Account
* Over 10,000 greeting cards to choose from.
* Send a printed greeting card from your computer in less than a minute.
* User has access to the entire Send Out Cards system.
* Great for personal or small business needs.
What are points?
Points are used as credit to send your cards with. The price of postage is not added in the items below.
Type of Card Standard Cost With an Image Upload.
Post Cards 1 Point ($0.49) 2 Points ($0.98).
Greeting Cards 2 Points ($0.98) 3 Points ($1.47).
Three-Panel Cards 3 Points ($1.47) 4 Points ($1.96).
What is Picture Plus?
Picture Plus is a photo manager that the Send Out Cards system offers. When purchased you have complete access, and are able to to add images to your personalized cards.
What else can I do to personalize my cards?
At Send Out Cards, they are now able to make your personal handwriting style into a font and signature that you can use with your cards! You simply fill out a form and send it to them, and you'll be on your way to using your own handwriting on every card. For pricing and additional information, you may contact them.
The above features are nice and I like them, but I won’t build a business with Send Out Cards, not with their present MLM structure. The purchase of leads is too costly and work intensive. There is a better way; and if you are looking to build a business on the internet, listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of It's Good Business and Veretekk. Don’t buy leads, buy customers. Join us and learn how to google and get search engine ratings. It’s a win-win situation.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Leads | 10
Send Out Cards 202
Some of the unique things they offer include:
Cards that are printed with your personal letter stuffed stamped and mailed via US Postal Service.
An extensive card catalog with both business and personal greeting cards.
The ability to create custom cards, write in your own personal handwriting fonts, add pictures, and store and edit pictures with Picture Plus. I really like the ability to send especially the get well cards, these are usually unscheduled events and within a few minutes I can get a card off to a friend or relative that is ill or had an accident. I get it done right from my computer. The personal time saving is tremendous.
The ability to insert gifts for my grand-children and great-grand-children I can include a check or a gift card from many of the major stores.
A calendar and reminder system to manage contact information and special occasions. This is really nice because I don’t forget the birthdays and anniversaries. I just get reminded and bingo, out goes the card right from my computer.
An online contact manager to help you organize and add contact information.
The above information is why I use Send Out Cards, but I won’t try to build a business with them. The cost for leads is prohibitive, consider anywhere from $1.50 to $5.00 per lead. Those are real figures. That’s just the start, after the lead is the cost of your time and patience, calling and coercing people to go into business with you. Most of the time the leads are people that have been sold several times and are completely disinterested. There is a better alternative; which is to buy customers and not leads. Check it out, It’s Good Business.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Monday, May 19, 2008
Leads | 9
What are you looking for in a job, or your work, or your life? Do you think money is the issue? Or are you looking more for stability? Are you looking for a way to improve your life style, more esteem, pride of accomplishment? You can find all of this and more with It’s Good Business. Take some time and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business. This may be just what you are looking for; a way to accomplish your dreams of prosperity, success and all the things that will come with it. Just a minor adjustment in your thinking and doing things could accomplish great things in your life. After what you find out by listening to Tom Prendergast if it doesn’t make you mad, I would be surprised. It made me mad and I still haven’t cooled off, however I am doing something about it and the progress has been tremendous. By joining with the It’s Good Business group and tasting the success of business my whole attitude and outlook have taken on a very positive vein. This too will happen to you if you let it.
If you sign up for Veretekk Silver you will find how you can beat the odds of becoming a successful internet business person. It will take a little time and study on your part and I urge you to take advantage of your spare time and use the Veretekk internet business classes which are free for your taking. I have had two MLM gurus tell me, oh don’t mess with Veretekk, they aren’t any good; that’s just another one of their rotten lies Once you take a serious look at It’s Good Business and Veretekk you will see why they said that. If you don’t already know you will find out that the MLM companies have a death blow built into their systems. The most successful things that MLM companies reproduce are failures. Don’t fall for their line by buying their leads; buy customers instead. Enter through that gateway to success with It’s Good Business on the internet. Now don’t tell me you’re too old; I’m 76 and in 8 or 9 weeks will be 77. The term they used to use was, I’m hitting the books. Well I’m hitting the net. I’d rather be studying and keeping busy. I’m an old dog, but learning a new trick isn’t so bad. See you in the class rooms and learn to Google for success.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Leads | 8
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
If you have been searching the internet for ways to earn money, this may be just what you are looking for. There is a big bang on the internet and what you will be hearing is the noise that It’s Good Business is making along with Tom Prendergast CEO and his army that is on the march; and his Chosen Ones are taking the internet by storm. Either join with us or get out of the way. It has just started and already setting records and have eyes rolling and wondering what’s happening. It’s Good Business phone lines have been busy talking with leaders in the MLM industry that have called and want to know what’s happening.
What’s Happening? Duh! That’s what you are going to hear from the MLM leaders as their business melts away. Historically that has been the case with the MLM industry, they go gang-busters for a couple years then die on the vine. Over 90% of the people involved in the MLM industry fail. That is what the MLM industry if famous for, REPRODUCING FAILURES.
Now that we have done away with the MLM industry here is the replacement. You will need to rethink, and reeducate your methods of activity in regard to developing a successful internet business. I urge you to listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Its Good Business and attend one of our weekly meetings. You can do this at home in front of your computer and it’s free. Then I urge you to evaluate Veretekk, which is the educational arm of It’s Good Business. Veretekk is over 10 years old and has a very successful track record in educating people to become successful internet business people. Over a hundred of these people are also instructors and mentors involved with Veretekk in educating people to become successful; and the best part is that it is free. It just requires your time and good conduct. These lessons are live class room style and you are allowed and encouraged to participate and ask questions. They also have recorded classes which you can schedule at your time and convenience.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Leads | 7
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
I’m late again today; I have just been sleeping a lot lately. Even though I live alone I still have a lot going on in my life. I daily visit an old friend that goes back about 55 years. We have lots of things to talk and reminisce about. She lives here in Florida about 6 months out of the year and the other 6 months she lives in Michigan. She will be heading back in about 1 or 2 weeks. She likes to leave before hurricane season. Can’t say as I blame her, I was here 4 years ago when Hurricane Charlie hit and destroyed my home while I was in it. I had some nice neighbors that came over and saw to it that I left and got out of it. Luckily I was not hurt physically; as far as mentally that’s another story. Believe me I have a healthy respect for hurricanes.
After my morning visit I get back on my computer and glad to say that I am working with a group that is second to none. It’s Good Business is the name of the company. I urge you to click on the link and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO explain the business. What can I say other than that you will be very glad that you did. The only problem that I am having is my stupidity; however I’m in the right place to have that fixed. I have available to me all the education that I can handle and guarantee my success on the internet. I have been going through a process of learning in addition to unlearning some bad practices that was keeping me down. Buying leads for instance; did you know there is a better way. Yes you can build a business from buying customers instead of leads. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s GoodBusiness and he will explain how you can do this. I look forward to meeting you in one of our many training rooms to attend classes of your choice. It’s free, all it will cost you is your time and you will find that the rewards are really great. You can’t put a price on new friends and a successful business. I have made quite a few new friends in the past few months and not to brag but I am earning money and getting paid on a regular basis.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Friday, May 16, 2008
Leads | 6
Along with good business comes the business of leads. MLM Leads, Business Leads and Send Out Cards Leads. Take your pick, I can rag away on any of them. I really object to the many years of deceit, deception and outright fraud that has been perpetrated in this industry of selling leads. Many years ago I had a lead for oil well ventures and the information given to me was valid information; however it was found later that not only was the information invalid, it was found that the person was deceased. How many bad email addresses have you had? How many bad phone numbers have you had? How many angry people have you dealt with from screened leads? Would you like more questions? I think you get the point. How many good leads did you have? I would also like to ask, how many down lines have you had collapse? The question maybe should be, how many good MLM companies have ripped you off after selling you a garage full of products?
Quit buying leads, buy customers instead. It’s Good Business is in the business of buying customers and not leads. After getting into this business I began making money and love the products and have satisfied repeat customers. I would like you to listen to Tom Prendergast explain the fantastic opportunity that exists today and is working for a group of dedicated successful internet business people. I am 76 years old, soon to be 77 and started working with this group of people a few months ago and love it. I have had to stir up the gray matter in my head and do a little studying and would like to say don’t let your age stop you from entering into this business. You will find it very rewarding, not only financially but meeting people and making friends. You will also have the opportunity to learn the cutting edge techniques taught in the Veretekk class rooms, and it’s free. Come on in and meet me in the class rooms. I’m still a student and love it. You can take advantage of recorded classes and live classes. It is better to attend live classes because you will have the opportunity to ask questions and talk to your instructors.
It’s time to stop getting ripped off and start earning money on the internet.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Leads | 5
Hosea 4:6 (King James Version)
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Malachi 4:6
And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”
Daniel 12:4
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Daniel 12:3-5 (in ContextChapter) Daniel 12 (Whole Chapter)
You may think it strange starting a blog with Bible verses; however after reading a blog by Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk these thoughts came flooding into my mind. There is no doubt that our country and the whole world is being controlled by rogue elements in our governments, corporations, schools and churches. It’s time has come to give way to the new age that the world is already beginning to experience. I think its time for the people to realize they are experiencing prophecy jumping out at us and being fulfilled. There is no doubt that knowledge is being increased at such a rapid rate that it’s almost impossible to keep up. The knowledge revealed by Tom Prendergast’s blog left me feeling with very mixed emotions; deep anger and happiness, Angry about being duped and robbed all these years. Happiness about the revelation that this is coming to an end. At my age I may not see it finalized, but it sure is a wonderful goal to have and being able to see and visualize the end. It won’t stop with MLM and Leads. In it’s final analysis it goes much deeper than that. This example will permeate our whole life and everything we do. If we do right in the sight of God we will prosper in all aspects of our lives. They (the people) when they see what we are doing will call upon us to let them in.
I could do a commentary on those verses, but I think they pretty well say it like it is and don’t need me adding or taking away from them.
Thank you Tom for your wonderful work and the blessings that go with it.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Leads | 4
Well, I made it through another night. I seem to be sleeping better these days. Maybe it’s the success that I am having on the internet. It‘s giving me more peace of mind knowing that I am with a winning group that has the secrets to the winning combination of doing business on the internet. Basically it is due to the expertise of three people that I have met and have been working with. There’s that word that you aren’t supposed to end a sentence with. Well once in a while it just seems appropriate; and don’t ask me about that law breaking English language. I had a real problem with grammar and it was always the exception to the rule that caused me problems. In my simple child like mind I thought, Why have a rule if you don’t abide by it?. I was always very irritated about learning the exception to the rule, it seemed like there were exceptions to every rule. It really cluttered up my mind. I can’t remember the specific exception to the rule but one of them had over a dozen exceptions. I can’t remember the rules let alone the exceptions. There are more exceptions than there are rules.
I would like to close this with the names of the people that are working with me and teaching me, at my age which is 76 soon to be 77. I am still learning and love it. Now for the remembering, that’s another issue. For me it takes repetition. I would like you to get familiar with these names, Tom Prendergast CEO, Butch Hamilton SEO, and Dr. Raymond Jewell. These are the people that are the driving force behind It’s Good Business and Veretekk. They found me floundering around in the internet and have pulled my out of that mess and are teaching me how to be
successful in business using the internet. Instead of thinking in terms of chasing leads as in the MLM companies, think in terms of buying customers. I’ve just got started but I don’t want to bother you with a lot of detail, you can search it out and do better than my telling you. Go to the links provided and get ready for the thrill of your life.
Things that you might hear:
1. You will not fall through the cracks.
2. You are part of the group.
3. We can use your talents.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Meet New People And Make New Friends
Do you like meeting new people and making new friends? I hope the answer is yes, because in this organization you will meet new people and make new friends. Like Martha Stewart would say, it’s a good thing and Tom Prendergast would say, it’s good business. I had the wonderful opportunity yesterday to make a couple new friends and it was really a very nice encounter. I live in Florida and they live in Toronto, Canada. If any of you would like to see a beautiful city, drive through Toronto at night. It’s a wonderful experience and I have the wonderful memory of being able to drive through this city during the daytime and at night. I’m sure that this city is even more beautiful now than it was the many years that it has been since I had the opportunity to visit. Within just the last couple weeks I have met people from the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania and also met and talked to a person in Harrington Park, NSW, Australia. I have friends in Belgium and Stockholm. I am a stay at home person but travel the world, thanks to today’s internet and communication devices. It is truly a wonderful life and time to live. Every day is filled with such opportunities when being associated with It’s Good Business. It’s very dynamic and rewarding.
With this business you can forget about chasing leads in the hope of building your business. Any of you MLM people that have had the misfortune to implode with your business know what I mean. I have had the misfortunes to be with businesses that have gone into receivership and believe me that isn’t fun. Nothing like running to the bank with a check to beat the others before the cash runs out. What’s worse is having the checks go bump-bump-bump after being stamped with NSF. I guess the only thing worse is the charge your bank steals from your account for the transaction that has bombed. Hmm, I wonder if I should have used that word. With this opportunity you get a double barreled shot gun effect with your business. You have the best of both worlds, the business world and the educational world. You have before you an opportunity to do this. Don’t tell me you are too old. I am 76 and still kicking and enjoying every minute of it. And wow, every day is like being in a new pond full of wonderful things. Stir up that grey matter and shake your old bones and get with it. It can fill your life with new vigor and carry you a long way. Get into Veretekk and investigate the most cutting edge business educational system that I have ever had the good opportunity to witness. It is an awesome work of more that 10 years of successful progress and development. The people involved are some of the most dynamic people that I have ever had the opportunity to meet with and work together with common goals.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Monday, May 12, 2008
Leads | 2
It’s an exciting business. Every day brings big surprises. I am learning how to earn money on the internet and it may not be what you think. It’s Good Business is a fantastic business for you to explore. Tom Prendergast is CEO of It’s Good Business and I must say that he is the most dynamic business person that I have every known. He is a very successful internet business person, very good at teaching and extending his success to others that are interested. You will find a core of very dedicated and successful business people working with him. I urge you to listen to him and then come to his weekly class and learn all about it. You will have a chance to meet other people that may become very good friends. I have met Butch Hamilton SEO Master and Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor and they are tops. I hope you have a chance to meet them. They too will be dedicated to your success if you are dedicated to it. Come and listen in.
After all that you might even want to send out a card to a friend. Send Out Cards might be a way to go, but I’m not selling Send Out Cards primarily because I have been a MLM Junkie nearly all my adult life and glad to say that I am a recovering MLM Junkie. I have been with the best of them, AMWAY, Bestline, Yurika, to name a few, and lost money with every one of them. It wasn’t just a little bit, it was a lot. Duplication is not the way to go, it don’t work, and I would never want some of these pretty young things trying to duplicate this old man; it would just take too many years to catch up. There is a better way, you can buy customers instead of leads. Click on one of those links and go to our conference room and listen to what is happening to the MLM industry. It will amaze you. This is an ideal way for timid people to build a business. You don’t have to call leads and annoy people with you pitch. I know what it’s like when family runs away from you. I am glad to say that I am building a profitable business with out annoying my family and friends, when they hear of my success they will call on me.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Leads | 1
It costs me about a dollar each to send out beautiful greeting cards of all kinds. This includes the cost of postage and the cost of the card and envelope. I don’t even have to take it to the post office to mail it. If you click on the link you can read all about it. However, I am not trying to develop a business with it; I just use it as a customer. It is a MLM company that I am not successful at selling, even though I love their product. So I am satisfied just to use their services and save money and time. I shop, select and order right from my computer. Then in a couple days my friends receive a greeting card in my hand writing and delivered right to their home by the post office.
Now I would like to tell you about a company that you can purchase customers from and begin a viable money making business right at the start. This is not a get rich quick scheme but you can become wealthy if you can follow simple rules and procedures. It is really a laid back type of business, we have many that are being very successful and this does not require buying leads, talking to disinterested rude people, Does this have your interest? Click Yes Or Click No.
I would like to comment that if you decide to follow through with this opportunity you will meet some very nice people that are all successful business people on the interenet and are also teachers that are set up to teach and mentor you in developing your business with the latest cutting edge technologies. You will find yourself enlarging your circle of friends and being glad of it. Click Here
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Life After MLM
It’s a good day to send out a card. Did you know that you could send out a card to anybody that you want right from your computer? This card and even a personal note can be sent by snail mail and you could do it cheaper than going to a store and shopping for cards and paying ultra high prices, then at home address the card, write a note in it, stuff it, stamp it and take it to the post office. That can be replaced right from your home using your computer. Send Out Cards is a nice program for doing that. They do a very nice job and have thousands of cards from which to choose. The cards can be made out with your handwriting. I am not trying to build a business with Send Out Cards, however I am building a business using It’s Good Business. With It’s Good Business you can buy customers instead of leads. That way you will begin to make money right from the start. No calling leads and begging and doing flip-flops just to get someone to sign up. You probably know the routine. Rejection, rejection, rejection. Well with this organization, poof, that’s all gone. Once you are in this organization your people just don’t drop out. To find out what it’s all about come to our weekly meetings and find out. If you follow this route you will find that your life will take on a whole new meaning. The horrible experiences that you and many MLMers have had will just be eliminated. You may feel a little awkward at first but very soon you will find that there is life after MLM, and you will prosper and love it.
Along with this you have discovered a source where you can receive a free education in an internet business education using the internet. I just finished a 1 hour session with one of the teachers from Pennsylvania. This took place between 3am and 4am each in our own home using our computers on the internet. This was a live one on one situation which for me was very good because I was having a problem. Problem solved. Veretekk is the place where you can receive this kind of treatment and continued education. Veretekk has a staff of over 100 teachers that will teach and mentor you and work with you as long as you are willing and oriented to developing your own business. They have the system and you can join with the experts for free. The big plus to this is that you will meet and make friend with some of the nicest people that you encounter. This company is a magnet for good people. Don’t expect to do nothing, it takes work, but if you have read this far, you need to go farther.
Thank you for reading, Brad Vigansky
Friday, May 9, 2008
MLM Companies Compared To TriVita
Send Out Cards is a MLM company of which I am a member and really like their product and service; however compared to Send Out Cards and all other MLM and Network Marketing Companies, you just won't beat building a vibrant down-line and a thriving business.
What made TriVita’s business opportunity attractive to us was the fact that we could “buy” customers that were already members of TriVita. We had all been with other companies before and were tired of bugging friends, neighbors, relatives, buying and cold calling leads, trying to get people interested in joining whatever company we were with. Now, instead of that, all of us in this group, work hand in hand with TriVita using their “Cooperative Marketing and Media Acquisition Program”.
All that you really have to do to build a significant business is to write a check every month; These customers that you are buying are already buying, and loving, the product; The result?; You make money from their purchases; In other words, the more customers that you buy, the more money that you make.
I invite you to listen to Tom Prendergast a long time customer of TriVita and a rep for TriVita. Tom has been a very successful internet business person for over 12 years and is CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk, both very successful internet companies
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
PS: Are you on your freedom train to financial success?
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Good Morning: It's a good morning because it's good business.
Many MLM companies trick you into thinking you are developing your own business and then con you into paying for it. They talk you into buying leads and spend a lot of time talking to people that are totally disinterested in your program. Stop playing this insane game and think about buying customers instead of leads. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO as he explains how this can be done. You can start making money right away and not be worried about loosing your customers. You can be purchasing already satisfied repeat customers. Think of this as an alternative method of developing a sound viable business right from the start. Get educated on how to operate a profitable business on the internet through Veretekk. Veretekk is a company over 10 years old and dedicated to teaching and mentoring people that are interested in developing their own successful business on the internet.
In the past I have spent a lot of time spinning my wheels and trying to make money on the internet. I made some money but also have seen companies come and go. From my personal experience it seems that 2 to three years seems to be the limit. In addition they all started paying very slowly and usually less than the expense. You have a chance here to become associated with three companies with a total experience of over 18 years of successful operation. You will work with some of the finest people that I have had a chance to meet. You can attend free live classes on various internet operations and learn how to use the latest techniques in giving your company a real boost. I received my first check within six weeks after starting with them. It’s good business, come and join us, I look forward to meeting you in the class rooms or the weekly meeting with the CEO.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
PS: Meet Dr. Raymond Jewell, Financial Advisor.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Follow The Leaders
I’m late today because my computer has been resting. It just got cantankerous like a mule and decided to pull a trick. It lost something and was pretty sneaky about it. It appeared to be my modem was malfunctioning and considering how my carrier works I just didn’t think much about it. After about 4 hours waiting, I figured it must be something else. After waving my magic wand and poking some keys and buttons I found that a file was lost. So I had to go through a little back up to recover the lost system. I usually try to have one day ahead but I just got behind and now it’s make up time. I’m sure you all know how these things go. Sometimes I get into the fire department mode and everything is emergency 5 star rush and needing attention.
I would like to talk about 3 opportunities today, I hope I can get it all in this one blog. Each area if you follow through and take the time, you too can become very successful. The following three people are dedicated to your success, if you are also dedicated to it.
1. Meet Tom Prendergast executive CEO of several successful companies.
I want to zero in on two of them. Veretekk which is a multi purpose company whose aim is to train aspiring people to become successful internet business people. The main purpose is to assist and mentor people into becoming successful in their internet business. The second company is It’s Good Business. Click on the link and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO explain the operation and how you can fit in if you desire. I could go into great detail here but that would just take away from your enjoyment of discovery.
2. Meet Butch Hamilton SEO Master.
Butch Hamilton is a Master of Search Engine Optimization and a very successful internet business man. Out of his busy schedule of work, he is also a trainer at Veretekk, teaching people how to use the Google search engines to your advantage in your business and get your website up front where people will see it. If done correctly you will have more people hitting your web site than you ever dreamed of. You can get this training free at Veretekk. I hope to meet you at some of the training sessions, and there are many.
3. Meet Dr. Raymond Jewell.
Dr. Jewell has worked with clients for over 25 years coaching them to economic success. Their Macro-Economic Models are unique in that they allow clients to see their financial future before it occurs, thus allowing them to correct the mistakes before they happen. Never again does anyone have to listen to bad advice, they can now prove it. he currently hosts the Financial Freedom Radio Show, every Firday at 9:00 AM EST.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Buy Cusomers Not Leads
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
Why are you bothering with leads when you don’t have to? There is another excellent way to develop and build your business. I don’t know what you are paying for leads but you could be buying customers instead of leads. Right off the bat, you would begin to have income with repeat business. When you consider the basic cost of purchasing your leads, then the additional cost of time in culling out your leads and the anguish of making cold calls. That is all negative to building a business when you have the opportunity to buy customers instead. When it is all figured out you will find that it costs less to buy customers and you have avoided the negative aspects of dealing with leads. You really need to consider It’s Good Business and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO. It will only take a few minutes of your time. Click here.
It is a wonderful feeling to be earning money on the internet and you to can do this. Consider your talents and abilities and become educated in the right way to approach the internet. Visit Veretekk and attend the live educational classes offered free in the many areas of operating your own business on the internet. These lessons are free and are conducted by live teachers that are successful internet business people. They are ready and willing to teach and mentor you in developing your skills using the many facilities that are required in developing a successful business. I am making new friends and love it, this is a dynamic organization and things are happening and it‘s really great.
I use a MLM company that I like very much for sending out my personal greeting cards. It is called Send Out Cards. It saves me time and money, however I am not working on trying to develop their system into a personal business. It’s too time consuming for me, at my age of 76, my time is at a premium and I just won’t work on what I consider to be futile, especially not when I am making money by buying customers with another business.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
PS: Are you on your freedom train to financial success?
Monday, May 5, 2008
Are You Waiting For Someone Else To Do Your Work?
Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.
If you are waiting for someone else to do your work you may have to wait a long long time. Now is the only time to start, it’s too late for yesterday. So you start at the beginning again. Remember one thing, we have been put here to solve problems. Each one of us is a story and that story will vary from one to another all being different. We are on all levels of life and each level has it’s own set of problems. Without problems we wouldn’t do anything, so the best thing to do (as I have many times told my children), face your problems head on. If you are reading this then you are in the right place at the right time. You don’t have to be alone in facing your problems. The people at Veretekk have been over the road and have become successful internet business people and ready willing and able to help you solve some of those sticky problems that arise when trying to start an enterprise using the internet.
Don’t fall for the MLM schemes that require you to spend your money to buy their MLM leads. If you do that you are doomed to a 90%+ failure rate. I will say that Send Out Cards is a nice company and I use them but I am not trying to make money with them and will not. I hate buying leads, calling and begging people; I’m 76 years old and just don’t have the time for that nonsense. I buy customers instead of leads. That’s right, I buy living satisfied repeat customers that love their products, and I get paid. Isn’t that nice? Go to and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO. He is one of the most activated successful people that I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Even at my old age I have learned a great deal from him. I just hope I live long enough to repay him for his efforts and work that has been such a benefit to me.
Let me say here that you are not too old to learn new things. Activate that grey matter and get going. It may take you just a little longer but with age comes a lot of experience. If you are elderly, get to perking, you will feel better about yourself if you do. That’s what life is all about, making friends and learning new things.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
PS: Are you on your freedom train to financial success?
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Buy Customers Not Leads
Why are you buying worthless leads when you could spend that money and buy living viable happy repeat customers? When you buy leads you are subjecting your self to hours of frustration in contacting people that are not interested in what you have to offer. I hope this has your attention because there is an 8 year old company out there that sells it’s customers and you can then begin to earn money right away. I know this has your attention and to learn a lot more about it go to this link. Click here. I don’t know if you will get this far or not, that link may have sent you off and running. I remember the first time I listened to it, it sure got my attention. I have been off and running and now I’m making money.
Don’t fall for that old MLM line that you have to spend your own money to buy leads to develop your business. I don’t make calls to leads, I don’t like it, I never have and I’m sure I never will. It’s Good Business and the CEO Tom Prendergast has developed a marketing business that is taking the internet marketing by storm. It is breaking and setting all kinds of records in the industry. There is lots of room for talented people and all people have different and special talents. We need people like you and you can be placed and begin to build a viable business. I am 76 years old and have been with It’s Good Business for the last couple months and making money. I don’t want to tell you about all the failures that I have had over the years with other companies, some MLM and other types of business.
If you have read this far there is one other company that I would like to mention and that is Veretekk; which is a company that is over 10 years old and a viable successful company that exists for the purpose of training and developing successful internet business people. You can get that training for free, just by signing up and attending live classes from your home. Your teachers are qualified successful internet people. They are really a wonderful group of people. Since I have been working with Veretekk I have become very proud to be associated with a group of people that makes up this organization. They are really great people and you will never regret your association with such a group.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
PS: Are you on your freedom train to financial success?
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Send Out Cards is a nice business, except for being MLM. I am a member but inactive when it comes to building a business with it. At my age which is 76, I don’t have the time or energy to attend meetings with all the hoopla or the time to chase down hundreds and thousands of leads. For me it just took too much of my time and at my age my time is at a premium and chasing after uninterested people is a waste of the time I have left. I buy customers instead of leads. That’s right, I buy customers instead of leads. I got my first pay check the other day and expect to be receiving money in my bank account every two weeks. (Actually twice a month). You could also be doing the same thing.
What can I say about this business? I can say a lot, because with it I see a vision of what it can be and will be. It can be the business model for the world of tomorrow. I am excited to think that I am a part of it and will do my best to remain a part of it. You too can become a part of it and catch the vision of success. Working with successful people on the internet is so invigorating that I find my mind so activated that I can’t sleep; however for me that doesn’t really matter because I’m retired, an old man and work at home. So, I can set my own hours, to a point. Sometimes I get aggravated about it, but who cares. I urge all of you good honest hard working people to take a look at this bi-cameral system and jump in with all four. To be surrounded by successful business people is contagious and well worth the effort. There are two entry points, check out both of them.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
PS: Are you on your freedom train to financial success?
Friday, May 2, 2008
How to take the lead with leads? Wouldn’t you love to take the lead in obtaining leads? Well you can do that and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. It will require a little time and study from free classes that you can obtain through Veretekk. The types of classes that you can take are many and varied all associated with marketing successfully on the internet. Don’t think this is a get rich quick come on, it just isn’t; however if you apply yourself and follow directions you will be successful. I urge you to listen to Tom Prendergast CEO and his presentation of It’s Good Business; if you like what you hear, plan on attending a meeting and learning what’s going on presently. I hope to see you there.
Now if you want to become really successful, orient your mind toward buying customers instead of leads. I am doing that and within just a little over a month I had my first check. Now wouldn’t you like to have money deposited in your bank account on a regular basis from a company that is a sound profitable business with over 2 million satisfied repeat customers? This can happen to you, this is a golden opportunity and I hope you take advantage of it. Quit buying leads and start buying customers. Associate yourself with successful business people like you will find at Veretekk and get to know them. They are really a great group of successful internet business people ready willing and able to teach and mentor you in their classes, which are free at Veretekk. Do you like the sound of popping corn? Well come on in and listen to all the activity and see what is going on. You will hear that sound of business bursting at the seams and really popping.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
PS: Are you on your freedom train to financial success?
Thursday, May 1, 2008
In September 1936 I started grade school; it was a country school in Lower Michigan. At that time we in the US celebrated May Day. I recall the time spent in school making colorful paper baskets for picking wild flowers and carrying them home to my mother. I had a proud feeling giving them to her in the basket that I had made in school that day. Even though it has been over 60 years ago that the US stopped observing May Day, I still have those fond memories of making those baskets and picking the wild flowers. Our stupid congressmen and senators and president didn’t think we should celebrate May Day because it happened to be Russia’s Independence Day. It would be unpatriotic to do such a thing. Bologna! I never understood the reasoning and still in my heart I observe May Day. It is now my own private holiday, the tradition is gone from this country. Why not observe it in the first week of May and have 7 days for it. That time of year in Michigan is my favorite time because everything is springing to life and the flowers are blooming and everything is green and the weather usually balmy. If I can work it out I think I will take a vacation next year the first week in May and visit my old home area.
Are you still looking for leads? What will you do after you find them? Would you like to get so many that you wouldn’t be able to handle them all. Click here. I wouldn’t, and I’m going to tell you why. It is very much more profitable to buy customers instead of buying leads. When I look at the leads for sale I find that very many are sold by MLM companies. The sad part of that is you will be buying leads of people that have probably already been burned by the MLM Bug. That is probably why you will have a very high rejection rate. The MLM failure rate is over 90 percent. You will find that at first it seems that you are going great guns, then all of a sudden, whoof, your down-line is gone. You can avoid that disaster by buying customers. Would you like to find out how to do that? Click here.
PS: Are you on your freedom train to financial success?