Have you fallen for the line, “All you have to do is duplicate my web site”? If you have, like so many others you are probably doomed to failure. This is the old MLM line and the Traffic Exchange line, the method of duplication. After a little investigation you will also find that many MLM companies are also in the business of selling MLM Leads. You really need to change your concept of marketing and realize that you must learn some new techniques. For example, Google has a search engine optimization system that will work for you; however you need to learn how to work with it, then it will work well for you. This information can be learned at Veretekk and their free educational system on the internet. It would be well worth your time if you plan on continuing to work on the internet in developing a business.
There is a change in the methods of developing a new business that you my want to take a look and see if you would be interested. It’s Good Business is just the place to go and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO tell you all about it. This is a business where you can purchase customers instead of leads. When you do the stats you will find that it is cheaper to purchase customers than it is to purchase leads and dashed hopes. If you have worked with MLM Leads from the MLM industry, you know what I mean, it’s a lot of work to convert a lead to a customer. What is your conversion rate? Can you imagine buying repeat customers and having income coming in almost immediately. No more phone calls begging prospects and perpetuating the propaganda of duplication in the hopes of signing up a distributor which is not really a customer.Think about it, a good customer is one that wants your products. Are you overloaded with distributors and not customers?
I would like to close with this old proverb, “Never be the first by whom the new is tried, nor yet never be the last to lay the old aside. Why not join a group where no one gets left behind. Buy Customers Not Leads.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
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