Friday, June 18, 2010

Niger Delta becomes a cautionary tale for U.S.
BODO, Nigeria Region has endured equivalent of Exxon Valdez spill every year for 50 years. Read the article at NYT World News: Click Here.

For 50 years!! How long are we going to endure such plunder and desecration of our Mother Earth? When is enough, enough? There is technology available to people to start building energy free systems NOW. What’s wrong people? Can’t you see that we are messing in our pants in regard to allowing governments and big business to control our assets. You have the empowerment to take control and stop this nonsense of desecration and destruction of our earth. Let your voice and action be seen and heard by the Almighty Loving God of this world and show him that we mean business and get with the job at hand.

I don’t know about you but I am tired of the plunder that our US Government has been involved in. They are beyond cleaning up. What needs to happen is outlined in NESARA. Click on the link and read the outline of a job that you have laid out before you. If you are out of work, get to work and start with yourself and clean up your personal act and begin living the example of a free man in communication with his God. To start with our Federal Government needs to be mercifully put to sleep and replaced as outlined in NESARA. Put your mind at work and dream a little of living without the IRS. What a rest I need from those _____ _____ _____s. What could you save in book work alone having to keep all those records just for the snoops. To start with you could probably double the number of people that you could put to work. If you work alone, start by getting a helper.

Put on your work cloths and let your light shine. Instead of drilling holes, plug them up.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Open Letter To President Obama: 6/16/10

Open Letter To President Obama: 6/16/10

According to Sheldon Nidle New technology is needed in order to plug the holes in the Gulf and return the seabed to a more normal condition. It will be wise to ban any further drilling and mining in the Gulf's seabed, as the Gulf of Mexico contains a number of potentially dangerous fault zones that must not be disturbed by further by drilling. These zones are capable of creating earthquakes that can affect the major cities that extend from the coast of eastern Mexico to southern Florida. There are also several volcanic ranges on the seabed that could easily exacerbate the damage already done by the oil spill. The main focus has to be containment. There are now activities on this seabed, and on an adjacent one in the Atlantic, which are being set in motion due to the fact that the remains of Atlantis are found there. The kind of great uplifting happening in the Coral Sea near Australia is also about to be discovered in this region of the Atlantic. In general, the seabeds of the world's oceans are becoming unstable, and a new series of landmasses is preparing to rise to the surface. Similar activities are found in our lower atmosphere where increasing toxicity threatens all life.

In order for things to progress smoothly in this current process of the evolution of the earth it is of paramount importance that these things be taken care of in a proper and timely manner.

It is recommended that all oil exploration and drilling and mining of the oil and gases and other products be discontinued immediately and permanently in the Gulf of Mexico region. It is the health of the world and the people and other life forms on the earth that are at stake.

To replace the oil and products it is further recommended that immediate manufacture of millions of free energy devises and sold throughout the world. You want a job, go get it. This will do more to clean up the earths pollution than any other single thing. Just think how the deserts will thrive when fresh water is delivered by some of these free energy devises.

If you don’t do these things, a newly seated government will. Check out NESARA. They are in place and ready to be seated and do the job our current government refuses to do.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What's Going On?

Is Senator Hillary Clinton again caught in her tangled web of deceit? I don’t know why it is, but Senator Clinton always reminds me of AraƱa de la viuda negra. She fits so snugly in her little web of deceit. Beware of those fangs, they are deadly, and I mean that literally. She and her husband Bill, or Will, which ever you wish to choose have left a wide trail of murdered bodies in their long trail from Arkansas to the Whitehouse and beyond into the N.W.O. gang of killers around the world. Haven’t you ever wondered why the world hates US. It is because we have been asleep and allowed it. It’s time to wake up America and the World. Get ready for the trials and NESARA. Look it up if you dare. . Beware, there are two stories. Which one is true? The Dark Cabal is cunningly evil and their favourite trick is misinformation in their propaganda.

Of course the Clintons wouldn’t be involved in drugs, murder, prostitution, etc. Not nice little people out of Hippydom. You name it, they are really nasty people and need to be put down. That means put out of the worlds business. We no longer have any room for ilk like that. Wake up and turn up the power on your light and let it shine and let those dark shadows go away. I’m tired of them and their terrible paths with companions of destruction. This will of course include the lily white Bushes. We got a double dose of them also. I hear that ole’ papa bush has gone senile. May he rest in peace.

Well I have some good news for the Bushes and Clintons. We are finished with your lot and kind and don’t want you around anymore. A new broom sweeps clean and that broom has been busy getting rid of those dusty nasty cobwebs and dirty little spiders. A new system is in place ready to move out and take charge. Let the bells of freedom begin to ring to the tune of Truth and Freedom. Let the trials start and wake up and smell the coffee and roses.

We are going to have an election like you only have dreamed of. Let it be so.
Brad Vigansky

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Letter From St. Germain

I was born 13 years after the second world war soon to be 79 years ago. It has been a long life of one war right after another and needless to say, “I am weary of living a life of wars.” The question has been constantly on mind since early childhood, “Why do there have to be wars?” Now we are going to learn why there has been such a bloody history of wars on this earth. It’s a lesson that I pray that we shall never forget. That lesson is now going to unfold and with it will come the answers to the many questions that we all have concerning warfare.

I received a letter from St. Germain today and the news was fantastic. A copy of that letter follows: Quote:

Saint Germain
Wednesday, 19 May 2010 18:49
May 13 2010

St Germain:


We are in the Wesak New Moon. Open your Heart to the tremendous energies of Love pouring in from the Ethers now. There are at this time ongoing battles with the dark Ones who are playing their last fear cards before they leave this game altogether. They have been treating life on this Earth as play things.

This New Moon Energy with Mercury Direct is just what we need to cleanse away and contain all that cannot sustain these High Energies of Love. The games are over. The dark Ones no longer have power here. They may cause inconveniences or aggravations, and they will continue to do so as they desparetly try to hide from the entire Planet that their bank accounts are completely empty. Do love them more, have compassion for them, and thank them for playing this role.

There is good news for you. As we come into this Great Shift everything will become easier. The Illusion of what the believed reality has been will simply fall away as a moment in time. The joblessness, homelessness, and hunger will be a thing of the past. The Day of Emergence as has been promised by Maitreya is here now. All that has been missing in these lives, will come into being in New Ways which will delight beyond your dreams. At the same time, all of the Illusion of control and oppression will fall away.

Now this Taurus New Moon with Mercury Direct shine the Light of Trillions of Suns on the Seed which has been planted. The Intensions since the Wesak Full Moon in April are set into play. There is no turning back. Everything on the Planet is being lit with this Bright Light and this Alchemy has every atom absorbing love at faster and faster speeds. The cultivation of the ground has made a ripe gestation for the sprouting of this Buddha Christed Krishna Seed in the New Moon. Everything in this Dimension is One Harmonic Unified Resonance. This new Light, active Love, resets the energy potential in the Master Hologram.This High Energy of Love has the ability to reset the Program in the Matrix. Because we are all connected by electromagnetic pulses within the Earth Grid, we effect each other and every person on Earth with our thoughts and emotions.

As Earth works with the recent assault on the Seas, do not despair! The Light Source pouring in from the Antimatter Universe, pouring through the Alchemical Emerald Light merging with the Sun at Mercury and pouring in through the solar winds, combining with ions in space, bombard the Seas which heals them. The Forces of Light are working to mitigate the impact. Take in the Light from the Sun everyday and allow it to pass through your third eye, into your heart and down through your feet into Mother Gaia. As you do this, your body cells ignite with these greater fire letters and key codes that heal the cells. This healing in billions of people effects the rivers and effects the Seas as we are all connected electromagnetically through the Force of Mother, the mitichlorians, through Love. This Wesak New Moon brings the sprouting of new Forces of Love more powerful than any ever seen on this Planet. Be In Joy! Emergence is Here!


St Germain

Beth and Mark

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Changing from The Great Lie

It has been some time since I have written anything and things are on my mind that I should set down. It’s really difficult to know where to start. Living this life has certainly been an experience for me. I can see we are shortly going to be changing the way we live and seeing that the collapse of our society as we know it will be forever gone. Banks are failing at a great rate & the collapse of the Federal Reserve is eminent along with its crooked progeny. The banking system being the first domino, which will be followed by all of its support. Built upon that ancient system of banking is the slave system that goes with it. A slave being one that is subject, and not free from the taxation of a bondage system such as we now have. That will include the schools, churches, corporations, and all governments and the armies and police force required to keep it safe from the people. (Slaves).

At this time people will think that they don’t have anything to replace such a magnificent form of government. I would like to point out that we do have a replacement and that is self, the free man, or self rule, or a sentient being. The very first thing you will ask or say is, “Oh that can’t work., or How can that work?. I’m happy to say, it is working in the greater galactic societies, which we have just become a part of. We have a little more education to complete before our final arrival. We will probably have to go through “Stasis” before completion. That’s like turning into a cocoon and at the end of the “Stasis” we will be our true immortal selves with our new light bodies with the knowledge of our past lives from creation returned and usable with a fully restored memory.

Our very first order of business will be to unlearn all that crap of slavery that was foisted on to us. The replacement will become a magnificent story comprised of the composite of the entire body of God. Your part of the story will comprise hundreds and thousands of years of experience and will qualify you for your new position in the Universe.

You may think I’m crazy, but that’s ok. I would rather be crazy than remain trapped in this rotten bank-slave system as a serf. Yes, I am looking forward to the changes as indicated by the Mayan Calendar. Thankfully we are at the end of this epoch which reveals that this evil corruption that has permeated this world for thousands of years will finally be completed. As of last October, the “Golden Age” has begun. By November, 2010, we will see the dawning of this wonderful time. Keep in mind, that it is darkest just before dawn. Believe it or not, things are happening at a very rapid pace and the pieces are going together very nicely, what is flying apart is the old system with its continual lies and thievery. I know that a lot of people will be hurt by it, but that’s the slaves payment.

*****Humpty Dumpty Sat On a Wall*****
Did you know that the original “Humpty Dumpty” may have been a large cannon?
I always wondered why Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.