Monday, June 30, 2008

Leads | 51

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

I would like to discuss Tithing and Taxation because I think it is tied to the basic laws of success. It is not my intent to make this a religious article it is just to get you to consider the topic and prove whether or not the churches and the government are under this law. It's interesting to note that several times the US Supreme Court has ruled that we are a Christian nation. The methods used by ancient Israel which is the basis of our government and laws, the total of tithes (taxes) collected over the years amounted to around 20% of a persons increase. If you didn’t have any increase, you weren’t taxed. This will surprise a lot of people, and maybe you will make a study of it to prove me wrong. In ancient Israel the tithe (taxation) was a civil responsibility and the responsibility of the church was conducted by the Priesthood. The civil government was commanded to pay the Temple 10% of what they collected in taxes. Now isn’t that interesting. So the Temple, or Church if you will was to receive anywhere from 1 to 2 percent of the individuals tithe collected by the state. If this puts you in an uproar I invite you to look up a book titled Documentary Studies Vol I by Howard B. Rand and read a well documented article on tithing in the section titled, Will A Man Rob God? on page 509. The government and churches will not teach you this. After an in depth study of this topic I came to the realization that the government and churches are robbing the people due the lie being perpetuated which is the separation of church and state. This is their way of nullifying this law. No where will you find that the church and state should be separated; only in their political propaganda of lies. The illegal elements in our society and governments and churches perpetuate this lie. Now I ask who is robbing what and whom? If you make a study of this you will realize that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Do you regularly listen to the news and hear about all the corruption world wide. We have kicked God out of our lives, our businesses and churches, that’s why.

Here is another challenge, listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business tell you about a Home Based Business that you can build by purchasing customers instead of purchasing leads, MLM Leads, or any kind of business leads. This is a proven business and is quietly known as The Quiet Business. Along with an internet business you should learn about Search Engine Optimization as taught by Butch Hamilton SEO Master. He is the best and he can instruct you how to attain that lofty goal of getting your pages ranked at the top of the Google search engine listings. It’s very rewarding to be his student and succeed. Another friend that I would like you to become acquainted with is Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor. He has his own radio talk show and takes on the financial institutions of the world. Butch Hamilton SEO Master a friend of mine and another friend Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor are members of Veretekk and It’s Good Business.

To be successful you should surround yourself with successful people like Tom CEO, Butch SEO Master and Dr. Ray Financial Advisor. Learn everything you can from them; they are very successful internet business people and love what they do. You can become part of the team and make lots of friends. Just save this page and click on those links It will take some time, start with It’s Good Business This could be the beginning of your success.

Welcome and thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Leads | 50

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Here is a point to ponder? If the US Treasury pays the bill for printing and coining the US money, I ask why the Treasury that‘s our money? If the Treasury pays the bill then shouldn’t the money be in the Treasury instead of the Federal Reserve private bank? In addition I ask, why does the Treasury have to borrow money from the Federal Reserve, the Treasury paid for the printing of it? There is a snake in the woodpile and it‘s hideous. Why don’t the US Government buy out the Federal Reserve with their money and put it under the control of the Treasury and Congress as directed in the constitution? This violation of the constitution is treasonous and is allowing the Federal Reserve to rob our people to the point of destitute poverty. Oh, you say poverty is for the poor. We still have a voting system and partial free speech and we need to rout the vagabonds from our governments; local, state, national, and world wide. We also need to get back to the original form for electing our presidents. It used to be that the Senate elected the president from among the senate and congress. This would return local rule to the government. A good example of the sham of our election is the current affairs of HC and BO. Talk about disgusting and costly, and who is paying the bill, it’s the wealthy and large corporations. Who do you suppose the winners will support? It’s not the people. I love the word politics. The prefix poli is taken from Greek meaning many and the suffix tics means many blood sucking insects. So that means our body politics is a group of many-many blood sucking insects. What a good description. Can you imagine a private bank being able to have money printed and not pay for it. That is exactly what the Federal Reserve is and does. They are a private bank, run by Banksters, and don’t have their money printed, the tax payer is paying for the money. So the money is ours to begin with. Shouldn‘t we have something to say about it???

Here is a way to keep ahead of the game. You might say it’s a Home Based Business. What I’m referring to here is It’s Good Business. This is a company built by Tom Prendergast CEO and is revolutionary in concept and is taking the internet by surprise. The concept of this company is to purchase customers instead of leads or MLM Leads, or any kind of business leads. This is an amazing concept that really works and will build stability into your Home Based Business right from the beginning. That means you will be developing income right from the start. It is being done without breaking a sweat or making cold calls to people that don’t want to talk to you. There is an educational arm to It’s Good Business called Veretekk and there you will learn how to make your business buzz. It is staffed with very professional successful internet business people that will teach and mentor you every step of the way. They are dedicated to your success. You can sign up to Veretekk Silver for free and get all the free education that you will need to get you grounded in the internet business. In the process you will also make many new friends.

A couple of my friends that I have met through Veretekk and It’s Good Business are Butch Hamilton SEO and Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor. They are also teachers and mentors that you will have a chance to meet and get to know. In your pursuit to success surrounding yourself with successful people should be one of your objectives to your major goal of success. The three people that I have mentioned in this article are very successful people. I am proud to say that they are my friends. They have been my instructors and personal mentors since I have been with It’s Good Business. There are many more that I have not mentioned and I do hope you get to meet them. If you want to be successful surround yourself with successful people.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Leads | 49

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Have you heard about the ice melting around the North Pole? Maybe these global warming guys are for real. One thing is for sure we are living in a world of change, it seems like all areas are changing. One thing about the polar ice cap is that they know it has been melting for many years, they just didn’t know how much there was to be melted. One thing they didn’t mention is that this could chill the North Atlantic Ocean and plunge the world into an ice age. Cool! right? I can remember when I was a real little guy and thought everything stayed the same. Before I matured I realize how wrong I was. This was driven home when my home became without a man to lead and direct. My grandfather died when I was 5 and my father died when I was 7. That left my mother a widow with a bunch of kids to raise. This was during the depression years of the 1930’s. As time went on things changed and I matured. Looking back over it all it has been a life of constant change. Sometimes for the good and sometimes the not so good. Through it all I have always looked for the good. Three months ago my constant searching led me into It’s Good Business I am daily thankful for the people that are working with Tom Prendergast CEO of It’s Good Business.

This quiet business is the money producing arm of It’s Good Business and Veretekk Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk as he explains how you can build a strong income producing business by buying customers instead of buying Leads, MLM Leads or any other kind of Business Leads.

I would also like to mention two more of my friends that are working with Tom Prendergast CEO, and myself. They are among my mentors and teachers at Veretekk and It’s Good Business. Butch Hamilton SEO Master of the Google search engines and Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor have been working closely with me and guiding me in my efforts to be successful on the internet. Prior to working with them I learned a whole lot of things that I shouldn’t be doing on the internet. 97% of my prior contacts taught me what I shouldn’t do, they taught me how to spend money on the internet but I still didn’t learn how to make money. With It’s Good Business I was making money within just over 5 weeks. Within that time I received a check in the regular mail, now I am receiving regular deposits into my checking account. How do you think that makes me feel? How are you doing with your finances?

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Friday, June 27, 2008

Leads | 48

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Gardening is a wonderful hobby here in Florida. When I lived up north in Michigan I always had a wonderful garden and always had plenty to give away. Here in Florida, even though you think you can garden all year, forget it. Parts of the year just aren’t suitable due to the weird weather. Too hot and wet in the summer time, except for the last 2 years we have had a real shortfall of rain. It’s beginning to look like maybe the drought cycle is ending. Within less than a week my lawn needed mowing. It’s a real trick to try and raise a garden with drought and severe water restrictions. My plants have hated it. They’re as droopy as I am. Another problem here for me is organic gardening. Almost impossible in the city, but I try; however it’s a loosing battle against the bugs. I just keep at it, I may loose some battles against the beetles but I’m going to win the war by having a nice garden. I just have to be pliable and go with what works. I have been experimenting here in Florida for 20 years and I have learned a lot of what don’t work with gardening. It aint like up north; however here I do raise pineapple in my garden and they are really good. Don’t have them up north.

When The Quiet Business kicks in for me I am planning on looking north for the summer time. Maybe 7 to 8 months out of the year. Seven or eight months a year for gardening up north would be just about perfect for me. Then I would escape the frozen tundra up there and head south just like the snow birds. This is the kind of life style that I am aiming for with It’s Good Business. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of and It’s Good Business and Veretekk explain how you can buy customers instead of leads, or MLM Leads, or any kind of business lead. You can do this and set your own paycheck. If you want a raise, just buy some more customers. It really works. Just to mention, there are also other ways to get a raise in pay.

Now if you are thinking that you can’t do that you should evaluate the SEO business on Google. My friend Butch Hamilton SEO Master, instructor for teaching Search Engine Optimization with Veretekk and he can teach you how to get top ranking on the Google search engines.

If you are thinking your financial situation is a mess then you need to talk to my friend Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor who also is an instructor with Veretekk and in addition to that he hosts a radio program where he takes on the financial institutions of the world. He is very successful and good at what he does.

I would like to add that It’s Good Business is a group effort and no body will get left out. This is not a get rich quick scheme, but you can become wealthy slowly. If you associate and learn and apply what you learn from your teachers and mentors at Veretekk, you will succeed.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Leads | 47

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

The following is the definition for Apprentice as given in the Wickapedia Encyclopedia:

Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of skilled crafts practitioners. Apprentices (or in early modern usage "prentices") build their careers from apprenticeships. Most of their training is done on the job while working for an employer who helps the apprentices learn their trade, in exchange for their continuing labour for an agreed period after they become skilled. Theoretical education may also be involved, informally via the workplace and/or by attending vocational schools while still being paid by the employer.

The system of apprenticeship first developed in the later Middle Ages and came to be supervised by craft guilds and town governments. A master craftsman was entitled to employ young people as an inexpensive form of labour in exchange for providing formal training in the craft. Most apprentices were males, but female apprentices were found in a number of crafts associated with embroidery, silk-weaving etc. Apprentices were young (usually about fourteen to twenty-one years of age), unmarried and would live in the master craftsman's household. Most apprentices aspired to becoming master craftsmen themselves on completion of their contract (usually a term of seven years), but some would spend time as a journeyman and a significant proportion would never acquire their own workshop.

Subsequently governmental regulation and the licensing of polytechnics and vocational education formalised and bureaucratised the details of apprenticeship.

The modern concept of an internship is similar to an apprenticeship. Universities still use apprenticeship schemes in their production of scholars: bachelors are promoted to masters and then produce a thesis under the oversight of a supervisor before the corporate body of the university recognises the achievement of the standard of a doctorate. Another view of this system is of graduate students in the role of apprentices, post-docs as journeymen, and professors as masters.

Also similar to apprenticeships are the professional development arrangements for new graduates in the professions of accountancy and the law a British example was training contracts known as 'articles of clerkship'. End of article.

You might look at Veretekk as an Apprenticeship School for apprentices because it is the objective of Veretekk CEO Tom Prendergast to educate business people to use the internet in developing their business using the most advance techniques and systems that are available on the internet. Veretekk supplies the foremost successful internet business people as teachers and mentors to teach and mentor the students to success. This education to the Silver Veretekk members is free of charge. The only requirement is that the student attend classes and conduct themselves properly. The student is able to attend classes in the privacy of home and these classes are live and recorded. The live classes have a 2 way live discussions where the student has the ability to ask questions in a classroom like setting. Because of the nature of Veretekk the successful students will probably develop a lifelong cooperative interaction with Veretekk and the many friends that will be developed during the process of the students successfully building a viable money making business of their own.

If the student does not have a business then Veretekk and the teachers will work with the student to develop the students business. If you do not have a business of your own, you might consider It’s Good Business designed and developed by Tom Prendergast CEO. Even if you do have a business, you might consider It’s Good Business as another income stream. It is developing as the quiet business and is making a tremendous impact and creating history on the internet. Along with learning you will have available classes by Dr. Ray Jewell Financial Advisor, and Butch Hamilton SEO Master an excellent trainer in Search Engine Optimization with Google. These people are my friends and are really great people.

There is a paradigm shift taking place in conducting business and it is taking the internet by storm and that storm has just started. You might consider listening to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It's Good Business as he explains how you can buy customers instead of leads, MLM Leads or any kind of business leads. You can have a live viable income producing business right from the start and take classes in a variety of of areas of expertise that you may choose to study and fit into the group that is forging it's way into the internet business world. It is a business opportunity that you don't want to miss. For myself I feel very fortunate and lucky to be a small part of this group.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Leads | 46

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192

You are probably wondering, what on earth is that row of numbers? Well that is what I call a doubling chart. I would like you to analyze this chart and you will notice that each number is greater than the sum of all the previous numbers plus one. So you will see that 1+2+4+8=15 and 15+1=16.

Now if you look at the chart at number 1024 which is the tenth position, that number is more than a thousand times greater than the first position which is 1.

Take the number 70, divide it by the percent growth per unit time and that gives you the doubling time. So our example of 5% per year, you divide the 5 into 70, you find that growing quantity will double in size every 14 years.

Well, you might ask, where did the 70 come from? The answer is that it's approximately 100 multiplied by the natural logarithm of two. If you wanted the time to triple, you'd use the natural logarithm of three. So it's all very logical. But you don't have to remember where it came from, just remember 70.

Now considering an inflation rate of 5% per year where would that land us in 70 years.

At the end of 14 years the value of a $1. Item is now $2.
At the end of 28 years the value is now $4.
At the end of 42 years the value is now $8.
At the end of 56 years the value is now $16.
At the end of 70 years the value is now $32.
At the end of 84 years the value is now $64.

As you can see if you would chart this on a graph it would rocket right up and out of the chart.

Right here at this point is where I take exception to the designed rate of inflation in our money system. If you would take an annual rate of 3% which they (the extortionists) say is acceptable. The doubling rate of 3% is 23.33 years. So this would mean the value of an item which started out at $1. at the end of 23.33 years would be $2. It isn’t the item that has devalued, it’s the money, it is only worth ½ as much and the end of 23.33 years. So little by little the Banksters have their hand in your pockets and stealing your equity.

Now apply this to energy, population, and money. We are in the spooky stage of it. Considering when I was a little kid working in the berry fields in Michigan we could get an ice cream cone for a nickel, or 5 cents if you will. Not only that, we could get a double dipper for 7 cents. What a bargain by today’s prices. Now if you think about buying and ice cream cone for your family you have to ask, how much are they today. I quit buying ice cream cones about 15 or 20 years ago. Those were also the days of 20 cent hamburgers, and really good ones. Better than Mac-grenades.

I hope you understand the impact of percentage rates attached to annual figures, as compared to accumulative rate, especially the crime rate, the Banksters interest rate that they charge, the highway accident rate, the drug usage rate, legal and illegal. The direction that we are going is right off the charts. People my age can’t afford drugs any more. (That is the legal ones.)

In order for you to combat this in your personal life you need to safe guard your assets and make sure you have producing assets. If they are not producing they are liabilities.
There is a company called It’s Good business developed by Tom Prendergast CEO and also CEO of Veretekk. Listen to Tom Prendergast as he explains how you can purchase customers instead of leads. Imagine having income almost immediately and not only that it is not a closed end business. Monthly you can purchase customers and effectively give yourself a raise in pay every month. There is more to it you can also build a residual income and eventually retire and still get paid. It’s really a great program. Welcome in and meet Butch Hamilton SEO Master and Dr. Raymond Jewell Financial Advisor. We also have a large group of successful business people that are also teachers and mentors. They will help to insure that your business becomes financially successful. I have continued to meet people in this business and I haven’t met one that I didn’t like. They are really a wonderful group.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leads | 45

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

In discussing The Laws Of Success, I have purposely avoided writing about The Laws Of Good Health because I feel that I am not really qualified to discuss and advise. Yet this is a vital law to consider when evaluating your direction to success. If you are in poor health then you need help in regaining your good health which may be impossible and maybe at best very difficult to attain. I am an old man and have some of the health issues of the aging and some from accidents that have occurred to me. My health has required that I have acquired many years of researching and experimenting in maintaining a good physical balance. I could probably write a book about all the different things I have tried, used and esperimented with in hopes that it would be of benifit to me. This has not been easy but I have learned a lot about good health and maintaining it.

I would say this that maybe the reason for your bad health is due to spiritual poor health. Talk to God about it, he is there ready willing and able to help you and he will if you will listen. Then what you learn you will have revealed to you your pathway that you are to take. You have a mind like your Creators mind and you can communicate with him. Just open up and talk to him, pour out your troubles, he already knows them and has the answers, he just wants to hear it from you.

As far as your physical well being it would take a book or two to cover that. These could be books that you might add to your library. Good books on maintaining good health. Books on physical health. Books on dieting. Actually there is one book that covers all those topics and that is the Bible. It is a very good book, I call it my jewel box filled with treasures. Believe me they are real treasures and everyday you can take treasures from it. It seems to be inexhaustible. I cannot lay out a specific plan for you to maintain your health or to regain lost health. It is a long and lonely battle. It would be well if you have mentors and teachers that can and will work with you on these matters.

I will say this, I am 76 years old and do not take any medication and maintain my health by trying to maintain a good balance in diet, exercise, and keeping occupied. I do a little gardening, reading, writing and listening to some nice music and try to keep up with the news. I sometimes have pains in various parts of my body due to some old accidents. There is a product that I use that works very well for me and it’s called DMSO. Usually within 20 minutes the pains are gone. All this product does is add oxygen molecules into your body, it’s very effective. You can order a book if you like from here. If you have trouble finding DMSO in a health food store you might try to order here. I have ordered from these companies for a long time and find them quite reliable; however I am in no way connected with these companies except for ordering their products. I would like to add that the FDA (Food And Drug Agency) part of that alphabet soup that is taking our freedoms away from us, is trying to keep this information from you and has done almost everything they can to get it off of the market. They will not allow them to put any kind of claims about good health on it. Except for alergies, it is absolutely safe to use. I have used it for years with excellent results. It is not a medicine; it's better than medicine.

One of the laws of success is to associate with successful people and here at It’s Good Business and Veretekk you will have an opportunity to learn from the best. You will find yourself making new friends and making money. Veretekk is the educational and business systems arm of It’s Good Business. This is a live hands on business and you will be coached every step of the way. Opportunities will open up for you that you never dreamed of. This is truly one of the most vibrantly dynamic business operations that I have ever seen. Just remember It’s Good Business I urge you to listen to Tom Prendergast CEO explain how you can now buy customers instead of Leads, or MLM Leads or any kind of business lead. Don't fall for that worn out line of duplicating yourself, I would like to see someone duplicate me, or Tom Prendergast CEO of It's Good Business, or Dr. Raynond Jewell, or Butch Hamilton. No way, these are my friends and are not duplicatable and you also aren't duplicatable. We operate together as a team and do team work.

We also have on board SEO teachers, that will teach you how to get your sites ranked right at the top of the Google search engines. We also have finacial instructors, and many other business people that will teach and mentor you to your success. The rest is up to you. Just log on.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Monday, June 23, 2008

Leads | 44

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Have we lost the battle for the minds of our youth? Why are we a have not nation today?

The answer is simple, our school system is run by the State. Period. If we are to regain the control of the minds of our youth we must return to parenting without the State. There is a very simple proverb that covers the parents responsibility in this matter, it is located in the Bible.

At Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

That is God talking to you, not the State. The State boys think they know better than God and have kicked him out of their school system. Just look at the results and if you don’t see it, your are either blind or ignorant. For example; we need police guards in our schools these days. That was unheard of 70 years ago when I was a little boy going to grade school. The last time I entered a school building about a year ago, I felt like I was entering a prison. I went there to pick up my youngest grandson and was intercepted by security guards wanting to know what I was doing there and started interrogating me. The fullness of realization came over me and I realized just how far we have sunk as a nation. In addition to that, earlier I had met some of the teachers that I would like to use for door mats to clean off my feet. The teachers lock themselves into their rooms for fear of the public and the kids. I have personally witnessed this. It’s really a fearful age in which we live. It’s time to return to the faith of our forefathers and begin to be responsible for what goes into the minds of our children. Just as a thought, what would you do if all our schools closed their doors for good? At least we wouldn't be loosing our children to snipers while attending school. Why are our schools fostering such hate within our children? I'll tell you why, since the State has taken over the parenting of our children then the responsibility lies with the failed parent (the state).

As you can tell this subject is one of my hot buttons and I now see a way in which this can be overcome for me and for you. Whether you know it or not you have been trapped by our institutions and their lies. These institutions being our churches, banks, schools, government, and government controlled illegal agencies and many others. Using these lies they have been stealing your children, your money and property. I will say that what we need to do is get rid of the rogue elements (people) with their perversions and insane ideas and replace them. If you don’t believe this, what are you paying for gas these days? Are you able to buy groceries these days? Do you have any time from your slave masters after working for them all of your waking hours? Are you safe on the streets after dark? For that matter are you safe on the streets during the daytime? How many low paying jobs do you have just to make ends meet?

I know a group of people that are busy doing something to correct their lives and improve their lot in life. They are really a great group of successful internet business people that also double as instructors and mentors. A law of success is to associate with successful people and this would be a good place to do that. Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk has developed a business called It’s Good Business. This is a wonderful business and I urge you to listen to Tom Prendergast as he explains how you can build a successful, vibrant, growing business by buying customers instead of purchasing leads, or MLM Leads or any kind of business leads.

If you are really serious about this you might listen to another friend of mine, Dr. Raymond Jewell who has a radio program and talks on the many subjects of business and finances. He is an expert and is taking on the financial institutions of the world.

Another friend and mentor of mine, Butch Hamilton SEO Master of Google has been teaching me how to master SEO techniques. He is one of the very best and loves what he is doing. That’s another law of success, attitude about work and loving what you do. If you hate what you do, you are probably enslaved by one of the rogue businesses. Here is your chance to learn how you can escape those traps. Just follow the links, and I warn you it will take some of your time, but you will find it will be well spent. It has been a wonderful adventure for me and I‘m still going at it and love it.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Leads | 43

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

There are no limitations on what you can obtain unless you refuse to look for it. Regardless of what operation you will undertake or what business you enter into, then you should enter, aspiring to be as near perfect as possible in that undertaking. And you should strive for complete knowledge that is made available to you in that field.

There is a partnership between God and everyone of his sons and daughters who will call upon his inspiration and his guidance. It is as simple as talking to God and your mind is like his. If you talk to him there will be a two way communication. You just have to learn how to listen. This is a part of the awesome secret that makes men and women masters of their environment. You won't be taught this in our schools.

Don’t worry about your opposition, they are there to make you strong and productive. Just remember you are on the winning side and that what you will do, you will win.

However, when you look at the teaching that a child gets in the schools today you find that it includes none of the great inspiring principals of America which are national in origin--and which include the teaching of thrift, and initiative and enterprise, and also the assurance that the child can obtain and acquire as much as he has the energy and drive and capacity to go after. Instead the child is told today that the things of his parents such as values are changing--striving for such is to competitive--instead all the child has to do is fall into a niche and the state will take care of him until he dies. All he has to do is to obey the state. He finds that he is being taught that the State has taken over the role of parent. For me I am sick at heart at what my grand-children and great-grand-children are being taught in these institutions of reform. It makes me want to p?ke. It has been a silent revolution going on now for generations. Look around you, we are in a mess and there is only one way out. The choice is really yours. We really need to become independent of the choke hold that all of our institutions have on us. This of itself is a gateway to a whole new way of living for you.

If you are reading this you are probably looking for a way to improve your finances. The following revolutionary information may be just what you are looking for. Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk has developed a business that is called It’s Good Business. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO tell you about how you can build a solid rewarding business by buying customers instead of buying leads, MLM Leads or any kind of business leads. Quit falling for that old line of duplicating yourself. That just don’t work and the MLM companies that use this ploy are best at duplicating failures. Instead of trying to duplicate yourself why not join with a winning team. Then do what you do best and you can be placed in a productive position to support your team.

As part of our team there is my friend Butch Hamilton SEO Master who also doubles as an instructor and will teach you how you can master the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of Google the best system on the internet. Then you want to be sure to investigate my friend Dr. Raymond Jewell who is a Financial Expert in personal and financial business. He also has a weekly radio program on finances where he takes on the financial industries of the world. If you want to be successful in business you must begin to associate with successful business people; and I can’t think of any other three that I would like to associate with in my personal pursuit of financial wealth. The more I learn about these people the better I like them.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Leads | 42

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Are you able to manage your priorities? You don’t need an expensive course in Priority Management to accomplish this and I’m going to tell you why and the HOW TO will become apparent.

Several years ago while reading a book on sales I read this little story. A very large company in Gary, Indiana was going in the red on a steady basis. They hired a specialist to help them reverse the trend in the company. After three months he reversed this large corporation and it began to report a profit. Later he was asked how he did it. He responded by saying, it was quite simple. At the end of every day I reorganized my TO DO list. I put the most important thing on the top of the list and that is where I started my day. I concentrated on the item at the top of the list. Those items at the bottom of the list surfaced in their time of priority. It’s really quite simple and it works.

I had a boss in my early years as a systems analyst and he always used a TO DO list. Boy was it effective and he was religious in using it . It really griped me, but I soon learned that when he assigned me a project he never forgot it. There were times when I wished he would, but I really learned the value of a TO DO list. It’s a tool that really works, if you use it and if your boss uses a TO DO list you also know the value of it. Sometimes in life the best things are the most simple. Don’t make it complicated.

Now that you know a way to manage your priorities, I hope you have the time to evaluate this business that is taking the internet by storm, called It’s Good Business. Tom Prendergast CEO designed this business and also the Veretekk system. There you will meet and make friends with many successful internet business people. There is a third business involved and we call it The Quiet Business. Put together you are looking at over two decades of successful experience and behind that your are looking at many-many more years of successful experience. These people are revolutionizing the internet and you will be hearing a lot from them. Here you can meet new people make new friends and really enrich your life. This organization operates as a team and it‘s really great.

Think Jaguar

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Friday, June 20, 2008

Leads | 41

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Creative Thinking is a learned process of the brain; and thinking is the highest known form of organized energy. What a power house we have within us. Think for a minute about the word creative. It is derived from Create and when I think of Creator I think of God the Master Creator. We are made like him, so why not our mind and brain. We have that essence in our mind from before creation. Is it no wonder that we do our best work when we are being creative. It is then you are doing what your are meant to do which is exercising your God given power of Creation.

Connected with this is our subconscious mind. I have written before a little about this and probably will again. If you have read some of my previous blogs you will know how to gather facts and are able to separate facts from hearsay you can put your subconscious mind to work. One of the things (they say) is; be sure to have all your facts, I say this, be able to add facts at any time when new facts are uncovered. You will need to be pliable and bend with the facts. When you are in overload with facts it’s time to rest and make a change and give your subconscious mind a chance to work. Take a break, a walk, eat an apple, or what ever. At my age even a nap; that helps.

When you come to the realization that you have a mind that is meant to be creative you will soon have a whole new perspective on life; it’s exhilarating. Listen to those thoughts and ideas, that is pure energy coming through. The universe is pure energy and when you engage your thinking processes you are connecting with the universe and infinite intelligence. Don’t be surprised after you have exercised your mind in such a manner that you will at times suddenly be flooded with complete ideas and plans. So be sure to put your ideas, all of them, there and let your subconscious sort them out and seemingly produce spontaneous results. If this is working for you then your mind is working in a spiritual level.

How would you like to be in a creative organization that is taking the internet by storm. The name of that organization is It’s Good Business, created by Tom Prendergast CEO. It is really a work of beauty, you need to experience it to be able to grasp the absolute wonder of it. The thrust of the primary business is that you can buy customers instead of purchasing leads, or MLM Leads, or any other business leads. Tom Prendergast is also CEO of Veretekk which is the educational arm of this business. There is a third business involved and we call it The Quiet Business. Put together you are looking at over two decades of successful experience and behind that your are looking at many-many more years of successful experience. These people are taking the internet by storm and you will be hearing a lot from them. Here you can meet new people make new friends and really enrich your life as you would like it to be.

Before I close I would like you to become aware of our financial director Dr. Raymond Jewell. He has a fascinating half hour weekly radio program where he takes on the financial institutions. You will become aware of many things you didn’t know about your own personal finances in addition to the tricks and deceptions going on in the present financial world. He is a no nonsense kind of person and really knows how to get to the point. It would be well worth your time to become acquainted with him.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Leads | 40

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Can you expand your mind to think accurately in building your temple of success? Many think of making money as being successful; however money does not equate to success, it is only a part of it. One of the paramount laws of success is learning to think accurately.

To think accurately you must separate facts from mere information. Then you must separate information into two groups which are relevant and non relevant information. If you pick up your information in gossip then you need to be aware of the old law that comes into play. The truth will stand by two or more witnesses. If you are called upon to verify your facts, could you produce witnesses?

If you use gossip (hearsay) and accept that which further your own interests there is a vital point to consider; which is, Will this information work hardship on anyone else? You must be brutally honest with yourself when evaluating anything if you put a bias on your thinking to favor yourself.

Honesty and dishonesty are two governors that ride with you throughout your life and want to control you. At times this can be very difficult to control and to be honest. Remember this, an honest story never has to be changed and a dishonest story is difficult to remember correctly. That is the snare in being dishonest, you will be caught. That reminds me of the story told by one of the democrats in their race for the presidential office this year. She was caught big time and it cost her dearly. I personally think her basic dishonesty is what was the cause of her loss. Let me ask you, would you want to hire someone that is not honest, to work for you?

Now you have a reason to be honest; not to mention how good of a feeling it is to be totally honest. Honesty is so important that God gave a commandment to Moses and we the people about honesty. The reason for the commandments is that they are designed for your overall success, physically and spiritually. I like to think of them as being the 10 Laws Of Success. Now go and build your temple of success.

You can do that right here by listening to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business. You will learn how you can buy customers instead of buying leads, or MLM Leads, or business leads of any kind. Incorporate It’s Good Business and Veretekk into your Temple of Success. There you will meet some very nice people that will also mentor and teach you how you can succeed on the internet. This is not a get rich quick scheme but you can be taught a business plan that works without all the hounding that is required by most of the failing business on the internet. I don’t do cold calling and you should not have to either. However there are people that like to do this and I am not against it, if you can face the almost total rejection, go get’em. I find that the people that I work with and have mentored me love what they are doing and are successful.

If any of you are having financial problems I urge you to listen to Dr. Raymond Jewell, a friend of mine take on the Financial Institutions and learn how you can work out of your financial problems. You will find his radio program interesting, helpful and provocative. He also has many recorded programs that you could listen to and learn how you can control your finances.

Are you interested in learning how to use Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? This could be a start for you and you could be educated by the best. In your training you will have hands on and control your business.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Leads | 39

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Hobbies are a good form of recreation until you develop them into a business. Then a hobby can become work, which is ok if you still like it. I guess the key would be your frame of mind. One of my hobbies is gardening and I have a problem containing it. One thing to remember about gardening is that for every plant that you add to your garden you are adding more work. It’s so easy to go overboard when planting a garden that you forget just how much work that caring for a garden can be. That could be true of any hobby, just don’t overload your donkey.

Sunday for Fathers Day I received a beautiful Magnolia tree from my youngest daughter Rosemarie. I love it, it’s a beautiful little tree and I’m sure I will fondly remember this Fathers Day and my daughter, watching the tree grow and bloom as the years go by. I almost removed a tree and replaced it, but I thought better of it; now that I have it in its nice location. It will be just a little more work but not much.

Often times when considering a business enterprise a good approach might be to treat it as a hobby until until you reach a point it becomes profitable enough to switch from hobby to business. Even if you set up a hobby it would be well to keep good records of your time and expenses, then you won’t have a problems converting it to a business enterprise. An excellent business to start as a hobby, and still a real business is It’s Good Business. This business does not require that you buy leads, or MLM Leads, all you have to do is buy customers. You don’t have to call them, they are already satisfied buying customers. You can forget the old hound dog job of calling people and trying to sell them on the idea of becoming one of your reps. Besides, the leads that you purchase usually are not good leads and you get a lot of irate angry people and they don’t mind telling you that they are mad. Many times their name and information is sold without them knowing about it.

One of the laws of success is to associate with successful people and here at It’s Good Business and Veretekk you will have an opportunity to learn from the best. You will find yourself making new friends and making money. Veretekk is the educational and business systems arm of It’s Good Business. This is a live hands on business and you will be coached every step of the way. Opportunities will open up for you that you never dreamed of. This is truly one of the most vibrantly dynamic business operations that I have ever seen. Just remember It’s Good Business.

We also have on board SEO teachers, that will teach you how to get your sites ranked right at the top of the Google search engines. We also have finacial instructors, and many other business people that will teach and mentor you to your success. The rest is up to you. Just log on.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Leads | 38

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Of themselves ideas are neither bad or good. Don’t isolate your ideas and put them away, Ideas are little breeders and produce more ideas. Keep plenty of those little breeders working for you. Use people for sounding boards to get more ideas. Lots of people love to give advice and their opinion, be open minded about it and reap bundles of ideas. Soon you will begin to have a problem in selecting the best ideas. If you have stagnated on ideas, then you need a change of pace. A trip to the country, or to the city, the library, the church, read the paper, or your favorite book. Spend some time with your children, they are full of ideas. Do not throw any idea out, just put it aside and go on to the next one. Compare your ideas to each other. You might be surprised at the ideas that will come of this. Chart your idea and compare it to many things and activities. You are sure to come up with more ideas. The more you shove an idea around the more ideas that will come out of it. This is called Forced Association. Oddly enough this will produce ideas. Some strange, some good, some not so good, and some really super.

Do you want some really good ideas, tear into your budget, reorganize it until you understand every last thing about budgeting. If that don’t give you ideas, roll over and go to sleep. You will things, then it’s time to let your subconscious take over. Relax, let it go to work for you. Sleep on it. It really works. Some of my best ideas and solutions to problems come to me when I’m shaving in the morning. I don’t know why but it just works for me. Whenever I read I get lots o probable wake up with a bunch of new ideas. When you have jammed your mind with so manyf ideas.

An idea whose time has come is It’s Good Business. How would you like to associate with successful internet business people? Then how would you like to earn enough money to live and really enjoy living? It is possible, listen to Tom Prendergast CEO as he explains why you should not buy leads, buy customers instead. This may sound strange but it’s really working and It’s Good Business. It’s so much better than calling MLM Leads and talking to disinterested people that don’t know me, don’t want to talk to me and sometimes get down right very rude. Then after you think that you have a business going, poof, your down line evaporates and there you are again, no money coming in. Well these days are passing and you are right on the cutting edge of the change. Come to our meeting and learn how you can break away from the slave trap of a job. This is a for real successful business and It’s Good Business is breaking all records. If you are wondering how you might become educated to do this, go to Veretekk and evaluate what is available for free training. This is cutting edge and you just won’t find better.

How about free advertising? Have you ever considered SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? You can learn this system by attending classes at Veretekk. These classes are free and you will learn how to get your web site listed among the top advertisers on Google. When you see this happening to your work you will get really excited. Your mind will go into overdrive and you can become like Butch Hamilton Master SEO. He loves what he does and is making a good living at it. Put that celestial mind of yours at work and you to can begin to associate with the successful internet business people. People such as Dr. Raymond Jewell, who is a super financial advisor. It’s a law of success, if you want to be successful, associate with successful people. Get in there and go to bat.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3481
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Monday, June 16, 2008

Leads | 37

Good Morning: It’s a great day because it’s good business.

Economy and Banking. This is a staggering thought by ROBERT HEMPHILL (Former Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank. Atlanta, Ga.): We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.

I’m sorry to say that America will not shake off her Bankster-controlled dictatorship; the Federal Reserve armed with the illegal IRS as long as the people are ignorant and afraid of the hidden controllers. The international financiers, who control most of the governments of the nations, and most sources of information, seem to have us completely within their grasp. They are afraid of only one thing: an awakened Patriotic Citizenry, armed with the truth, and with a trust, in Almighty God for deliverance. The fear of man brings a snare; but whoever places his trust in the Lord shall be safe. (Proverbs 29: 25).

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. Thomas Jefferson

As for inflation, some people say that a little is good for the economy. I say to that, hog wallow; ad infinitum and some of your own pet adjectives. Inflation eats away at your savings and makes your assets and savings worth less than what you have paid or saved for them. Shaving your coins do not make them worth more, it makes them worth less. Shaving coins was an ancient way of cheating in trade. Shaving coins devalues the coin. Since Congress refuses to pay attention to the US Constitution to declare the value of the money they leave it up to the Banksters. That is why our monetary system is in trouble around the world. The leaches are sucking the life blood from people around the world.

To combat this situation in your own life you must fight inflation like a destructive firestorm and guard against the continual planned rise in inflation. There is a business called It’s Good Business and they are busy purchasing customers instead of leads. This is a growth company and will help you in your fight against inflation/deflation and enhance your ability to roll with the ups and downs of our current money system. Along with It’s Good Business is the educational arm called Veretekk. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business explain how this can work for you. This is not a get rich quick scheme, it’s a get control of your personal economics and build a great future for you and your family. In their lives there are usually three major areas of life that are of the greatest problem areas and personal finance is one of them. If you are having problems with your personal finances be sure to tune into my friend Dr. Raymond Jewell, who is a well known Financial Advisor. He is very good at what he does.

I’ve run out of room, thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Leads | 36

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

If you are in the habit of saving then that’s a good thing; however a savings account is not a good asset because of its low rate of return on investment. If you net out your return to inflation you will probably find that your savings are being reduced in value do to inflation. So you should consider a bank savings account only as a very temporary place to hold your savings until you can convert your savings into a better asset that will give you a good return for your value. Be careful when dealing with banksters, they are very good slave masters and really want to keep you in bondage. So break away from them and run like a race horse away from them. Consider this, if everybody paid off their debts to the banks there wouldn’t be any money left in circulation. The reason being is that we have a debt money system designed to rob the people. If you doubt what I am saying then I urge you to begin to research our corrupt monetary system; and get prepared for some gigantic shocks. Quit thinking about gold going up in value, instead think about our money going down in value. I am old enough to remember when I could buy an ice cream cone for a nickel and a double dip for 7 cents. Today you need to take out a loan to treat your family to ice cream cones. After you have found ways to convert your savings into working assets you are on your way to real wealth and begin to break away from the syndrome of not enough money to go around after pay day. Carried on down, you will be able to even break away from the pay day and broke the day after trap. Instead of saving think of asset building.

The best place that I know of to put your money to work for you is at It’s Good Business. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO explain how you can buy customers instead of leads or MLM leads. When you buy customers you are instantly increasing your level of income and if you get in the habit of buying customers you will constantly be increasing your income. I am talking about satisfied customers that purchase on a regular basis. This could be your dreams become a reality. I urge you to listen carefully to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business explain how this can be done. After listening to Tom Prendergast I urge you to listen to my friend Dr. Raymond Jewell on his radio program take on the financial institutions and explain how you can break the death grip of our money system. There is a shift going on in our economy and it’s much greater than most people realize. You can become a part of it and reap the huge rewards. Whether you do this or not is up to you but it would still be good to think of asset building instead of saving.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Leads | 35

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Early this morning about 5am I was visiting my oldest daughter and her mother that live just down the street from me. They were busy packing getting ready to leave for Niles, Michigan. That’s where Anita’s home is, she flew down here to Port Charlotte, Florida to drive back to Michigan with her mother. I get to see and visit with her once or twice a year. It has been a real nice couple of weeks for me, catching up with all the family goings on. Yesterday we had a storm here and my computer has been down for about 10 hours. It just came back up about an hour ago at 7am. So between the stormy weather complicated by computer problems which have been resolved with a new monitor and visiting with my daughter I have had an unusual amount of distractions. However they have all proved to be beneficial for me. I now don’t have any problem reading my new monitor and thought my eyes were going bad or getting worse. I don’t have to struggle to read my new monitor. The discussions that I had with Anita my daughter it has furnished material that I have and will be for using in my blog. The favorable results helps me to keep a good frame of mind and attitude; sometimes that can be a real problem; that is until I got my brain oriented and thanking God for all the nice things in my life I was having a real time readjusting.

I just finished listening to some of the IGB (It’s Good Business) News and what’s happening in the organization and all I can say is WOW. This organization is the most dynamic group of people that I have ever worked with; and have the feeling that I just can’t do enough to contribute to the overall group. If you need to be empowered with enthusiasm just associate yourself with this group at It’s Good Business and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO explain how you too can become a part of the most exciting business happening in the internet at this time. By reading this you are beginning to witness history being made in the business world of the internet. I urge you to listen and learn how you can buy customers instead of leads to develop a real viable strong business. I hope you can catch the vision of Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business.

If any of you are having financial problems I urge you to listen to Dr. Raymond Jewell, a friend of mine take on the Financial Institutions and learn how you can work out of your financial problems. You will find his radio program interesting, helpful and provocative.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Friday, June 13, 2008

Leads | 34

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business:

I was talking to my oldest daughter yesterday about her budget. She understood the principle of setting up a budget as I outlined in my former blog; however she said she can’t get started. She stated that there isn’t enough money. Then I told her that she is breaking a law of success and that she is living within her means but not building assets due to not paying herself or saving if you will. She is caught in the trap of inflation which has eaten away at her no growth income. In order for her to break out of that trap she must increase her income to the point where she can begin acquiring assets. In order to save you must live below your means, get that principle clearly imbedded in your mind and apply it; the wealthy understand this very well. Even the wealthy live below their means. They add to their wealth by acquiring assets. Do not spend your savings on liabilities, that will eat away at your assets and ability to acquire more assets. You must earmark a percentage of your income to your savings which is for acquiring assets. Remember this, an asset is a thing which produces income for you. Once you get it started, your assets can become your primary building pool of money. Lay it out and plan, then work your plan. You must start your asset building today if you are to become financially successful. If you put it off you are delaying your success.

She was saving for unexpected bills which always come up and not building assets. If you save only for the rainy day of unexpected bills, you still are not paying yourself. You must also save for those unexpected bills, but you must also save for your asset building. If you don’t save for asset building you just will not become financially successful and independent. This is a critical situation that millions around the world are in because of poor teaching on this subject. Do not believe the lie of living within your means. You must live below your means to become successful. The successful know this and do it.

The following is a business that you can use to build your assets and it’s called It’s Good Business. This is a business built by Tom Prendergast CEO who is also CEO of Veretekk. It’s Good Business and Veretekk work together to build one of the best income producers that you can find on the internet. Don’t fall for the lies of the MLM companies that are best at producing failures. Don’t buy those worthless MLM Leads in the hopes of building a business, listen to Tom Prendergast as he tells you how you can buy customers instead of leads. Think about it, buying customers is purchasing assets. Remember I told you that an asset is a money producing thing. Each asset that you purchase is like a nugget laying machine, each month they will purchase products and your pay will be accordingly. This is a hard solid company with many years of successful business that has success written all over it. The people in this organization just don’t quit like they do in the MLM Companies. If you have any questions, just give me a call.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Leads | 33

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Just What Are The Laws Of Success?

To start with you must have the right goal; and how do you know that you have the right goal? Setting a right goal requires education and preparation; you have to learn to study and to be educated to be prepared. In other words you have to learn enough to choose the right goal.

Good health is a requirement for success. This requires a tremendous amount of discipline. You must learn to eat right, live right, think right, it all goes together. Books and books have been written on this subject.

Another thing you will need is drive. Without drive, your motor isn’t running and you aren’t moving forward with your lifes goals.

A vital objective is preparation for emergencies. As you know life is full of emergencies of all kinds and you must do your best to be prepared for them. A well organized life will go a long way in helping you to be prepared for accidents and other kinds of family emergencies. You must be resourceful and persevere.

Having guidance and continuous contact with God. This will establish you with status, money and material things. This will furnish you with purpose and your potential destiny. The answers to life itself—reveals the purpose of life—the laws that govern it—the answer to what is success, and how to achieve it! Learn to talk with God.

This has been a very brief outline to the Laws Of Success and I hope it will do you some good; you may not like what I have written but upon close evaluation you may understand the merits of these laws. If you get your spiritual house in order the rest will follow, however let me warn you, it takes a lot of self discipline to live right and become successful. You will find that the rewards are wonderful along with peace of mind which is priceless.

Now I would like to tell you about an internet business that is making headlines. It is called, It’s Good Business. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO tell you about building a sound business by buying customers instead of searching for and buying leads. You will find that buying MLM Leads will lead you into a life of frustration and failure. Why not investigate an alternate way of doing business. By doing this you will find yourself in the company of very successful internet business people and be making new friends that are able and willing to teach and mentor you to your success on the internet. Along with this you might visit the educational arm of It’s Good Business called Veretekk.

If you are having financial problems you might visit my friend Dr. Raymond Jewell who is a financial consultant. He also has a weekly radio program called Financial Freedom Radio that is very interesting and helpful.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

A Miracle Warning

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Leads | 32

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

Budgeting can be made simple, but it takes a little work to set it up; along with good records. Keeping track of your expenses is necessary to establish a good workable budget. Many years ago I learned that by taking 3 years of my expenses and itemize each category and come up with totals for each. For example food, I had a page with 3 columns, a column for each year, and listed the total for each month. When I finished the page for food, I had a work sheet for my budget for food. From that sheet I was able to establish the amount of money from each pay check that I needed to deposit into the bank for food. You need to build a sheet for each category and determine that amount for each. After you have reviewed your entire expenses you will have a workable budget. I knew exactly how much money I had to deposit each week into my check book to cover all of my expenses. I have used that method for years and it really works and once you have it working, it just takes a little tweaking to keep it in line. It is really a wonderful simple system. If you didn’t understand, read it over, and read it again. My phone number and Skype will be listed at the bottom, if you still don’t understand, give me a call and I will help you with it.

Right here I want to mention an expense that most people overlook and that is you must pay yourself. Some people call it savings. You must put a determined amount aside each pay period to save or pay yourself. This will eventually become one of your most valuable assets. Do not use your savings to acquire more liabilities, use it to acquire more assets. If you use your saving wisely they will become multiple streams of income. I define an asset as a thing that will produce money for you. A liability is a thing that will cost you money. Keep that clearly in mind. Do not fall for the big corporate lie, live within your means. If you expect to save you must live below your means. Our government and big business do not want us to save because we live in a debt economy which is another very large subject. At this time I would like you to become aware of a very good friend of mine, his name is Dr. Raymond Jewell, he is host to Financial Freedom Radio and is taking the world by storm. It divulges the areas where financial institutions and planners take advantage of unsuspecting consumers. The financial institutions are a depleted industry and have to extract cash from consumers to survive. Their plan of financial freedom is to live off the backs of the consumers. Don’t fall for the institutions insideous traps. Did you know that wealthy people have always lived below their means.

Now I have wonderful news for you, and that is how you can turn assets into more assets. There is a company on the internet called, It’s Good Business. Click on the link and listen to Tom Prendergast CEO tell you how you can buy customers instead of buying leads. When you purchase a customer you have just purchased an asset that will just keep producing money for you. You might think, oh I can’t do that, well if you are reading this article, I’m telling you that you can. Over the last decade Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk has produced one of the most powerful marketing systems ever known. It’s Good Business, and Veretekk together is creating head line news. I urge you to explore these links and take your time. There is a lot of information but do not let it overwhelm you. I am 76 years old and talk about overwhelmed. Three months ago when I started with Veretekk and It’s Good Business I was really swamped, but things have leveled out and taking shape. I am making money on the internet under the directions of the teachers and business people of Veretekk and It’s Good Business.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Leads | 31

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business:

If you are broke and need more money it is necessary that you increase your income. If you are at a point that you don’t have enough money to cover your expenses the solution of course is to increase your income. Nice statement but how on earth can you do that? The first guideline is that your project must be legal. An illegal operation for gain just won’t take you to success, you need a legal and moral operation to become really successful: First of all beware of make money scams. Site Review Authority claims that 98.3% of internet Make Money Sites Are Scams. Buyer beware!

Find out what your return on investment will be, and that won’t be easy to determine. You have to dig for that one.

What is the money making potential? This also can be elusive but you must find the answer to this.

How easy is it to use and implement?

What is your privacy protection?

How is customer service?

If you follow through with these inquiries you will find the answers, but it will take some time. This opportunity is probably one of a kind and the growth potential is large. I urge you to listen carefully to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business. He will give you information on the business of buying customers instead of leads. If you are tied into the rat race of purchasing MLM Leads and working with them in the hopes of developing a workable rep, I’m sure you have run into a lot of very bad leads; and I mean a lot. You have just come across an alternative to that in developing a wonderful viable business. Once you are established in this business, your business will not go away from you and you can continue to grow in size and income. I urge you to check it out, I love it and I’m sure you will also. Feel free to call me or skype me and I will help you to find answeres to the above questions.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

Monday, June 9, 2008

Leads | 30

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

It is starting out as a good day, but yesterday ended as a very good day; however we had several storms pass through my area and each time I had to shut down my computer or run the risk of loosing it. My last computer several years ago was lost due to being fried by lightning and I don’t want a repeat of that. Here in Florida during the summer time the weather is somewhat wild at times.

For the last few days I have been working on a problem with my IE Browser. I just couldn’t get it to work. I tried all the tricks that I knew and still could not get it to find it’s page. My oldest daughter has been visiting me from Michigan and I got her involved in helping me to solve the problem. Then she got her oldest daughter involved and she happens to be a computer whiz. We tried everything that they came up with but still the IE Browser just would not function properly. Finally out of desperation I deleted the IE Browser from my computer and was going to download a new one. I saw an IE Browser button on my tool bar and thought, what’s going on, so I clicked on it and the IE Browser loaded properly; and not only that it was working properly. Then when I shut down my computer for the day, my computer wanted to update Microsoft updates, so I allowed my computer to update. It then updated 4 IE changes. Everything that I know of is just fine and all I can say is I hate being beaten by my computer; but aren’t they wonderful.

Now I can talk to you about why I’m am on my computer. I want to tell you about this business called, It’s Good Business. I had a message all prepared for today, but was not satisfied with it, so this is going to be just a little late. A few months ago I started with It’s Good Business and I am already making money and have not had to call a single MLM Lead or any kind of business lead. I’m sure you are wondering how that can be. What I can say is that it’s easy, and not at all frustrating, I buy customers instead of leads and my business is growing, and is it ever. I started earning money the very first month and am very pleased with how everything is functioning. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of Veretekk and It’s Good Business as he tells you all about it.

I look forward to meeting you at the weekly meeting or at the classes offered free by Veretekk. There you will be able to hone your internet skills and meet some very successful internet business people. This has been a wonderful way for me to meet new people and make new friends.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone 941-343-3184
Skype bradley,vigansky

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Leads | 29

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

After checking MLM leads they will ask if you are tired of working with old, worn out, over-priced mlm leads or business opportunity leads that cost you good hard-earned money... but leave you empty-handed at the end of the day when it comes to sponsoring new distributors? Are you tired of rejection from friends and family who now seem to avoid your phone calls?

Chasing friends and family will eventually make you a charter member of the NFL Club... that's right... No Friends Left!

So How Do You Find Good Prospects For Your Business Opportunity?

Here is an answer that they won’t tell you. You don’t have to find customers. You can purchase customers instead of leads. Was that a curve ball? Not at all, there is a business out here that actually sells customers instead of leads and has been very-very successful for the last 8 years. They now have over 2 million very satisfied repeat customers. You can become a member of It’s Good Business and begin to actually earn money. Listen to Tom Prendergast CEO of It’s Good Business explain all about the business and how you can become a part of it. It will blow your mind away. Think how wonderful it will be, no cold calling of people that don’t know you, are not interested in you, don’t want to listen to you, some will get really rude to get rid of you. Imagine a business that does not require cold calls, you start making money right away, your business has tremendous growth potential. All the negative aspects of working with leads has suddenly disappeared for you if you follow through with Tom Prendergast CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk.

For myself It's Good Business has been the best thing that has happened to me. I am associated with successful people, and continuing education and learning new things. It’s really wonderful. Don’t tell me you are too old, I’m 76, nearly 77 and still studying, if I can do that, so can you. Just brush off the dust and cobwebs and hit the books. You’ll really enjoy it when you begin to see improvement in your income. It’s really great. It will keep you in a good attitude and eager to greet each day.

Thank you for reading my blog; Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradlley.vigansky

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Leads | 28

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business:

The following is the Wikipedia Encyclopedia definition of jealousy: Jealousy typically refers to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival. This rival may or may not know that he or she is perceived as a threat by you.

When you perceive that you have any indication of jealousy of another person you need to immediately rip those thoughts out of your mind, step on the throat and destroy it. Do not let it become a part of you. Jealousy is a mild form of insanity and will destroy you if you dwell on it and allow it to control your life and actions. Replace those thoughts with deliberate constructive thinking. Avoid people that are of this destructive nature, they will tear you down along with themselves if you allow it. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to get immediate control of your personal jealousy; even to the point of seeking psychological help. It is really that serious. You cannot get even if you pursue that kind of reasoning. In order to get even with a person it will require you to clean out your own closet. Begin to treat that person like you want to be treated. If you don’t think that will work, just try it. Here again I want to quote one of my favorite passages that I have used as a guide in my life from Proverbs 25:21 If your enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink: 22 For you will heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward you.

Meditate on those words and consider how powerful they are. Just think about who is on your side and line up with the winner. It’s a terrible thing to fall under the wrath of God. Why not be on his side? It’s easier that way. God is patient with you otherwise he would have destroyed you long ago. He is waiting for you.

It’s wonderful to be on the winning side of business. I want to introduce you to Tom Prendergast who is CEO of It’s Good Business and Veretekk. He will show you the how’s and why’s of why it’s better to buy customers than to buy leads. You will find that business leads and MLM leads is a big business of itself. The sale of MLM Leads is an insidious way of business. Buying leads is buying tons of work in the hopes of finding good customers. In the MLM industry it’s their way of duplicating and keeping up with their failure rate which is over 95 percent. That’s why you see the MLM companies come and go. They haven’t learned the good principles of life. Join with a group of people that are successful internet business people and will mentor and instruct you how you too can become very successful on the internet. Do you have the time? Click Here.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype: bradley.vigansky

Friday, June 6, 2008

Leads | 27

Good Morning: It’s a good day because it’s good business.

What is Send Out Cards? I am a member of Send Out Cards and I like the product. I like the ability to Send Out Cards right from my computer. Their product and service is wonderful and it saves me time and money. It costs me just about a dollar to send a greeting card with my message in my hand writing right from my computer. They have thousands of nice cards of all varieties to choose from. I select the card, write the message, click ok and a card will be mailed, US postal mail, in a couple days my friend will receive the card. I don’t even have to go to the post office to mail the card. If you are a card sender you could save yourself a lot of time and money just by using their service. Only one problem, I am not trying to build a business with Send Out Cards. The reason being is that I buy customers instead of leads.

Yes mother, there is a better way to build a business. Let me tell you a little about it. A few months ago I heard about this business called It’s Good Business. This is a company that allows you to purchase customers and build a happy customer base already sold on the products. So this will give you income right from the start. If you want more income, just buy more customers. No kidding, I get paid twice a month. Click here and listen to Tom Prendergast go into much more detail on how this all works.

In addition to being CEO of It’s Good Business, Tom Prendergast is also CEO of Veretekk. Veretekk is the educational facilities of It’s Good Business. It is a business like no other that you have seen. It’s a 10+ years old proven successful business whose purpose is to teach people how to develop their internet business and become successful. I urge you to sign up for Veretekk Silver and investigate. It will take a little time to review and evaluate. Believe me it will be one of the best things you will ever do in trying to build your business. Veretekk has over one hundred experienced internet business people that are also teachers and are qualified successful internet business people. I think you will find that they are some of the nicest people that you will ever meet. Their classes are live and recorded, so you can advance pretty much at your own pace. I hope to see you in some of the classes.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
Skype bradley.vigansky