Friday, February 29, 2008

The Awesome Mind

Good Morning Everybody: The mind is an awesome thing and it is designed to learn from our experiences. Sad to say some of us are more fortunate than others and are able to learn and benefit from all experiences. Others allow what I will call bad experiences to turn them into very negative individuals. Nature teaches us that there is a polarity in the world that keeps us in balance. For up, there is down, right and left, in and out, ok. Before we walk we must learn this law of nature that there is a balance. Our minds are genius in knowing how to learn to balance our bodies so that we can stand and maintain our posture in a way that is acceptable and successful walking and getting around. Before babies walk they spend months watching us and not realizing that they are wiring their system to be able to walk and within about 6 months to a year, viola, we have a little one pulling their bodies up and beginning to take steps. To me in my old age that is still exciting to witness a babies first steps. The excitement of that child is contagious; and I would like to add they don’t care who knows it. They know they have reached a goal that they have been working on for months. In a few days those little ones are off exploring the world, how exciting. Where are those steps going?

What I am trying to say is, “It is exciting to learn new things that we can use and be of a benefit to us.” That’s the way it should be. I would like to point out that our bad experiences can be and should be beneficial. Your mind is awesome and is a wonderful store house of knowledge. Learn to use it.

If you have the interest in expanding your horizons, I have just the thing for you. Here is a doorway, walk through it.
Just click on this link and have a wonderful experience.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A New Program

Hello Everybody: I’m back. I have had a very busy past few days. Have you ever been caught in the internet stream? It’s like a fast flowing river out here and if you don’t swim, you will drown in the changing tide. While out here swimming I find a lot of interesting things and every now and then some of them of real value and cutting edge come to the surface. This brings me to my topic.

I want to tell you a little about a new program out there that is absolutely fabulous; and for me it‘s the beginning of another exciting adventure. My whole life has been filled with one exciting adventure after another, but that would take a few books and I don‘t intend to write a book. I know that I have quite a lot of work to do to get organized and I like to stay organized. I don’t always succeed but I do try. Every once in a while in order to accommodate a new system it takes a little reorganizing and hopefully everything will turn out better.

Here is a link that you can go to and start your own exciting journey; and believe me it will be exciting. I could go on and on but the best thing is to test the water for yourself. Don’t just take my word. Follow this link, just click on it.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Trash: Mail and Phone Calls

Good Morning Everybody, Today I’m going to gripe:

I have three favorite gripes. They are 1) Telephone Solicitation at evening times, which to me is family time. 2) Junk Mail. It seems like I fill my waste basket every day. 3) Unwanted papers and fliers on my lawn and driveway. (More trash.)

Number One; Do you get calls that there is nobody on the other end? Well, this could be a technique that some telemarketers use for obtaining times when you are home to answer the phone. Then these records are used to determine when a live person could call and get you. To remedy this situation for you, when you notice no one on the line click your # symbol several times rapidly, this will confuse the machine and kick your number out of their list. Oh my! How awful! (Smirf, Laugh, Ha Ha)

Then you have a live person on the line, very quickly say, “Hold on a minute”, and then very quickly lay the phone down. When you come back and hear the phone, “Beep beep beep”, just hang up.

Let’s bring these boiler rooms to a screaming halt. Those are terrible places to work. I have done it and hated every minute of it; and the pay was pathetic. Although at times there was a laugh or two.

Number Two; Junk mail. What to do with junk mail. I fill up my trash container with junk mail. You talk about spam. Oh! Forbid to compare it to spam. Oh My! One good remedy is to insert your junk mail into some of the free envelopes and send the envelope back with your junk mail. Be sure to remove any reference to you from your junk mail. Or you could return their own junk mail. This will cost them dearly. It would double their mailing costs for postage. They would be paying for it twice. In order to stop this we need to overwhelm them with their own junk.

Number Three; Before I close I would like to ask, does anybody have a comment on how to stop flier and paper delivery on my lawn and driveway. Is there a legal way to get it returned to sender? I know some people like them, but I hate them, that's just trash that I have to dispose. Could I save them and return them to the lawn of the sender? I'm sure I would be arrested for littering if I did that kind of thing.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Money Making Opportunities

Good Morning Everybody: Money Making Companies. The following list of companies are some that are doing quite well. To go into detail at this time would be too time consuming. If you spot any that look interesting, just click on the hyperlink. Most of these are not free to join companies, however if you like their product, you might consider becoming affiliated with them. I have many companies that I am affiliated with and will be publishing a list of these affiliates. Hopefully in a day or two. It might take me two or three days to get to them all. There is quite a list. In the could go here. Instructions are there telling you how to access my affiliate sites. Or better yet, you could go here and page through my rotator; you do that by refreshing the page, that w mean time if you are interested you could go to my web site. Just click here.

Burn Your Lists
Free Viral Advertising (MLM)

MLM Networking Club
Private Millionaire
Send Out Cards
The Seven Great Lies About MLM

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Veretekk - What is it?

Hello Everybody: I want to talk about one of my favorite subjects. Veretekk. This is a cutting edge company that has been around a few years and very successful on the internet. Don’t pass this by, you really need to evaluate it. Not a casual evaluation but a very close scrutiny of it. There is a lot there and it will carry you a long way.
Join for FREE and see...
The best news is we have made the Veretekk system free. Veretekk Silver is a limited version of the hallmark Veretekk Gold system. It allows you to become orientated as to how the Veretekk system works, getting the Live training and seeing the results. However, only Gold gives you customization and full access so when you're ready to take on the full power you can upgrade. Otherwise, you're at no risk or out of pocket. Gold gives you full compensation commissions too.
Tell Me More, tell me more....
OK, we will tell you more! The following reveals even more of the details and thorough attention given to make Veretekk a marketing system that will never be found anywhere else. First of all, Veretekk was built by some of the most successful Internet Marketers ever to be on the Internet. But this system was built for them to use, so you know it works, and pay attention, every little detail is addressed. The same guys are available to teach you how to use it too. These guys make themselves available live by phone and in our Live Training system, 7 days a week. You are not alone with Veretekk. Now lets get down to the details. For example, the eBooks that the system makes available for you to give away......
Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity, the cost to you is your time only. No out of pocket expense to join.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Gateway Business Builder and Hyper Links

Today I want to talk about my website My Gateway Business Builder. Think of this site as being an entrance into the magical world of the internet. It is just a stopping post to where you are going. It has 8 exits, or if you will entrances into many areas of business. Six entrances are to my rotators, each of which has many sites to visit. The first rotator that we will visit today is my favorite Traffic Exchanges. The rotator to access is here. Just click here.
When you access the rotator it will rotate all of my exchanges that I use regularly. When a page comes up and you are finished reading it, just refresh the page and it will bring up the next exchange. Feel free to sign up; they are all free to join. Here is a list of my favorite exchanges, instead of going to my rotator you can go to each one separately from my list. Just click on the desired link. The following list is composed of hyper links. Put your mouse over the desired link and right click and it will display a little menu and at the bottom you can right click on the hyperlink button and it will display an Edit Hyper link data that allows you to change the hyperlink or read the actual link for taking you to the web site. This is a very interesting tool that is very valuable to use and know about. You can create your own hyperlinks on Microsoft Works Word Processor. If you are going to create your own articles and publish your own web site and blogs for this purpose it is very important to know how to create your own hyperlinks. Click here for a clear definition of hyperlink. There you will find the history and very valuable information about hyperlinks. Now on to my Traffic Exchanges. See the list below.

Advertising Know How, Dragon Surf, Easy Hits 4 U,
E Traffic Freedom, Free Surf Hits, Hit 2 Hit, Hit Pirate,Hit Safari,
New Way Surf, Raining Traffic, Royal Surf, Start X Change, Top Surfer, Trade My Page,
Traffic Era, Traffic Round Up, Traffic Splash,
Web Biz Insider, Web Centre Surf, Web Master Quest .

My objective here of course is to build my business as well as give you an outline and a pattern on how your could construct your own internet business. It is a good way to get your system organized and a pattern to follow. As time continues I do intend to add more segments to my business builder. Tomorrow if time permits and I can hold up, I will continue with additional segments of My Gateway Business Builder. It will take a while. I would also like to mention here that if you are really serious about building a business on the internet I encourage to get involved with Veretekk. Veretekk is an educational business and a very good one and you can get started with Veretekk for free. They hold free live and recorded training classes. Now you can’t beat that price.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Monday, February 18, 2008

Auswahl mit beiden Händen

When growing up on a farm in Southern Michigan during the 1930's and 1940's, we spent time workinng out in my Grand-mothers berry patches. I was a little guy at the time but I can remember her favorite saying was Auswahl mit beiden Händen in English it is pick with both hands; or she would say Arbeit mit beiden Händen which is to say; work with both hands. I remember those lessons well. She was a very industrious lady, she had to be she had 17 children. My Dad was among the younger set. The sad part of this little story is that my Grand-mother outlived 11 of her children, one of that 11 being my Father. He died at a very young age of 34.

I really got a little off the track, but I wanted to relate this to the job of surfing traffic exchanges. If you don’t surf with both hands you are wasting a lot of time. There is a method of surfing that can increase your productivity by at least 40 percent. It just takes a little discipline and practice. I dare say that by the end of the day you will never go back to surfing with one hand.

Prior to surfing it is important to have your computer running well
and you can refer to my blog title, How is your PC running? Slow and sluggish. This will help you in getting your computer well and up and running fast.

For surfing I personally prefer using the Firefox Browser, I am assuming you know how to set up tab browsing. Just click the link to download your Firefox Browser, it’s free.

The Procedure For Surfing Fast: Get comfortable and go:

Number 1. Place you left thumb on the Ctrl key hold and place your index finger on the tab. This will advance the tab. Be sure you are comfortable and relaxed.

Number 2. With the mouse in your right hand left click the TE surf bar selecting the correct response to advance to the next site for this TE. Repeat step 2. You are in the “Circle 2 Step Dance of Surfing”.

When you start, just take it slowly it will take a few pages to get used to; however I guarantee if you keep it up, you will love it and it will save your mouse arm from fatigue. It is really great. “Work with both hands.” If you spend 3 hours a day surfing, I’m sure you could cut it down to the very minimum of 2 hours. Or if you prefer, your 3 hours of surfing would be much more productive. Actually you probably could cut your required time required to surf in half. If you surf 6 days a week at 3 hours a day that would mean a savings of 7 to 9 hours. Now that’s a full day of work that you could cut out each week. You figure it out, in a years time that would be a tremendous time savings.

I am left handed and I use a right handed mouse. I have no idea how this could work with a person using a left handed mouse. Since you live in a right handed world, do as the Romans. What you would be doing would be considered almost ambidextrous. Give it a shot, the time savings is really worth a day or two getting used to it. In the past I have had to learn how to operate many right handed machines, I know it can be done. Of course if you don’t have the use of both hands, this would not work. I remember having to post from an adding machine. I astonished one of my co-workers because I keyed with my right hand and entered the posted item by pen into a ledger with my left hand. He interrupted me and asked me how I did that. I told him, "Practice".

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Letter To My Sister

Good Morning Everybody: Today my blog is going to be a letter that I wrote to my Sister that lives in Fort Worth Texas. I wrote and asked her if she minded if I posted it to my blog. She answered go for it.

Hello Janet: You have interrupted my work; LOL. Now that I got your attention, while going through my emails this morning there was an email from Veretekk and there were a couple blips that I want to share with you in view of the discussion we have had about writing and developing a news letter. Here is a copy of what I read. I took the liberty of adding the underlining and color just for focus. There is really a lot of information in those 2 items.

3. Articles - Expose your expertise! While article writing is not easy, it is an extremely valuable asset to your site. By writing, you are creating unique content found nowhere else and we all know how much search engines love that! It also gives you another way of explaining a product or service without coming off as a sales pitch. Another added benefit of writing articles is that it's a great way to naturally grow the size of your site in an organic way, and will in turn, make your site become a "hub" of relevant information in regards to your industry. You will also learn this in many of our trainings.

4. Newsletters - This should be your site's bread and butter. The people who have signed up for your newsletter already feel that your site was worth their time to give you their email address, so these people have already placed some trust and value into what you have to say. The newsletter is where you can promote new products and services to interested users without risking any intrusiveness factors. This is the best place to make a sales pitch to your perspective readers! Can you say, "The Bully Pulpit?"

These comments are implying that you already have a web site. Which you really don't need, but it would be a real asset if you are to write a weekly comments type news letter. Personally I think a good way to start is like what I am doing right now. I would like to outline what that is. I think it's a good outline. As a matter of fact I think I will post it to my blog. If you want to see my blog go to my web site. There is a button under my picture that will take you to my blog. I think you might find it interesting. Not necessary to follow, but to see an example of how you could do your web site and blog.

1. Start composing with Microsoft Works Word Processor. You have studied English, grammar, spelling and maybe writing; however if you would do your entire writing using word composer it would really sharpen up your writing.

2. You can set up a wesite for free. On it you could display a sample of your news letter.

3. You could set up a blog for free with Google. There you could post to it on a daily basis and that way it would be recognized by the search engines. There is a way to do this and it would bring your search engine rankings of your web site up. There is a free class to teach you how to do this at Veretekk.

There that's about it. If you would be interested in the Veretekk classes, I will send you a link or you can find the link to it in my blogs. I believe you have a great deal to offer in writing and I think the daily blog would develop that; if you use the word processor technique that I mentioned. It might be better if you started with blogging first, although I think they should go hand in hand. At first it might seem like a lot of work but once you get it set up it would be duck soup for you.

Love, Brad.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Saturday, February 16, 2008

How is your PC running? Slow and sluggish.

How is your PC running? Slow and sluggish. There are a couple products out there that are absolutely a must for anybody with a computer. The first one is absolutely free and worth every penny. I use it daily, that’s right daily and only takes a couple minutes to run. It’s a real wiz. Be sure to take the quick tour, it will teach you how to use it. It’s really easy to use. Just go here

The next item I want to talk about is speeding up your computer and making it blazing fast; is a computer geeks production by Kris Mainieri. It will cost you only ten bucks and worth many times more than that. When you finish applying his instructions your computer will run like a well maintained Cadillac. It will be about 30 pages on a PDF file. I printed mine out so I could make notes while following his directions. Well worth the time and cost. Order Here.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Friday, February 15, 2008

Traffic Exchanges

I would like to talk abut Traffic Exchanges. Some are really great and others not so great. They know who they are. I just want to get some gripes of mine posted to let them know how some people feel about them. First I will say that Start X Change is my favorite surfing exchange. I just like them and can appreciate the work that Tim Linden has done in developing his organization. I am an old programmer and I understand programming in the business world. It’s time consuming and very meticulous work attending to minute detail. My hat is off to that young man for the Job Well Done. If you would like to see my favorite exchanges just click on the link and it will bring up my file of favorite exchanges and some not so favorite. Then when the first page comes up just click on the refresh button to cycle through my pages of Exchanges. I’ll write a blog later on the gripes of some of my not so favorite exchanges. I won’t give any names though but you might recognize some of them just from the gripe. Another area that I would like to gripe is the Viral Advertising, the good and the not so good.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Something New Out There

Something new out there. At this time of our way of life the expenses are eating us alive because of some rouges in our government. Well there is a new company called Magic Jack.
Businesses are ordering them right and left. Now be seated because this is going to blow you away. You get billed once a year from this company for $19.95. No you aren’t dreaming, this is a reality and the phones are available now from Magic Jack What a dream come true. It can be ordered from this company for $49. plus cents. Your first year charge is included with the purchase of the phone. Since you are reading this I assume you have a computer because it is designed to be hooked into your computer. I am not selling the phone, I’m just getting even with the old phone companies, which I have hated how they have robbed me and all of the public. I can’t wait for the car that runs on water. It actually exists and will probably be available not too long from now. Go here and here to learn more. Just think, with the money you could save with your phone bill you could boot strap yourself into your new business, or give your old business a shot in the arm.
Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why Blog

Good Morning Everybody: Now, if I can get this to work, that will make me happy. Today I want to talk about blogs and if you engage in the internet business you will be interested. My question has always been “Why blog?”. Well, I learned a very valuable lesson from Butch Hamilton, in addition on how to set up a blog; he told me that the reason you should blog is that search engines with there spiders crawl all over your blog and after about 30 to 90 days your ranking of your website will go way up. That is if you post to it every day. Butch holds live lessons twice a week though the Veretekk system and it is free. He will show you how to set up your blog so that this will happen. If you are in the internet business and are not blogging (you can blog for free at Google). If you are not a member of Veretekk I urge you enroll in their free system. At first it is overwhelming, but it just takes a little time getting used to it. They are very good.

Thank you for reading my blog. Brad Vigansky

Monday, February 11, 2008


February 11, 2008, 1:40 PM

This is my first blog posting and I would like to thank Butch Hamilton for his lessons in getting my blog set up and running. Thanks Butch. I would also like to thank my grand-daughter Julie Sharma for setting up my web-site. These two people have been a very great inspiration to me. Now I plan on setting up a biography to let you all know who I am and what I’m about. In the meantime you could see a little of my work by visiting my web-site. Also if you are interested in learning how to use the internet for a business, I suggest you visit this location. There you will have facilities that are truly great and cutting edge. The classes are live, recorded and free.

Thank you for reading my blog.
Bradley Vigansky